Showing posts with label Pod'NMe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pod'NMe. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Pod’N Me To Pod’N Z

Hey Friends,

My longtime readers will know that my favorite podcast is Pod’N Me. It is hosted by Pastor Devin Birdsong, Bro. Dustin Wakely, Bro. Brad Cottrell and Brooks Birdsong. New episodes come out every Wednesday. You can find it wherever you listen to podcasts. I get mine from here on Apple Podcast.

I have been privileged to be an in person guest on the podcast twice. I have also made a few phone appearances on the podcast over the last few years. I always have a blast! 

My last two trips to Oklahoma did not work out for me to record an episode with them. A few weeks ago, on our last visit to Oklahoma, it worked out for me to record with Bro. Devin and his son Brooks.

This time, I was a guest on an extension of Pod’N Me. Pod’N Z is a relaxed show with Brooks Birdsong at the helm. It is available on Patreon for subscribers. Click here to find more information.

I recommend a Patreon subscription for my fellow Pod’N Me fans. They share many behind-the-scenes pictures and podcast information. Soon, some exciting things are coming up! You will not want to miss them!

The episode of Pod’N Z that Brooks allowed me to be part of was released on March 10th.

We had a great time spending some time together. It was a morning full of laughter!

Thanks to Brooks and Bro. Devin for having me in Studio 18 for Pod’N Z!

See you all next time!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Snowy View And Sunday Sanity 1/12/2025

Hey Friends,

Happy Sunday! I hope you have a fantastic Lord's Day. We have had a snowy week. 

We did not leave the house for several days. By Wednesday, we were able to get out a few times, but then more snow came! I think, we can get out for church today!

Here was the view out our front door on Monday afternoon. This was probably 8-10 inches of snow.

This was our view Friday evening and yesterday after more snow came.

We probably added 2 more inches Friday night.

Uncle Jay came once again and shoveled everything for us. We appreciate his help, so very much!

I will close with today's Sunday Sanity. I recently heard it and instantly knew it would appear here!

"The will of God is not a destination. It is a journey."
Pastor Devin Birdsong- Pod'n Me podcast


Saturday, June 24, 2023

Family and Friends At Seminole Gospel Sing 2023

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in from Ohio. I am glad to be home for a few days. This girl is always glad to come back to my Ohio Beach Cottage. Soon we will be off on our next summer adventure.

Today I am here to give you a brief recap of last Saturday. We had a fantastic day! Last week, I mentioned we would be spending the day with family and friends. Dad also talked about the day in his Weekend Dispatch here on Monday.

Several weeks ago, a friend sent me a picture of a concert flyer. This flyer alerted me that the McNeills and The Isaacs would be singing in Seminole, Oklahoma, on June 17th.

The Seminole Gospel Sing has been going on in August for many years. We attended the huge outdoor multi-day event when we lived in Kansas. We have many great memories from our nights at Seminole listening to music.

This year the singing was moved from August to June. I was happy that it lined up with our visit to Crosslight! I was thrilled to be with the Isaacs again!

Due to the weather forecast, Saturday's concert was moved from an outdoor concert to a church. It was a lot of extra work for the people involved. They had to set up ad tear down all their equipment twice! I know the people doing the work were exhausted!

Moving inside was a wise decision. First Assembly, the new location for the evening, also had air conditioning. That is a feature we all appreciated on that 90-degree day!

It was awesome to see some of our extended family. Bro. Jud, Sis. Amanda, Bryanna and Emma Ingram. We do not often cross paths with them. I enjoyed getting to visit with them!

I can not believe these girls have grown up! They are beautiful and talented! Bryanna recently graduated from high school. Click here to check out Emma's Youtube channel here. Subscribe and tell her Odie sent you. 😀

The MC for Seminole Gospel Sing started the night with a few songs.

The McNeills are a Texas based family group. It is a Mom, Dad, nine children and a son-in-law that travel. Later this summer, a grandson is set to arrive and bring a new dynamic to the group. They are incredibly talented! I enjoyed their performance.

This was my first time to see them live. We had met them previously at an Isaacs concert in Texas. They are also big Isaacs lovers like me. Ben Isaacs has produced projects for them too.

Now It was time for the Isaacs to take the stage.

Greg Ritchie is a fantastic musician! I was blown away, once again, by his ability to bring so much life to a song.

The incredible Isaacs! I love every moment of their concerts!

The one the only awesome Ben Isaacs! I am still his number 1 fan!

Between me and the McNeill family, Ben had a big cheering section!

