Showing posts with label DRPC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DRPC. Show all posts

Monday, March 24, 2025

Weekend Wrap Up 3/24/25

Hey Friends,

Can you believe the pace at which we are zooming through March? To me, it seems like the month just began yesterday, and now we are in the last week of it.

We had a fabulous weekend full of family, friends, fun and church! I think that’s an excellent recipe for a wonderful weekend! 

Let’s rewind to Thursday. We met our wonderful family/friends, Pastor E.J., Sis. Lacey, Reese, Carter, Hudson and Stella Lamb for lunch. 

Most of you will not be surprised at our lunch of choice. Yes, we went to Acapulco, which was as good as ever! The fellowship was even better! We love this family so dearly. I always leave feeling refreshed when we spend time with them! They have a way of cheering me up!

It was the first day of spring, but the weather did not get the notification. It was quite cold. I even saw a few snowflakes! That did not stop me from enjoying a free ice cream to celebrate the first day of spring at our local Dairy Queen. We enjoyed it from me inside of our heated car with the heated seats on! It sure tasted good

As I mentioned in Yesterday’s Sunday Sanity post, we went to our home church at DRPC. bro. Andrew Blevins preached, and it was great to be in service with our church family!

On Friday, I was not hitting on all eight cylinders; my head was throbbing. I chose to spend the day at home resting. Mom went to visit some of our family that evening, and she did not take any pictures. 

Saturday morning we visited with some more of our family. It was great to see all of them! Thankfully, I felt much better. 

Saturday night found us a little less than an hour away. I found that the Martins were going to be in concert. We have always enjoyed the Martins music for many many years. They were just as good as ever! I will share more about that in a later post. 

Sunday morning we were back at DRPC. Our Pastor taught a wonderful Sunday school lesson. 

I snapped a few photos during service. I could not pass up an opportunity to document my cousin Katie behind the Bible stand. 😂

The kids choir. 

Then we were blessed to hear Bro. J.R. Alexander preach. It was great to have Bro. J.R. And Sis. Teresa home visiting. 

Sunday evening, we were in service at The Anchor of Hope in Lebanon, Ohio.
we love our friends at The Anchor so much! 

A few months ago, Pastor E.J. Lamb asked us to come and sing and Uncle Danny Morgan to preach. The Lord blessed us with a wonderful service! Uncle Danny preached really really good! Mom and I were blessed to be part of the service!

I will wrap up this post with my pictures from Sunday night. See you all tomorrow!


Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sunday Sanity 3/23/25

 Hey Friends,

Welcome to another Lord's Day. I hope the Lord blesses us all with a wonderful day! Today is a gift, and I do not want to take it for granted!

Thank you, Lord, for waking me up this morning. You are great and worthy of praise!

Here is something to ponder as you go about your day. Bro. Andrew Blevins was preaching Thursday night at our church. He preached wonderfully on David and “The Promoting of God.” He made a statement that stuck out to me.

“David did not name his success after himself. He named them after his God.” Evangelist Andrew Blevins

- Waynesville, Ohio

David was blessed with many successes in his life, but he did not rely on his success. David knew that his success came from God! He'll followed the prompting of God in his life. Because he allowed God to direct his path, he was blessed, protected, and successful! 

I have been thinking since Thursday night about this, David was human. He had his own struggles in life, but he succeeded. He survived because he allowed God to help him.That is something that I needed to be reminded of. I want to follow the prompting of God in my life, and to be open to God's guidance!

See you tomorrow!


Monday, March 17, 2025

Weekend Wrap Up 3/17/25

 Hey Friend,

I hope you had a fabulous weekend. We were blessed with a great weekend at home. Here is just a sneak peek. 

On Saturday, we stayed close to the house. Mom and Papaw worked on a project. I was not outside to take pictures; I was working inside. 

Then, Mom put together a cube shelf for the living room and another for her room. I tried to help when I could. At least, maybe I was moral support. 

Sunday due to heavy rain  we went next door to Dodds for their morning service. It was great to see family and friends! Then we went to dinner with several family members, including my Uncle Jay's parents. The family time was wonderful!

Sunday night we were back home at Dryden Road. It was wonderful to be with our church family once again! We had a great service. Our pastor preached wonderfully! 

We wrapped up Sunday with food and fellowship after service. The young people were raising money. I did fail to get any pictures. Oops, I was living in the moment and let blog material slip my mind. Please forgive me!

See you tomorrow  

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Valentine’s Day 2025 Recap

 Hey Friends,

Welcome to another Saturday post with me, Odie! Thank you for dropping in. 

First, I want to thank all of you who reached out to Mom and me yesterday on Valentine's Day. We appreciate your extra thoughtfulness and care for us! The calls, texts, surprise gifts and cards were so sweet and special! We definitely felt loved!

