Showing posts with label Sanity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sanity. Show all posts

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sunday Sanity 3/23/25

 Hey Friends,

Welcome to another Lord's Day. I hope the Lord blesses us all with a wonderful day! Today is a gift, and I do not want to take it for granted!

Thank you, Lord, for waking me up this morning. You are great and worthy of praise!

Here is something to ponder as you go about your day. Bro. Andrew Blevins was preaching Thursday night at our church. He preached wonderfully on David and “The Promoting of God.” He made a statement that stuck out to me.

“David did not name his success after himself. He named them after his God.” Evangelist Andrew Blevins

- Waynesville, Ohio

David was blessed with many successes in his life, but he did not rely on his success. David knew that his success came from God! He'll followed the prompting of God in his life. Because he allowed God to direct his path, he was blessed, protected, and successful! 

I have been thinking since Thursday night about this, David was human. He had his own struggles in life, but he succeeded. He survived because he allowed God to help him.That is something that I needed to be reminded of. I want to follow the prompting of God in my life, and to be open to God's guidance!

See you tomorrow!


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunday Sanity

Hey Friends,

Today's sanity I found on our table last week in Alabama. I thought I would share this thought with you. 

"Christ with me, 
Christ before me, 
Christ behind me,
Christ in me

St. Patrick

I am so thankful to have Christ with me always!

God Bless! See you Tomorrow!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sunday Sanity 3/9/25

 Hey Friends,

Welcome to Sunday Sanity! Thanks for stopping by to visit. 

Here is a nugget I heard from Bro. Roger Luke this week. I thought it was something good to feast on today. 

“One thing about life as a child of God, you are never alone!”

Bro. Roger Luke

I am glad God is the one who will never leave or forsake us! He will be with until the end! Go on with God today! We can make it!


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday Sanity 3/2/25

Hey Friends,

Hello from Mississippi! Can you believe it is March 2025? We are having a great trip! The warm weather is gorgeous!

Here is a nugget for your Sunday. This stuck out to me last week while Bro. Trey Brock was preaching at Crosslight Chapel. His title for the message was The Gospel That Got Personal.”

“The gospel is for the whole world. Don't get wrapped up in the splendor, and lose sight that the gospel is for you!”

-Reverend Trey Brock

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sunday Sanity 2/23/25

Hey Friends,

Welcome to another edition of Sunday Sanity. Thank you for stopping by to visit!

Today's nugget comes to us from my dad's collection of saved Sanity Possibilities. I hope this inspires you! You never know where you will find something good.

"You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes." 
- Winnie-the-Pooh

I hope you have a great Sunday! See you next time!


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sunday Sanity 2/16/25

 Hey Friends,

Thanks for joining us on Sunday! Welcome if you are new to Boggs Blogs! My regular readers know that we have shared a Sunday Sanity here most Sundays for several years.

Sanity was something my Dad started, and I have carried on. A while back, I found a page where Dad had saved some sanity possibilities. I have not researched them all yet to see if he has used any of them in the past. I did search for the one that I'm using today. I did not see it posted here.

I thought this was a good nugget to leave you with for today. 

“For where God would build a church, the devil would also build a chapel”
Martin Luther

I hope you have a great Sunday! Thanks for reading!


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday Sanity 2/9/25

 Hey Friends,

Thanks for stopping by for a moment on Sunday. Today’s sanity comes straight from the word of God. There is no better place to look for a word of encouragement.

A friend sent me this verse a while back. It encourage my heart that day, and I have looked back on it several times since. It is a comfort to know that we can find refuge and confidence In the Lord!

May God bless you and give you strength!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunday Sanity 2/2/25

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in for another Sunday Sanity. My friend, Sis. Lacey Lamb recently reminded me of something Dad said about faith. This statement spoke to her, and she made note of it.

I, too, remember hearing him make this statement in his preaching and thinking it was excellent! Lacey, thank you for bringing this back to my mind!

I do not know if this was an original quote from Dad. He often credited others, but I do not remember this one. For today, Dad gets the credit.