Becky is a walking miracle! She was hit in a head-on collision in December. She spent months in a wheelchair due to her injuries. Thank God today she can now walk. She still has ways to go to make a full recovery. It is amazing to see how far the Lord has brought her!

I really do not know how she does it, but Becky is singing and playing better than ever!

Levi Bowman did a phenomenal job singing an older Isaacs song made popular by his dad, John Bowman.

Josh Swift is an award-winning dobro player! Dobro is one of my favorite instruments. Josh can make it sing and talk like no other!

His crazy antics crack me up. You never know what he will do next!

All three of Sonya's children were with her in Oklahoma. It is fun when they join the Isaacs on stage!

Evya is 6, Gatlyn is 7 and Ayden is 11! All three of them are excellent singers! I am proud of them!

It is impossible to pick a favorite moment in The Isaacs set! I was speechless, amazed and inspired!

Nobody can sing and play the mandolin like Sonya Isaacs! As a girl, I always pretended that I was Sonya. A girl can dream, right? Part of the dream came true. I am blessed to travel on a bus and sing.  I just sing lower than I wished for, and I can not play the mandolin.😍

I love my Aunt Lily so much! Our visits are always short but sweet!

Becky is my hero and inspiration! She has shown that singing lower can be fun too!

Sonya is my encourager! She knows how to make me smile!

Bro. David Toliver and I always text each other from the Isaacs concerts we attend. This one we got to enjoy together.

Sis. LaJeanna Toliver and Kelly Jo, It was so good to see many friends at Seminole.

This is my beautiful friend Samantha Kite.

Terry is the one who alerted me about this concert. I was surprised to see him that night because he was out of state on vacation. Turns out he came back early just for the concert. 

He did not want me to have fun at Seminole without him! Thanks,  Terry, for the extra driving and for cutting your trip a day short. It was so good to have my friend part of these memories with me!

We enjoyed having Pastor Brent Moore enjoy the night with us too! It is exhilarating to share an Isaacs concert experience with a fellow music enthusiast!

Bro. Jud Ingram and I grew up together. Our grandmothers are 1st cousins. We had to have a picture to send home to the Ohio family and friends!

Also, all my fellow Pod'N Me Podcast fans will know this is Hershall and the Souper Fan together. We had to document this moment.

If you are unfamiliar with my favorite podcast, Pod'N Me, click here for more info. Seminole Sing memories from years gone by are often mentioned in the episodes. It was only fitting for some of us Pod'N Me listeners to meet up at Seminole.

Here is another one for my Pod'N Me lovers. This is the Souper Fan, Hershall and the Feedbacker "Talking Terry."

I am so glad we got to attend a night of Seminole Gospel Sing in 2023! 2003 was the last time we attended Seminole Gospel Sing. It was wonderful to see many friends!

We always love a chance to spend time with and hear Isaacs! We love our family! We made more memories that will last a lifetime! 

Thanks for reading today. See you next time.


Monday, February 20, 2023

Odie's Weekend Dispatch 2/20/23

Hey Friends,

This is Odie here to give you a brief recap of my weekend. I had another superb weekend at home with my family, friends and church family. I may write that line in every weekend post, but it is still true.

Friday, I had a wonderful surprise visit from friends! I plan to tell you more about the visit tomorrow.

That night it was time for a youth rally at our home church. The service and fellowship were both excellent.

Bro. Ben Morris, from Kentucky, preached wonderfully on worship. The young people responded well to the preaching! God rewarded the response with His presence!

Here are some after church fellowship pictures. Gunner Burris snapped most of these pictures. Thank you, Gunner, for the help! I was busy working at the dessert table.

Cole wanted his moment of fame on the blog. 😀

Tim asked me, the Souper Fan, to sign his Pod'N Me hat.

I spent Saturday cleaning, doing laundry, and savoring a few moments of peace and quiet.

My Aunt Theresa and Uncle Jay came and picked me up in the afternoon. They invited me to join them for dinner at Mamaw and Papaw's. We had a terrific evening of family time.

Sunday was dedicated to church. Both services were fantastic! The Lord blessed us amazingly! I never want to take the moving of His spirit lightly. It was an honor to feel Him dwelling among us and speaking to our souls! 

Cracker Barrel was on the menu for Sunday afternoon dinner.

Many people have asked me how I survive at home on my own. God has blessed me with a great support system. Several people go way out of their way to ensure I am cared for. I am so grateful for the family and friends that God has placed in my life! I appreciate everyone who gives me a ride, checks on me and lets me know they are there if I need them! Thank you for your help!

That wraps up this weekend in Ohio. Thanks for stopping by!