Showing posts with label Alcapulco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alcapulco. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2025

Foodie Friday 2/21/25

 Hey Friends,

Last week on Foodie Friday, here, I shared a favorite food memory with my Dad that he capture on video.

Well, the very next day we visited another family favorite buffet. He videoed that experience and shared it too. 

We loved Berry’s Seafood Buffet! They had a place to park the bus, the food is wonderful and the atmosphere is great! We stopped, whenever possible. Maybe Mom and I can go back soon! 

I thought it was fitting to share the video here for this week's Foodie Friday installment. I hope you enjoy.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, February 7, 2025

Foodie Friday 2/7/25

 Hey Friends,

Thanks for joining me for Foodie Friday. This week, we visited one of our favorite places a couple of times. Can you guess where?

Ding ding ding, you got it right! Alcapulco is the correct answer.  

We love their salsa, food and our friends that work there! Remembering Dad’s love for Alcapulco when we go there feels good!

On Tuesday, we had lunch with our cousins Teresa and Trinity. We had been trying to get together for a while, and thankfully, it worked out this time. We had a great lunch and visit with them!

Thursday we were out running an errand with Mamaw and Papaw. Somehow our car sensed we were hungry, and the navigation took us to Alcapulco. 

Sorry not sorry for your sudden craving of good mexican food! 🤣 The food tasted even better than it looked!

Thanks for reading see you next time. 

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Recent Food Family And Fun Memories

Hey Friends,

We have had a lot of family time in recent weeks. Family has always been a blessing I treasure, but now I am even more grateful for my family.

I have found myself living in the moment and not snapping pictures of every moment for the blog. You know Dad's motto, "if there's not any pictures then there is no proof it ever happened." I do have a few photos to share with you today from my camera roll. 

I hope you enjoy seeing my Recent Food, Family And Fun Memories.


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Alcapulco Is Now Known As Unclepopo

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in for this Tuesday. Mom and I are still doing good, by God’s grace. We definitely have our moments. We feel like our new reality of life without Dad is not real! God gives us strength for each moment. 

We greatly appreciate the prayers from our family and friends. All of your calls, text emails and comments have encourages us immensely!

Saturday we met Aunt Karen and some of the family for lunch at Alcapulco.

Little Miss Chloe Jean gave the restaurant a new name. It is now known as Unclepopo. We think that is a fitting name, in memory of Uncle Davy The Great.

Uncle Davy taught Chloe Jean to love salsa at Alcapulco. She still loves it, and he was so proud of his accomplishment.

The salsa and food were extra good on Saturday!

It was to cold for an outside group photo. Charlie and Chloe wanted a picture with the horse. 

Thanks for stopping by to visit. 