Showing posts with label Interesting Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interesting Pictures. Show all posts

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Throwback Thursday 1/2/2025

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for stopping by to visit with us. Today is Throwback Thursday. I went way back in the archives for these pictures. 

These are from Dad’s younger years. I thought you might enjoy seeing him as a boy and a young man. I love these photos!

Thank you, Lauren Osborn, for digitizing many old photographs for us. I treasure these pictures. 

See you tomorrow. 

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Gods Glory and Handiwork On Display

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in on this first Saturday of the month. I am thrilled you stopped by to visit today. 

Here is a friendly reminder that may make your day better. For most of us, our clocks fall back by one hour! Tonight is a wonderful night for those of us who value our sleep. I plan to enjoy every possible second of sleep tonight!

Can you believe the Holiday season is approaching? 2024 is speeding by in a flash. November causes my mind to turn to Thanksgiving. 

I have often said I strive to be thankful on a daily basis. November’s Thanksgiving season is an extra reminder to be thankful for all things. 

Today, I am thankful for the magnificent creation. God created too many amazing things to name them all. 
I love looking up at the sky. The beauty of the skies baffles my little human mind. I enjoy seeing the world from 30,000 feet in the air. 

On a recent flight, I was reminded of the awesomeness of our creator God! I was humbled that I get to experience His magnificent creation. I snapped this picture while flying above the clouds. 

The photograph reminded me of a verse of scripture. Psalm 19:1 says it like this. 

The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament sheweth his handywork.

I love seeing the Heavens declare His handiwork! Each flight I take I am left in awe of God! It is hard for me to believe people can doubt that God is real. Sights like the one above amaze me. I hope you enjoy the beauty too!

God, thank you for allowing me to experience and explore your world! I am thankful to be a tiny part of it!

Thank you for reading! See you next time.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Revival In Pictures - Wichita, Kansas

Last Monday we unhooked the bus from utilities at Crosslight Ministries in Moore, Oklahoma cranked it up and backed the bus into the street. Then Kelly pulled forward in the street and we hooked up the Jeep. 

We pulled into Bethany Revival Center in Wichita, Kansas three hours and 50 minutes later. The total drive was 172 miles, which included about 2 miles of detour around a completely stopped train on 21st St.

We only made one stop and that was at Loves in Tonkawa, Oklahoma to do the work of the evangelist and eat a quick bite of supper. The rest of the drive was smooth with light traffic and great weather, just the way we like it. 

Tuesday evening we unloaded our sound equipment and rolled it into the church with help from some of the church folks that were there. Wednesday morning we set it up and got a good sound check.

Wednesday night was the first night of revival, our 22nd revival at Bethany Revival Center in Wichita. We have been in revival at Bethany every year beginning in August 2003. We are happy to return and love being here each year.

We captured some great pictures during the first part of the revival and I am sure you will enjoy them. Thank you for dropping in today.


Monday, October 28, 2024

The Weekend Dispatch. 10/28/24

Our Weekend Dispatch might be more aptly named the Sunday Dispatch this week. This is all about Sunday and I will try to write tomorrow about the rest.

Both Sunday services were spent with our friends at Crosslight Ministries in Moore, Oklahoma and it was as wonderful as we expected it to be. We love the outreach work that Bro. Lendell and Sis. Cindy do along with their merry band of workers at Crosslight.

This is one of our very favorite stops along the way and we look forward to being here every single time. The Birdsongs and their people have such an amazing love for folks who need Christ and each service shows it. We love joining together with them.

I can not tell you how much I enjoyed preaching Sunday morning and Sunday night. What an amazing joy it is to tell people that God loves them and wants to help them and bring victory into their lives. Praise God for His power and provision.

I loved it even more when people responded in the altar and God began to help them one by one. It was a wonderful day.

I hope you enjoy the pictures from our Sunday.
