Showing posts with label Something to Think About. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Something to Think About. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2025

God Is Still A Healer

 Hey Friends,

I have something burning on my heart that I must shout from the rooftop! Today, this is my rooftop.

GOD IS STILL A HEALER! I believe it with all my heart and every fiber of my being. For the last few days, I have felt like giving the devil a black eye! My faith has not wavered in our great, big God!

He is still awesome! God answers prayer! He never has and never will change! What He did for our heroes in the Bible, what He has done for my great grandparents, my grandparents, my parents, and more, He can do all of it and more today!

This week alone, I have heard testimonies of God performing a bonafide miracle for two people that I personally know! I know and love both of these people, and I have been joining their families in prayer. 

God heard and answered the hundreds of prayers that were prayed! I am not shocked by God's healing power, but I am left in awe!

I may not be healed yet, and things are not easy for me. God chose to give my Dad the ultimate healing in Heaven last year. I just wanted to declare it one more time: God is a healer. Despite my circumstances, God is still good! In 2025, I believe he is my healer! 

Every day is a gift from God. Today, I am thankful for the miracle of life. I am also grateful for the miracle of salvation! That is the greatest of all miracles!

Thank you, God, for being a healer! I glorify and honor you, for you deserve all the honor! Every miracle comes straight from you!

Please join me today, and thank God for being a healer. We can continue to pray and believe in Him to do miracles for all of us!

God is so good, and I feel so blessed. If it had not been for the Lord, where would I be? Thank you for joining us. Please make plans to visit us again tomorrow!


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunday Sanity

Hey Friends,

Today's sanity I found on our table last week in Alabama. I thought I would share this thought with you. 

"Christ with me, 
Christ before me, 
Christ behind me,
Christ in me

St. Patrick

I am so thankful to have Christ with me always!

God Bless! See you Tomorrow!

Saturday, March 15, 2025

No Isolation Allowed

Hey Friends,

Happy Saturday! I hope you survived the storms that have hounded a massive portion of our country! Today, we are forecasted to have lots of wind. 

Did you catch the video posted on our YouTube channel yesterday? We appreciate the great feedback!

No Isolation Allowed 

Here is something to think about today. 

  1 Peter 5:8 (KJV):
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." 

Isolation is a tactic used of the devil just like the lion to get you separated from help so you can be taken down. 

it is important to keep yourself connected with other believers of like faith.  Having the support of others is very beneficial in living a victorious Christian life. 

This is really true not only for the Christian but for everyone.  When you have your team cheering you on you can certainly find courage to fight on!

So…..last night I met with some of my team. God has blessed me a fantastic group of friends that pray for me and cheer me on! Some of us gathered for a girls night out. 

We had fun painting pottery at a local mall.  We were busy painting, but here is a few picturs of our fun.

Then we went to eat Mexican. We had a great night of fellowship!

The lighting is so bad on this shot. One of the restaurant employees took it. This is the best I could do even with editing.🥲

It was very refreshing to be with these lovely ladies for the evening! Hopefully we can do it again soon! 

Thank you for reading. 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sunday Sanity 3/9/25

 Hey Friends,

Welcome to Sunday Sanity! Thanks for stopping by to visit. 

Here is a nugget I heard from Bro. Roger Luke this week. I thought it was something good to feast on today. 

“One thing about life as a child of God, you are never alone!”

Bro. Roger Luke

I am glad God is the one who will never leave or forsake us! He will be with until the end! Go on with God today! We can make it!


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday Sanity 3/2/25

Hey Friends,

Hello from Mississippi! Can you believe it is March 2025? We are having a great trip! The warm weather is gorgeous!

Here is a nugget for your Sunday. This stuck out to me last week while Bro. Trey Brock was preaching at Crosslight Chapel. His title for the message was The Gospel That Got Personal.”

“The gospel is for the whole world. Don't get wrapped up in the splendor, and lose sight that the gospel is for you!”

-Reverend Trey Brock

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

My Brother By Theresa Boggs Osborn

Hey Friends,

Thanks for stopping by to visit. Today, we have a special guest appearance. Aunt Theresa recently shared a tribute to Dad with us. 

We loved it! I was moved to tears by her sweet words! Now I get to share her beautiful tribute to her brother, my Dad, with you! 

Theresa, thank you for granting us permission to post your tribute. We love you! Dad loved his “Seester” too! You were his favorite sister!