We were blessed with a wonderful day! I can say, for a fact, God's strength was with us every moment! We spent some time with my Mamaw and Papaw. 

Thankfully, we were able to mark something big off of our to-do list that has been there for three months. We will tell you more about it in the future. 

Then Papaw treated us to a great Valentine’s Day lunch at a family, favorite,Skyline.  below our pictures of mine and my Mom's meals.

Mamaw shared a pumpkin pie with us. Pumpkin is my favorite kind of pie and hers are the best! Sadly, I forgot to take a picture of the pie! Believe me, it was delicious!

We finished out the day with church. It was Youth Rally night at DRPC.  It was so good to see many people from our area fellowship join us for the service. 

Also, Friday was the last night of our services with, Bro. Josh Smith. Bro. Josh, preached excellent all week! It was wonderful to see him and his family again. We love The Smith Family!

The revival was really good! All four nights the altar services were wonderful! Last night was the icing on the cake! The Holy Ghost moved in a mighty way! It was a great blessing to feel the Spirit of God, so close to us! 

Let's just say, I went to bed last night feasting on Friday’s service! My heart is overflowing with joy and praise for our mighty God! What a blessing to be His child! God’s love for us is amazing, and never ceases to leave me in wonder!

Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time. 


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Few Things To Cover

Hey Friends.

Thanks for visiting with me today. Welcome to any new visitors! Hello to my faithful friends! You all are awesome! I hope your day is going well!

I have a few different topics to cover for today's post, so let me get right to the matter at hand. 

1. Goodnews Christian School 

Thank you for the good response to the new video posted to YouTube! You can see it by clicking below. 

We really appreciate some of you already getting on board with us for this special project! May God bless you for your help!

2. Uncle Steve Update

Thank for the prayers and concern for Uncle Steve and Aunt Karen Boggs!

 Uncle Steve is making progress towards recovering from Cellulitis! Praise God he was released from the hospital yesterday! He will receive out patient treatment for a few days and continue oral antibiotics a while longer. We are so thankful for the Lord touching him!!

3. Revival at DRPC

Bro. Josh Smith and Family start revival tonight through Friday at Dryden Road Pentecostal Church. services nightly at 7:30 PM February 11 through the 14th.

Youth rally is scheduled for Friday night. If you are in our local area come be part of revival! Dryden Road Pentecostal Church is located at 3201 Dryden Road, Moraine, Ohio. 

Thanks again for reading! See you again next time!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sanity 1/26/25

Hey Friends,

It is time for Sunday Sanity. I, Odie, started my vacation yesterday. I will be getting much needed refreshment for the mind, body and soul on the sea. 

Most of the week, I will not have access to check the blog. The posts should go up as scheduled.

Today's Sanity came from our pastor's Sunday School lesson last week. When he spoke these words, Mom looked at me and said, "Sunday Sanity."

"If you are hid in Christ, why do I see so much of you?"
Pastor B.D. Sutherland 
Dryden Road Pentecostal Church Moraine, Ohio


Colossians 3:3 provoked this quote. It was just one of the reference verses he used in his lesson. Oh, ouch! My prayer is to be fully hidden in Christ!

See you later!


Friday, January 17, 2025

Foodie Friday 1/17/25

 Hey Friends,

How are you all doing? I hope you are doing well today. I am happy to report that Mom and I are doing very good. The Lord is our strength and our help daily!

Have you seen our previous post this week? If you have not read them yet, please take a moment and look black. 

This has been a week of reflection for us. Here are the link to the posts from Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We also posted a new video to our Boggs Family Ministries YouTube channel yesterday. I have posted it below. You can also find it in yesterday's post.

As most of you know, yesterday was Dad's first Heavenly birthday. We spent the day honoring Dad and remembering him.

Thank you to everyone who reached out to us yesterday, letting us know that you were praying for us! We did read each message and found it encouraging! I apologize that I did not get to respond to each text message or comment individually. I will try to get that done today.

It was great to spend time with our family yesterday! We thought it was only fitting to enjoy a good steak from Longhorn on his birthday. Longhorn was his favorite chain restaurant steak. His favorite order was an outlaw ribeye from Longhorn. Mom and I split one yesterday. 

Just as I suspected the food was delicious and the family time was even more precious! I also predicted that we would laugh a lot, cry some and reminisce even more. We did all three of those things! I think it was a fabulous way to spend Dad’s birthday, surrounded by those that we love!

Mom and I finished out the day by going to church with our church family at DRPC! Church was the normal thing to do on his birthday! If I had to guess Dad spent more of his birthdays going to church than not. 

Today being Foodie Friday on the blog, I thought it only right to share yesterday's pictures with you. 

I hope you enjoy! Let me know if it flings or craving on you for a Longhorn!

See you back here tomorrow.