Monday was kind of a catch-all day for us. KJo and I brought the bus home in the morning, parked next to the barn and hooked up the utilities. We only traveled about 9 miles, but it was nice to pull into the Ranch.
We had purchased several cases of water for the revival last week, but we did not use near all of it since the temperature all week was not hot. We loaded up the cases that were left and put some in the bus and some in Odie's house.
I spent several hours working on sermon preparation for our scheduled visit to Nigeria. Leaving the USA anytime soon does not look possible, but I need to be prepared to keep my commitment just in case. I will try to record the sermons this week if I can and get those files to them.
The main task for the day was evaluating our fridge in the BoggsMobile. Building on what I learned Sunday night, Dad and I did our best to come up with a diagnosis. About the only thing that we could replace was a $23 part that I had replaced five years ago.
I called Pastor Dennis King who is an HVAC and refrigeration expert and he agreed that he would try that part. We went to get it, Dad installed it and no joy! The problems seem to be deeper, at least a compressor.
Changing the compressor would be a difficult task on this fridge since it is literally built into the bus. Once it was changed, the other parts would still be 25 years old with 379,000 miles of bumping down the road, so we are probably looking at a replacement.
Lining up our schedule with parts availability and the schedule at East Tennesse Coach is the next challenge. I will keep you posted.
The main event of the day came courtesy of our great friends that visited us over the weekend from Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. It was so wonderful to have Bro. Bruce and Sis. Priscilla Mayhan with us from Friday night through Sunday morning.

They left us Sunday after the first service and finished the trip Monday. On their way home, they stopped for a fantastic meal and shared their beautiful bounty with us in pictures.
Buckle your seatbelt and make sure your seat back is in the upright position.
Can you say Double Big Daddy? Wow! Now, those are good friends. They travel nearly 2000 miles round trip to see us for a few hours and then share such precious moments with us too.
Thank you, friends!
And thank you for joining us today.