Hallelujah! We are planning to return to Nigeria for a visit late in 2023!🙌
God has given Boggs Family Ministries a great opportunity to partner with Pastor E. Ade Shobanke to promote the Gospel Message in Nigeria and to come alongside the men of God that work for the cause of Christ there. We have nothing we consider "Ours." That is not our goal at all, but we count it a great privilege to assist such Godly men.
This Missions page has many pictures and details from our trips to Nigeria and links to many of the posts from there.
The picture below is Bro. Shobanke with all of his Pastors in November 2018. I have listed their names and the churches they serve from left to right.
Pastor Matthew Erinola-Mile 2 Ayetoro Rd, Pastor Steven Balogun-Mile 2 Ayetoro Rd, Pastor Ajose Posu-Osara Rd, Pastor Taiwo Oyenekan-Sare Village, Pastor John Obadimu-Sare Village, Pastor Moses Onifade-Osara Rd, Evangelist Raphel Ashefon-Kemta Main Church, Pastor Isaiah Sajowa-Saje Branch, Pastor John Ajayi-Saje Branch, Pastor Sunday Joseph Babatunde-Kemta Main Church, Pastor Festus Osoko-Kemta Main Church, Pastor Samuel Bamidele-Kemta Main Church, Pastor Dr. Isaac Hunyinbo-Kemta Main Church, General Overseer, E. Ade Shobanke
This is a great group of men. They take care of all the daily needs of the churches and Bro. Shobanke provides spiritual oversight.
HERE is the summary of our November/December 2018 trip to Nigeria.
HERE is the summary of our November 2016 trip to Nigeria.
The Minister's Conference at Christ Ambassadors Holiness Church in November 2018
Our visit to GoodNews Christian School in 2018
Bro. Shobanke and Kelly Jo 2016
Gospel Crusade 2016 In Abeokuta

Kelly Jo, Bro. Shobanke and Davy 11/2013
Bro. Shobanke and Davy 12/2012
Bro. Shobanke and Davy 11/2009

Bro. Shobanke trying on Davy's Coat.

Bro. Shobanke left his hometown and went by faith to Abeokuta, Ogun State over 40 years ago with the purpose of raising up a Pentecostal Church. God honored that faith and commitment through the years. Bro. Shobanke has influenced thousands of lives for Christ. He has been used to raise up several Pentecostal Churches that are dedicated to winning souls and to preaching the message of Pentecost and holiness.
This page has a good deal of information. Among other things you will find an opportunity to support the work in Nigeria, links to pictures, descriptions of our acquaintance with Bro. Shobanke, our trips to Nigeria and a description of what God is doing there. I hope you will take the time today or in the future to read it all.
We are grateful to be one of many preachers from America to have had the opportunity to preach in Bro. Shobanke's pulpit. We are thrilled to partner with him in various projects as God provides. Through God's grace and the kindness of churches and individuals in the USA it has been possible to provide support for many Pastors, Evangelists and Churches, provide funds to help launch a Christian school and help in constructing a Church along with several other needs.
We have committed to on going support of the Christian School which is vital in places where public school is virtually nonexistent. It is a great tool to win souls and turn Nigeria for Christ. They have an opportunity to influence hundreds of children that might otherwise be unreachable.
If you would like to contribute to the works, churches and preachers in Nigeria you can send your support to the address below. Put Nigeria in the memo and it will go directly to the needs of the churches in Nigeria. Unless you specifically request otherwise, not one dime will ever be spent for our expenses concerning Nigeria but will go to the people of Nigeria 100%.
Boggs Family Ministries Inc. is a 501c3 so your gift could be tax deductible in the USA. If you need a receipt please let us know when you send your gift.
Boggs Family Ministries
P.O. Box 28
Waynesville, OH 45068
In 2006 Pastor Shobanke was in the USA preaching and Pastor James Fellers brought him to a revival we were conducting in Neosho, Missouri. After the service Pastor Shobanke invited our family to Nigeria to preach a Gospel Crusade and Ministers Conference. I actually laughed Bro. Shobanke off because I thought he was kidding me. I could not imagine us traveling all the way to Nigeria. The great expense, the terribly long plane ride and the time it would take away from revivals here were enough to make a trip like that seem utterly impossible.
The next day I found out Bro. Shobanke was serious in his invitation for all three of us to travel to Nigeria. That night we talked it over as a family and immediately sensed that God was in this invitation. We began to make plans that very day to go.
After a year of preparations, we traveled to Abeokuta, Nigeria as a family for 10 days in November-December 2007. Bro. Shobanke had planned a Ministers Conference inside of his church during the day and an outdoor Gospel Crusade on the crusade grounds next to his church at night. I was also blessed and honored to preach in Bro. Shobanke's church, Christ Ambassadors Holiness Church during their regular Sunday Morning service.
Ministers and Church Workers attending Ministers Conference
Christ Ambassadors Holiness Church
Outdoor Gospel Crusade
Altar Service
To say the least, we were overwhelmed by the move of God in every service. From that very first service on Sunday Morning in Bro. Shobanke's church I knew we were right in the middle of God's will for that week. The folks responded to every message by flooding the altars and praying for nearly an hour and sometimes longer. In the Ministers Conference, the ministers and church workers were in the altar begging God to give them boldness to live and preach holiness and to be the servants that God had called them to be.
In the Gospel Crusade the people came forward almost as one and sought God and God saved and healed.
We returned to Abeokuta, Nigeria for a 16 day trip in November-December 2009. We repeated the same format as before with a Ministers Conference in the morning inside Bro. Shobanke's church and a Gospel Crusade at night next to the church. We also ministered in 2 branch churches in different parts of Abeokuta. Bro. Lawrence is the Pastor in one of these branch churches assisted by Bro. Steven. Bro. Isaiah Pastors the other branch church assisted by Bro. Amos. Bro. Israel is assistant to Bro. Shobanke. All of these men work very closely in submission to Bro. Shobanke's leadership.
We also traveled to Ibadan which is an even larger city than Abeokuta and did it all over again. We held the Ministers Conference at His Grace Evangelical Church. The Pastor was Bro. Samuel Babrinde.
The Gospel Crusade was held at Landmark Christ Mission. Bro. Stephnen Kuye is the Pastor at Landmark. Bro. Kuye has worked with Bro. Shobanke for many years and pioneered Landmark Christ Mission right in the middle of a Muslim neighborhood. God has blessed his efforts. He told me that 80% of his congregation are converted Muslims. That is awesome!
The small church you see above was replaced recently by a much larger church. They had the block walls built and by the grace of God we were able to supply the finance to put the roof on. They have since poured the floor, tore the little church down, made other improvements and are having church in the new building. Praise God.
We returned to Nigeria in December of 2012. I preached a Minister's conference in Christ Ambassadors Holiness Church Abeokuta.
I was also blessed to preach in Bro. Kuye's church in Ibadan. That is the church I mentioned above that we left the offering for the roof. The church is not completely finished but it is very nice and we were greatly blessed in the service. We sent some money for this church in 2013 and they added some beautiful exterior doors.
I also preached an outdoor Gospel Crusade on the site of their future branch church of Osara Rd. outside of Abeokuta. The crusade was successful and Bro. Shobanke announced that services would begin there the following Sunday in their uncompleted building.
In 2013 we helped raise funds to complete the new church branch on Osara Rd. and Kelly Jo and I traveled there in November, 2013 to dedicate the new building.
We have visited the GoodNews Christian School several times and it is always a tremendous blessing to us. This is the school we have invested in since its inception and plan to continue supporting as much as possible going into the future.

