Showing posts with label Special Days. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Special Days. Show all posts

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Throwback Thursday 3/20/25

 Hey Friends,

Spring has sprung, according to the calendar. I am anxious for warmth to stick around, as I am not a fan of bipolar weather!

Tuesday was beautiful here in Ohio. Yesterday, it was back to cold and windy. A storm blew in late last night. It was crazy for a while, but I think we are still here, thank God!

March 20th is also a special day in our family calendar! It was a day my Dad celebrated more than his birthday! His older brother Steve was born on March 20th1964. My Daddy sure did love his Bubba! He was so proud of him!

I have watched Uncle Steve live out what being the best big brother truly means. He was there for my Dad on the good and bad days. God allowed him to be there on the very worst days, right by Dad and us! 

He is a fantastic man, and I'm proud to call him my Uncle! Everybody who meets Uncle Steve loves him! Anyone who was around Dad for more than a few moments heard something about his Bubba. We love Uncle Steve!

Unk, happy birthday! I hope you have the best day ever! You deserve to be celebrated today! Thank you for being the best brother and uncle we can ask for! We can never truly thank you enough for everything you have done for us! Thank you for being our rock!

God has been helping Uncle Steve through his own bout with sickness! Thank you for helping us pray! Many of you have asked me how he is doing. God has brought him a long way, and we are praying for continued healing! Uncle Steve is working hard to get his help on track!

I will close out today's post with some of my favorite throwback photos of the birthday boy! Thank you for joining us today. See you tomorrow.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Tanner Williams Friends And Family Day 2025

 Hey Friends,

Yesterday was another day full of blessings. It was our last day of church services for this trip.

It was a great way to end this trip. We will begin the road trip home today. I am praying for safe travel days. 

Sunday morning was Friends and Family Day at Tanner Williams Holiness Church. This is a special day that has often been on our schedule, and we love being with our Tanner Williams friends!

Mom and I were honored when Pastor Donnie Williams invited us to be with them and sing again this year! It was a privilege for us!

They did not need our singing, because their chuch is loaded with incredible talent. They all sang and played so great! We enjoyed seeing our precious long time friends!

I will close with my pictures from the day. See you tomorrow. 


Friday, March 7, 2025

Ellisville First Assembly Visit In Pics

 Hey Friends,

We are having a great time on our trip with Gran and Papaw. We have been blessed to spend time with family, friends and some of our dear road family!

Pastor Kenny Morris has been our friend for almost twenty years, since summer 2005. 19 years ago that we first visited him and the First Assembly in Ellisville, Mississippi. 

The Morris family adopted us, and First Assembly became a home away from home for us. We love our Ellisville family dearly and have looked forward to every visit. 

Often, our revivals at First Assembly have coincided with an annual fundraiser for their Christian school! We loved attending the wild game supper. It was a highlight of Dad's year. 

The Morris' invited Mom and me to visit them again. We were excited to make the trip to Ellisville one more time.We decided to plan our trip around our annual visit. It felt good to have something a little closer to normal.

We were in Ellisville last Friday for Wild Game Supper 2025. It felt right for us to be there to honor Dad’s memory. We had Ohio and Alabama family join in the fun this year too!

Below are pictures from that event. Ethan Morris helped me capture these memories. 

Ethan thank you for the selfies too!🤣

First Assembly also had revival this week. We attended 2 nights of the revival. Our road family received us with love and open arms! It was healing for all of us!

Below are the pictures from revival that I took.

Bro. Roger and Sis Joan Luke were the evangelist. We greatly enjoyed being in the services with them too. The Lord encouraged our hearts!

I am thrilled we got to see our Ellisville road family! We  love them so much. Words can not express my appreciation for their love, friendship and dedication to our family! It was a pleasure to introduce Mom’s parents to these extraordinary people!

Thank you for joining us today. See you tomorrow.