That is all for me today. I will let Theresa finish out this post. See you all tomorrow!


"I am NOT a writer, but I wanted to put a few of my thoughts down of Davy. Thinking a lot about him today.

My Brother

I remember thinking during his funeral, that there was so much  that I didn’t know about Davy. I knew he always gave 110% to his ministry and was always thinking what should be his next steps. The stories of others and the wonderful memories they shared and what Davy had done for them personally in their lives was truly touching! 

There is just a small glimpse of time that I can remember when Davy was not serving the Lord. There was 5 years difference between Davy and me. In my early teenage years, I can remember the two of us walking  down the road to Corwin to attend church. I honestly don’t remember why Davy just didn’t drive us there, but I’m sure there was a funny story to tell of why! 

I remember the early days of Davy and Kelly dating  They took me along to visit other churches with them. 

Serving God was his main purpose from early on.  When many were planning what to attend college, he was eager to get his ministry started. I was very proud of him, I wonder if I ever told him that? 

When Jay and I started planning our wedding, there was no doubt who would marry us. We still hear today that “Jay and I are the most married couple they know.” 

You see, Davy didn’t just have us do our vows and say I do. He preached a mini sermon just to us that day. He let us know the importance of marriage, and how truly sacred marriage was.


I often think of one of the quotes that he gave us that day. “The closest thing to Heaven is a God centered home. ”I have found this to be so true!

We got married, the Army took us to Germany.  Then later we moved to Oklahoma. I remember my first thought when Jay told me we were moving to Oklahoma , “what in the world is in Oklahoma!!”

We both found God in Oklahoma!!! Davy found out we were going to Oklahoma, and he started reaching out to all the dear people and the wonderful churches there. He found out that that some folks were getting ready to pioneer a church in Lawton, Oklahoma. 

Just because Davy had reached out to these people and told them we were coming, they instantly treated us just like family.  

Jay and I were saved in Oklahoma! I truly believe that it all started with the ministry of Davy, Kelly an Odie.  Because of the love and dedication they had shown to those churches was the reason they opened their arms to us like they did. I have never forgotten it!! 

We witnessed the true love of God! I hope Davy knew how much that meant to me and how much I appreciated his teaching, and for his encouraging words that he had given Jay and me over the years.  

The one memory that is etched in my mind, is me watching Davy worship the Lord during a song. His eyes are shut and you can see that he is taking in every word of the song and then he would reach out and grasp a hold of it. 

Our family is broken and we miss him so very much! I am so thankful he is not in pain and his body his whole. Davy will be one of the very first people  I look for in Heaven! I can just see him now….❤️"



Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sunday Sanity 2/23/25

Hey Friends,

Welcome to another edition of Sunday Sanity. Thank you for stopping by to visit!

Today's nugget comes to us from my dad's collection of saved Sanity Possibilities. I hope this inspires you! You never know where you will find something good.

"You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes." 
- Winnie-the-Pooh

I hope you have a great Sunday! See you next time!


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Example Of A Christian Full Of Character

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for joining me today! It always makes me happy that my friends decide to spend part of their day with me.
Yesterday was a full day of fun with family and friends! Keep reading, and I will tell you all about it.


We were able to spend a little bit of time with a couple of our family members. It was Presidents' Day, and our schools were out around here. That meant we could meet my Gran and Aunt Kim for lunch.

Here are a few pictures that I captured to remember the moment.

I am so glad that our schedules lined up for this meeting to happen! I love my family and enjoy spending time with them whenever possible! The food was good, but the quality time was even better!


Later in the afternoon, we went to a party to celebrate a very special friend! Emily Burris Roberts just turned to 30 years old!

Happy birthday, my friend! We love you! I am so proud of you! We have had the privilege of watching you grow up from two years old until today.

It has been a joy! God has had His hand on your life, and you have followed him! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you!

I have done a lot of thinking the last few days about my friendship with Emily and her family. They are like family to us! It is amazing to have such wonderful people in our lives!

Emily was raised with Godly examples in her life! She has wonderful parents and grandparents. Now she is grown and has a life of her own, that includes a husband, Nathan Roberts!

It has been wonderful to see her continue to serve God! She carries on the family tradition,  and the Godly character that was passed down to her! Emily is a caring, loving and friendly person. The Bible says to have friends you must show yourself friendly. Emily has lived out that verse. 

She is a friend too many people! Yesterday was just a small example of the friends that wanted to celebrate her milestone in life!