New classrooms under construction in November 2016

Completed classrooms January 2017


During our visit in November 2016 the students conducted an elaborate program and they also presented Kelly and I with medallions as the Patron and Matron of the school.

We have much more information about all of our Nigeria trips right here on this blog. I think we have hundreds of Nigeria posts and you will find all those posts Here. The link will take you to the newest post on Nigeria and you can go backward from the there to the start date of the blog in November, 2009.
Please continue to pray for the country of Nigeria and the Holiness Churches specifically. If you would like to contribute to the spread of the gospel in Nigeria you will find that information at the top of this page.
The small church you see above was replaced recently by a much larger church. They had the block walls built and by the grace of God we were able to supply the finance to put the roof on. They have since poured the floor, tore the little church down, made other improvements and are having church in the new building. Praise God.
We returned to Nigeria in December of 2012. I preached a Minister's conference in Christ Ambassadors Holiness Church Abeokuta.
I was also blessed to preach in Bro. Kuye's church in Ibadan. That is the church I mentioned above that we left the offering for the roof. The church is not completely finished but it is very nice and we were greatly blessed in the service. We sent some money for this church in 2013 and they added some beautiful exterior doors.
I also preached an outdoor Gospel Crusade on the site of their future branch church of Osara Rd. outside of Abeokuta. The crusade was successful and Bro. Shobanke announced that services would begin there the following Sunday in their uncompleted building.
In 2013 we helped raise funds to complete the new church branch on Osara Rd. and Kelly Jo and I traveled there in November, 2013 to dedicate the new building.
We have visited the GoodNews Christian School several times and it is always a tremendous blessing to us. This is the school we have invested in since its inception and plan to continue supporting as much as possible going into the future.
New classrooms under construction in November 2016
Completed classrooms January 2017


During our visit in November 2016 the students conducted an elaborate program and they also presented Kelly and I with medallions as the Patron and Matron of the school.

We have much more information about all of our Nigeria trips right here on this blog. I think we have hundreds of Nigeria posts and you will find all those posts Here. The link will take you to the newest post on Nigeria and you can go backward from the there to the start date of the blog in November, 2009.
Please continue to pray for the country of Nigeria and the Holiness Churches specifically. If you would like to contribute to the spread of the gospel in Nigeria you will find that information at the top of this page.