"Faith is not a blind leap in the dark, but a leap into the hand of God. It's a vast difference."
-Davy Boggs Boggs Family Ministries

Pictured below is Dad with Stella, Lacey, and E.J. Lamb. This was taken in July of 2024.

Thanks for visiting. See you next time.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sanity 1/26/25

Hey Friends,

It is time for Sunday Sanity. I, Odie, started my vacation yesterday. I will be getting much needed refreshment for the mind, body and soul on the sea. 

Most of the week, I will not have access to check the blog. The posts should go up as scheduled.

Today's Sanity came from our pastor's Sunday School lesson last week. When he spoke these words, Mom looked at me and said, "Sunday Sanity."

"If you are hid in Christ, why do I see so much of you?"
Pastor B.D. Sutherland 
Dryden Road Pentecostal Church Moraine, Ohio


Colossians 3:3 provoked this quote. It was just one of the reference verses he used in his lesson. Oh, ouch! My prayer is to be fully hidden in Christ!

See you later!


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sunday Sanity 1/19/25

Hey Friends,

I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday! We have returned to the deep freeze here in Ohio. According to the weather guessers, as my Dad called them, we will be there for several days. I will still rejoice and be glad because this is the day the Lord made.

Pastor E.J. Lamb provides with today's sanity. Mom and I attended service with our friends at the Anchor on Wednesday night. 

We sure do love Pastor E.J., Sis. Lacey, their children, and the Anchor of Hope church family! All of them have been special friends to us for a long time!

On Wednesday night, he preached on “ Faith Beyond Feelings.” The entire message was encouraging, but this little nugget stood out.

“Faith is not a walk in what I see and feel, but faith is walking in what I know”. Pastor E.J. Lamb

One thing I know God will always be with us, even when we can not see or  feel Him!

See you tomorrow. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Snowy View And Sunday Sanity 1/12/2025

Hey Friends,

Happy Sunday! I hope you have a fantastic Lord's Day. We have had a snowy week. 

We did not leave the house for several days. By Wednesday, we were able to get out a few times, but then more snow came! I think, we can get out for church today!

Here was the view out our front door on Monday afternoon. This was probably 8-10 inches of snow.

This was our view Friday evening and yesterday after more snow came.

We probably added 2 more inches Friday night.

Uncle Jay came once again and shoveled everything for us. We appreciate his help, so very much!

I will close with today's Sunday Sanity. I recently heard it and instantly knew it would appear here!

"The will of God is not a destination. It is a journey."
Pastor Devin Birdsong- Pod'n Me podcast


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Sunday Sanity 1/5/2025

Hey Friends,

Welcome to the first Sunday Sanity of 2025. Thank you for joining us on this winter Sunday! 

I hope it is nice and toasty where you are located. The weatherman says ice and snow will be at the beach cottage in Waynesville, OH.

Today’s sanity comes from Pastor Brent Gabbard. Recently, he spoke about the middleman in the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. 

Bro. Brent's take on the messenger, who brought the word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick, was something I had never thought about! The messenger was a significant Character in Lazarus’ story! 

Can you imagine? His faith must have been soaring after he talked to Jesus. Then he gets home to the news that Lazarus has passed away. The Master is too late, or so it seems. Now, the messenger must've felt defeat. Oh, if he only knew the story was not over yet!

We know the end of the story for Lazarus! We read of the celebration that happened when the Master raised him from the dead!
we believe it, because it's the Bible. 

In our lives we do not know the end of the story. It is impossible for us to see how our situation is going to turn out. Friend, let me remind you. It is not too late! The Master is on the way! I want to be the middleman that helps get the Master’s attention!

I will leave you today with a quote from Pastor Brent Gabbard. his words encouraged me, and I hope they do the same for you!

A message to intercessors…. 
“Hang onto your promise, even when it doesn’t make sense and circumstances seem to contradict it.”
Pastor Brent Gabbard

Have a great day. See you next time.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sunday Sanity 12/29/24

 Hey Friends,

Well, we have reached the end of 2024. Let's have one more Sunday Sanity.

Bro. Andrew Blevins is preaching Christmas revival at Dryden Road Pentecostal Church this week. His preaching has spoke to my soul!

