Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Davy Boggs The Worlds Best Father

 Hey Friends,

This is Odie coming to you today from Ohio. Thanks for stopping by to spend part of your Saturday with me.

Happy Father's Day 2024

Tomorrow, Sunday, June 16th, is Father's Day. Here in the United States, Father's Day is a day on our calendar to honor Fathers. 

I am grateful for the incredible men who have influenced me. I am blessed with two wonderful Papaws who have poured into my life. They have encouraged and helped me get to where I am today.  

Papaw Danny and Papaw Eugene, I love you both more than our shared love of ice cream! Thank you for showing me what the best grandfathers look like! I know I am an extra blessed granddaughter to have your love and support! Thanks for always being there for me!

Also, I have been blessed with great uncles, friends, adopted fathers and grandfathers who have been there for me. Their prayers and concern for me mean so much to me!

The World's Best Father

Happy Father's Day, most of all, to Davy Boggs! He is the World's Best Father. You all know him as a friend, son, brother, preacher, singer, and writer, all things that he does exceptionally well!

I have the privilege of knowing him as Dad. I will forever be Daddy's baby and I am proud of it! I love you, Papa Bear, more than a hog loves slop!

He has been there for me since the second I arrived surprisingly early. From the start, he loved and prayed for me. That has carried me through life!

In our 38 years together, he has always been there for me! Here is just a short list of things he has done without question to show me his love! He has held me, changed my diapers, fed me, cared for me when I have been sick, healed my boo-boos, cooked me eggs, wiped my tears, fixed my broken things, patched my broken heart, built my house, taught, counseled, and guided me, and so much more.

This Father's Day is extra special. I am so thankful to still have my father with me. God has definitely blessed me! Today, I want him to feel loved and honored more than ever! Thank you, God, for giving me the World's Best Father!

Thanks for reading as I show some extra love to my Daddy! See you next time.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

May 2024 Ohio Shoemaker Visit

 Hey Friends,

It is Odie reporting for today. How is your day going? Thank you for spending a moment in our corner of the world! It is always great to have you visit with us.

You never know what topic will be discussed here from day to day. I have some posts waiting for the right day to share them with you. In this post, I am rewinding to Memorial Day weekend.

Some of my favorite people came to town for the holiday. Seeing my Cousin Deidre Boggs Shoemaker, her husband Ben, and their children Charlie and Chloe Jean is always fantastic! 

Our long time readers know Deidre and I consider ourselves not just close cousins but sisters. We do not get to be together anywhere near enough. I am thankful for her long drives to or from town; that is our catch-up time. I love my Facetime calls with Charlie and Chloe Jean. 
I was able to see her a few times in December. Deidre flew home by herself to visit family right before New Year's. I was thrilled to have her home. 

She was a big help to me the day the stroke hit Dad. Deidre came straight to me. She made sure I got to the hospital and sat with me in the emergency room that first day. I genuinely believe God allowed my sister to be there when I needed her the most! I will never forget her help and strength that day.

I had not been able to see Ben, Charlie or Chloe in person since last fall in Alabama. They were all in Ohio for Thanksgiving, but I flew home right after they left.

Charlie hugged me tightly and let me know that he missed me. I melted right into a puddle.

During church, he wanted to sit with me and Nana Great. It was extra sweet to see him snuggled up to his Nana Great. That night, he was reminding her a lot of his Papaw Steve. My Mamaw, aka Nana Great to the littles of the family, was thrilled.

Papaw with his favorite Grandson in law, Ben.

Princess Chloe Jean  Shoemaker.

Papa Great with Chloe and Charlie. They posed willingly for a picture with Papa Great. They have grown up so much, and they are sweethearts.

Time for a selfie with Ben.

After church, Deidre, Ben and the kids brought food back to my house. It was so good to visit with them for a while! 

Chloe Jean loved "Odo's" house! This was the first time she had been here and understood it was my house.

Charlie and Chloe both liked my toy basket. Charlie enjoyed a coloring session. He found an excellent spot to sit and color.

A sister selfie. I love this girl so much!

Chloe Jean wanted in the girl's picture, too.

Ben traded a ball for Chloe Jean's bow. I had to document this moment. Oh, and it looks like Ben likes the toy basket too! 😂

One more picture with my sweet girl to send to her Aunt Selah.

The Shoemaker visit was a highlight of my Memorial Day. I am already looking forward to the next time we connect. 

They will then be a family of five. Another baby boy is set to arrive later this month. Please keep their family in your prayers!

See you next time 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Memorial Day 2024

Hey Friends,
This is Odie reporting from my Ohio beach cottage. I hope you are doing well. Thanks for stopping by to visit with me on this busy holiday weekend.

When I think of Memorial Day, this song repeats in my head. I had to share it with you today. Please listen to More Than A Name On A Wall at least once.

I want to remember the reason we have a holiday to celebrate this weekend. It is a time we remember our loved ones who have finished their lives ahead of us. 

Dad shared about our recent visit to the local cemetery on Thursday. In this post about my sweet sister, you can see why we visit Miami Cemetery every May.

Our family and friends may be gone from this life, but definitely not forgotten. Heaven grows sweeter every day! I look forward to reuniting and meeting many friends and family members soon.

Memorial Day was set aside to honor our soldiers who gave their all for America. I honor those special souls who sacrificed all for the freedoms I hold dear today!

Twenty years ago, we visited Washington, D.C., and saw several monuments in our Nation's capital. It was a week that this American history lover will never forget.

Our visit to Arlington National Cemetary left a permanent impression on my mind and heart. I can not describe the feeling of watching the guard at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We watched the changing of the guard a few times. It was a special moment; I am so glad I witnessed it in person.

That visit to D.C. deepened my sincere appreciation for the sacrifice and dedication of many great people. We all benefit from the gift of countless men and women. It hurts me to think about the pain and suffering of the soldiers and their families. 

Their names are more than names on a wall or plaque. They were real people who gave their lives for our country. Thank you. feels very hollow, but I mean the words with all my heart! I remember them extra this weekend!

See you next time.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sunday Morning Sanity For Mothers

Dear Mothers, do not despair. You have power with God.

The young man of Nain that was raised from the dead received a great miracle. But I submit to you he was not the principal recipient of that miracle.

Luke 7:15 And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother.

Jesus beheld the mother weeping, had compassion on her and raised the young man for her benefit. He delivered him to his mother.

Happy Mother’s Davy