I am honored to be in her circle of friends! Looking back over the 28 years that I have known Emily, here is a little something that came to mind.

Life started for Elsie Emily Burris in February 1995. She was an excellent girl from the beginning. As a young lady, she lived an exceptional life, devoted to God! 30 years into life, Elsie Emily Roberts, is an elegant lady! Most of all she is great example of a christian full of character. 

I will close with the pictures from Emily's party. It was an exquisite event, celebrating my wonderful friend! Everyone that had a part in making the party a success did a phenomenal job! I was so glad to attend this celebration!


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sunday Sanity 2/16/25

 Hey Friends,

Thanks for joining us on Sunday! Welcome if you are new to Boggs Blogs! My regular readers know that we have shared a Sunday Sanity here most Sundays for several years.

Sanity was something my Dad started, and I have carried on. A while back, I found a page where Dad had saved some sanity possibilities. I have not researched them all yet to see if he has used any of them in the past. I did search for the one that I'm using today. I did not see it posted here.

I thought this was a good nugget to leave you with for today. 

“For where God would build a church, the devil would also build a chapel”
Martin Luther

I hope you have a great Sunday! Thanks for reading!


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday Sanity 2/9/25

 Hey Friends,

Thanks for stopping by for a moment on Sunday. Today’s sanity comes straight from the word of God. There is no better place to look for a word of encouragement.

A friend sent me this verse a while back. It encourage my heart that day, and I have looked back on it several times since. It is a comfort to know that we can find refuge and confidence In the Lord!

May God bless you and give you strength!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Memory of Davy Boggs By Andrew Blevins

 Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in for a moment. For this post, I am going to let Bro. Andrew Blevins share a memory of Dad. 

He shared this sweet memory with us a few weeks ago, and it touched us greatly! 

My Dad always had a heart for others! I had to share this sweet memory with you. Thank you to Bro. Andrew, thank you for allowing me to post it.

Dad loved Bro. Andrew and his family immensely and cheered their ministry! endeavors on. Our family is so proud of the Blevins Family. God is using them to help others. 

Recently, the Blevind visited Oklahoma, Bro. Andrew sent me this picture. He tried Dad’s favorite place for a burger, Ron’s Hamburger and Chili.

He did his best Davy Boggs impersonation for this photo. I love it!

Now, below is Andrew’s memory of his friend.


“ Many years ago when I was a teenager our youth group took a trip to the Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference. I had been going through some of the spiritual ups and downs of youth,and had allowed myself to get cold in the Lord. My heart was hard and full of bitterness.  

The singing and the preaching was great, but unfortunately nothing could move me. I tried to pray and got nowhere. I stood there in the altar service surrounded by a crowd of people and feeling totally alone. I bowed my head and "prayed" just to appease my dad who was standing next to me. But I was just going through the motions. I didn't want to be there and I sure didn't want a bunch of people praying for me.

Suddenly I felt someone come up behind me and wrap their arms around me. I felt the burn of bitterness begin to swell up within me. "Who in the world is this?",Then I heard his voice. It was a voice I had grown up hearing in my home church. 

It was brother Davy. I had no idea he was in the crowd. He was weeping and crying. Pouring out his heart to God for me. I felt my hard heart melt and break. I prayed back through and found God's grace was still sufficient.

As I look back, that weekend was a turning point for me. I don't know if I would have gone on serving the Lord without receiving that touch. It was brother Davys love and compassion for me that moved me.

I was blessed to be raised at Dryden Road Pentecostal Church, and this is just one of the many memories I have of my dear friend brother Davy Boggs.”

Andrew Blevins

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sunday Sanity 1/19/25

Hey Friends,

I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday! We have returned to the deep freeze here in Ohio. According to the weather guessers, as my Dad called them, we will be there for several days. I will still rejoice and be glad because this is the day the Lord made.

Pastor E.J. Lamb provides with today's sanity. Mom and I attended service with our friends at the Anchor on Wednesday night. 

We sure do love Pastor E.J., Sis. Lacey, their children, and the Anchor of Hope church family! All of them have been special friends to us for a long time!

On Wednesday night, he preached on “ Faith Beyond Feelings.” The entire message was encouraging, but this little nugget stood out.

“Faith is not a walk in what I see and feel, but faith is walking in what I know”. Pastor E.J. Lamb

One thing I know God will always be with us, even when we can not see or  feel Him!

See you tomorrow. 