Showing posts with label Podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Podcast. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Pod’N Me To Pod’N Z

Hey Friends,

My longtime readers will know that my favorite podcast is Pod’N Me. It is hosted by Pastor Devin Birdsong, Bro. Dustin Wakely, Bro. Brad Cottrell and Brooks Birdsong. New episodes come out every Wednesday. You can find it wherever you listen to podcasts. I get mine from here on Apple Podcast.

I have been privileged to be an in person guest on the podcast twice. I have also made a few phone appearances on the podcast over the last few years. I always have a blast! 

My last two trips to Oklahoma did not work out for me to record an episode with them. A few weeks ago, on our last visit to Oklahoma, it worked out for me to record with Bro. Devin and his son Brooks.

This time, I was a guest on an extension of Pod’N Me. Pod’N Z is a relaxed show with Brooks Birdsong at the helm. It is available on Patreon for subscribers. Click here to find more information.

I recommend a Patreon subscription for my fellow Pod’N Me fans. They share many behind-the-scenes pictures and podcast information. Soon, some exciting things are coming up! You will not want to miss them!

The episode of Pod’N Z that Brooks allowed me to be part of was released on March 10th.

We had a great time spending some time together. It was a morning full of laughter!

Thanks to Brooks and Bro. Devin for having me in Studio 18 for Pod’N Z!

See you all next time!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Snowy View And Sunday Sanity 1/12/2025

Hey Friends,

Happy Sunday! I hope you have a fantastic Lord's Day. We have had a snowy week. 

We did not leave the house for several days. By Wednesday, we were able to get out a few times, but then more snow came! I think, we can get out for church today!

Here was the view out our front door on Monday afternoon. This was probably 8-10 inches of snow.

This was our view Friday evening and yesterday after more snow came.

We probably added 2 more inches Friday night.

Uncle Jay came once again and shoveled everything for us. We appreciate his help, so very much!

I will close with today's Sunday Sanity. I recently heard it and instantly knew it would appear here!

"The will of God is not a destination. It is a journey."
Pastor Devin Birdsong- Pod'n Me podcast


Saturday, October 29, 2022

Pod’N Me Take 2

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from the BoggsMobile. I hope you are doing well this fine Saturday. We are doing great. The Lord gave us a wonderful revival this week in Birch Tree, Missouri. I love watching God's plan unfold.

We are in Paducah, Kentucky today. We are looking forward to being with Pastor Doug Stevens and the people at High Point Pentecostal Church. Revival begins tomorrow morning thru Wednesday night. I anticipate God will meet us in the five services of revival!

Pod'N Me Take 2
My faithful readers may remember me talking about my favorite podcast in past posts. If you are new, allow me to introduce you to Pod'N Me.

Pod'n Me is a weekly podcast full of great Christian humor! A new episode is released every Wednesday. It is available on all the different podcast platforms. I listen here on Apple Podcasts.

Pod'N Me was started by Pastor Devin Birdsong in 2020. He produced several episodes of the podcast with special guest interviews. Those episodes are wonderful!

Bro. Devin still does a monthly interview with a special guest. The interviews are released on the first day of the month. I highly recommend you check out the interview series. The testimonies and topics addressed are outstanding.

Two years ago, the format of the weekly episodes changed. Bro Devin brought on two more members to the podcast crew. The Wednesday Pod'N Meeting was born. Bro. Devin Birdsong is the Poderator and the virtual pastor every Wednesday. Bro. Dustin Wakely is the virtual deacon, and Bro. Brad Cottrell is the virtual song leader for the Pod'N me services.

I have known all of these men and their families for many years. They are wonderful people that love God! They are sold out, 100 percent Christians. I love it when Christians love to have fun!! Bro. Devin, Bro. Dustin and Bro. Brad make a fantastic team.

You never know what will transpire during a virtual church service at Pod'N Me. This is a time to relax and have fun. It blesses many people each week! I love it when I find a fellow member of the podience that enjoys the podcast like I do.

I have been a faithful member of the podience for almost two years. I am always encouraging others to join in on the fun! I love the humor! They have given me the title of Souper Fan. Yes, it is spelled souper, not super. Soup has been a hot topic of debate for a long time.

Last fall, I was invited to be a guest on Pod'N Me! Click here to hear my 2021 interview. We had so much fun recording the show! We made so many memories that day. We are still laughing about them.

This year, Bro. Devin, Bro. Dustin and Bro. Brad invited me to come back to Pod'N Me. It was an honor to be part of the show again. I truly can not tell you how much fun we had recording the episode!

Dad took this picture below right before we started recording. I was too busy during the actual recording to snap any pictures.

Bro. Devin thought he had the bright idea to put me in charge of the episode! This was not his wisest decision.😍 The Souper Fan took charge. We had lots of fun with the whole situation. It definitely could have been a train wreck, but I think it turned out good. 