Friday he preached on “Praying Like A Prophet. “Here is one of the statements Bro. Andrew made that night that stuck out to me, and I thought it would make a great Sunday Sanity. 

“You may not be wise like a prophet, bold as a prophet but you can get ahold of God like a prophet!”
Andrew Blevins

Thanks for stopping by. See you tomorrow!


Sunday, December 15, 2024

Sunday Sanity 12/15/24

 Hey Friends,

A pastor friend texted me last week. He was checking on me and Mom. He also let us know that his church and family were praying for us.  He sent me some words of encouragement that profoundly spoke to my heart.

I do not know if they are original to him, but I am giving him credit. God used Bro. Devin Birdsong to deliver these words of comfort just when I needed them.

"Grief is like glitter. Just when you think you have every speck of it moved, it shines through in unexpected places and ways."

Pastor Devin Birdsong

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Sunday Sanity 12/8

Hey Friends,

Four weeks ago today, my Dad finished his earthly fight. He was a faithful soldier in God’s army. Daddy was committed to his God, family, calling and friends until the end.

Today’s Sanity comes from Jeff Rowe. This is a snippet of a text he sent me four weeks ago. It spoke directly to my heart when it was freshly shattered!

God has brought many special people into our lives over the years. Now, we can not imagine life without them. One such person is Jeff Rowe, owner of East Tennessee Luxury Coach in Vonore, Tennessee. 

Jeff became the official BoggsMobile mechanic. He kept us rolling and took Dad’s calls whenever we needed help on the road. He also helped tremendously with his bus-induced psychosis!

He is not just our go to bus guy, but he became a friend to our family! Often, he took up for me with Dad! This was the last picture Dad took of me and Jeff on July 22nd. 

I have found Jeff is eloquent with his words. I always feel honored when he takes a moment out his busy schedule to send me a text. Often it was exactly what I need in that moment.

Jeff has served our country! Once a Marine, always a Marine. We thank you for your service!

 “Today is the Marine Corps birthday.   Although your Dad was not in the military he was a outstanding soldier in the most important army.  The army of God.”
Jeff  Rowe 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Sunday Sanity 12/1/24

 Hey Friends,

I hope you have a great Sunday. Here is a quote I heard this week. It spoke deep to my soul. I knew I had to share it with my friends today. 

Time doesn't heal all wounds, but eternity does.”
Pastor Brent Gabbard

Oh, what a blessed thought. One day, we will be free entirely from the hurts of life!

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Sunday Sanity 11/24/24

Hey Friends,

The local funeral home in Waynesville, Ohio is incredible. We have always known Stubbs and Conner was the best, but we witnessed it first hand. Their care of the family and every detail is extraordinary! Thanks to Brad Conner and the entire team at Stubbs and Conner. 

The banner pictured below is just one of the small touches that added a big impact. 

In Davy's words, 
"We are humbled by what Christ has done in our lives and unashamed to travel the roads singing and preaching that Christ will do the same for all that go to God the Father through Him.”


Sunday, November 3, 2024

View Out The Front Window of The BoggsMobile 11/3/24

Sunday Morning Sanity
Someone may disagree with you.
Someone may vote differently than you. 
Someone may have completely divergent values and worldview than you. 
But they are not the enemy we are fighting against. 
We wrestle not against flesh and blood

Our view out the front window in Wichita, Kansas.

I hope you have a super great Sunday.


Sunday, October 27, 2024

View Out The Window of The BoggsMobile 10/27/24

Sunday Morning Sanity

Do you miss God's Presence?
Do you miss God's Provision?
Do you miss God's Promise?
Do you miss God's Power?
Say this with determination, I am going home! DB

This was our view in Sand Springs, Oklahoma that I should have posted last Sunday.

This was our view in Moore, Oklahoma this week.

I hope you have a super great Sunday.


Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sunday Morning Sanity 10/20/24

Sunday Morning Sanity
Naomi decided there were already too many graves in Moab. She refused to die there alone. Bruce Mayhan/DB

I hope you have a super great Sunday.