The episode was released on Wednesday, October 26, 2022. Click here to find my latest Pod'N Me visit. I hope this is not the least downloaded Pod'N Me episode!

Thanks to Bro. Devin, Bro. Dustin and Bro. Brad, for allowing me to be a member of their team for the day! I had a great time with you all! Thanks for your friendship! Keep up the excellent work at Pod'N Me.

My Pod'N Me Take 2 episode was released this week. Click here to hear it for yourself. I would love to know what you think. Also, send your feedback to Bro. Devin by email. The address is Tell my friends at Pod'n Me that The Souper Fan sent you.

You can also find Pod'N Me information on their website here. Hey, do not forget Christmas is coming. Pod'N Me merchandise would make great gifts. Order yours today on their website.

Thanks for stopping by to visit with me today. I will see you next Saturday.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Pod’N Me Podcast With Friends

Hey Friends,

Welcome to another Saturday post written by Odie. Today the BoggsMobile is located in West Paducah, Kentucky. We are enjoying revival at High Point Pentecostal  Church. It has been good to be here this week with Pastor Doug Stevens. 

Pod’N Me Podcast
Previously I have told you about my favorite podcast. It is called Pod’N Me. This podcast is a fantabulous way to brighten a dark day. You can listen to archived episodes of the show too. Many of the episodes I have listened to multiple times. I look forward to a new episode each Wednesday!

If you are not a regular Pod'N Me listener, allow me to briefly introduce you to this podcast. Pastor Devin Birdsong has been hosting the podcast since May 2020. Last fall Bro. Dustin Wakley and Bro. Brad Cottrell became a permanent fixture on the show. These three men make up a terrific podcast team.

Bro. Devin Birdsong is known as the Poderator or the Virtual Pastor in Pod’N Me land. Bro. Devin’s faithful helpers are known as The Deacon and The Song Leader. 

Pod’N Me also has an official listener named Hershall. Every show is produced with this listener in mind. Bro. Judd Ingram has now assumed the role of Hershall. He makes regular appearances on the show and Hershall gets a shoutout somewhere in each episode. 

Several months ago after I wrote a post featuring Pod’N Me here on the blog, Bro. Devin officially gave me a fun title on the show too. I am known as The Super Fan. I gladly represent my favorite podcast! 

The format of the show is set up to resemble a Wednesday church service. There are always many fun things happening during their Wednesday Pod’N Meetings. They also serve up some food for thought too. I always leave the virtual meetings encouraged!

Pod'N Me also releases a special bonus show on the first day of each month. On the bonus episodes, they feature an interview with a guest. I really enjoy getting to hear great testimonies during the interviews. This is a wonderful way to get to know the guest better.
Commercial Break
Pod'N Me is available on several different podcast platforms.  I  listen to it on the Apple Podcast App.  You can find it on Apple hereMore Pod'N Me information can be found here. 

The crew at Pod'N Me loves to hear from their listeners! You can leave feedback on Apple reviews.  You can also reach them a by email at Do not forget to tell them that you heard about the show from The Super Fan! Your feedback might possibly be read on the  show during an upcoming episode.

A Visit With Friends
I have something extremely fun to share with you today. Bro. Devin invited me to make a guest appearance on Pod’N Me. I was honored by his amazing invitation! I was thrilled to be the guest for the special November 1st bonus episode. 

They decided to take the show on the road  so we could record an episode together. On October 28th Bro  Devin brought his equipment from Purcell, Oklahoma to Moore, Oklahoma. We recorded along with Bro. Dustin and Bro. Brad at the Crosslight Chapel.

We had a great time recording this episode of Pod’N Me! I had a blast and that is an understatement! I am laughing as I tell you about it right now. 

I always talk to them when I listen to the show and give them my feedback. Normally nobody really hears what I say, because I am alone while I listen. I was thrilled to actually be part of the conversation live this time!

We had a fabulous time during the interview. They learned a few unknown facts about me from our conversation. Also many of the things that we discussed have become reoccurring topics on the show. I wish you all could have been there.

Thank you, Bro. Devin, for the invitation to be on Pod'N Me! Thank you, Bro. Dustin and Bro. Brad, for allowing me to join in on your fun! I appreciate all of you taking time to record around my schedule and location.

The time we spent recording this show will go down in my favorite memories of 2021!  Keep up the good work at Pod'N Me. I will continue to do my job as The Super Fan to encourage you on the sidelines.

To our readers, I would love to know your opinion of this Pod'N Me episode. Thanks to all of my family and friends that have already listened to the episode and sent me their comments.
Well friends, I appreciate  you stopping by to visit with me today. I am always glad to spend a moment of my Saturday with you. I hope you have a terrific weekend.
