Showing posts with label Special Days. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Special Days. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2025

January Birthdays 2025

 Hey Friends,

January is an extremely busy month for birthdays in our family and friends. I can not remember to give everyone a shout here, that is certain.

I do like to honor my family members and remember their special days. I love each of them so much and can not imagine my life without them being a part of it! Their birthdays are listed below.

  • January 3rd
Luke Osborn. Happy Birthday, Bucko, we love you! Hope your 22nd year is awesome!

  • January 12th- Betty Morgan "Gran." 
You see her birthday dinner recap here.

  • January 13th- Ezra Daniels. 
I posted more about Ezra here.

  • January 14th- Jeanna Morgan. 
We love you so much, Aunt Jeanna. We hope you had a fabulous birthday that matched your fabulousness!

  • January 16th- Davy Boggs. 
We honored Dad's first Heavenly birthday with a special blog post and YouTube video. You can see it here!

  • January 20th- Chloe Jean Shoemaker. 
Our miracle is a 3 year old princess now. We love you, Chloe Jean! You are our pride and joy. I am so thankful God blessed our family with you!

  • January 21st- Danny Morgan. 
Mom's favorite brother celebrated his Birthday this week. We love you, Uncle Danny! I hope your Birthday was as sweet as Sonny's Sweet BBQ sauce!

  • January 22nd- Sis. Joan Morris and Brentni Davis
Two of our special friends share a birthday. I wanted to give them both a shoutout. They are very important people who have stood by us for many years.

Mama Joan and Grand Mama 

We love you bunches! Thank you for loving us like famly, and counting my Dad as one of your sons! He was proud to be your "oldest" son! Happy Birthday! Can not wait to see you again and hug your neck!

Brentni Davis

 I love you, girl! I hope you have a great birthday! Thanks for your friendship over the years. We really appreciate your prayers and encouragement over the last few months!

Happy Birthday to all of you who have January birthdays! Thank God for blessing you with life! I pray God blesses you this year!

See you next time. 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Foodie Friday 1/17/25

 Hey Friends,

How are you all doing? I hope you are doing well today. I am happy to report that Mom and I are doing very good. The Lord is our strength and our help daily!

Have you seen our previous post this week? If you have not read them yet, please take a moment and look black. 

This has been a week of reflection for us. Here are the link to the posts from Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We also posted a new video to our Boggs Family Ministries YouTube channel yesterday. I have posted it below. You can also find it in yesterday's post.

As most of you know, yesterday was Dad's first Heavenly birthday. We spent the day honoring Dad and remembering him.

Thank you to everyone who reached out to us yesterday, letting us know that you were praying for us! We did read each message and found it encouraging! I apologize that I did not get to respond to each text message or comment individually. I will try to get that done today.

It was great to spend time with our family yesterday! We thought it was only fitting to enjoy a good steak from Longhorn on his birthday. Longhorn was his favorite chain restaurant steak. His favorite order was an outlaw ribeye from Longhorn. Mom and I split one yesterday. 

Just as I suspected the food was delicious and the family time was even more precious! I also predicted that we would laugh a lot, cry some and reminisce even more. We did all three of those things! I think it was a fabulous way to spend Dad’s birthday, surrounded by those that we love!

Mom and I finished out the day by going to church with our church family at DRPC! Church was the normal thing to do on his birthday! If I had to guess Dad spent more of his birthdays going to church than not. 

Today being Foodie Friday on the blog, I thought it only right to share yesterday's pictures with you. 

I hope you enjoy! Let me know if it flings or craving on you for a Longhorn!

See you back here tomorrow.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Happy Birthday Daddy 2025

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for dropping by for a visit! We have been in reflection mode this week. A couple of big days are here this week, back to back. 

January 15th, last year, Daddy came home from the hospital after the stroke. Click here to visit yesterday’s post

January 16th is my Dad’s birthday! Dad did not like a lot of attention on his birthday. He always wanted to make a big deal about mine or Mom’s, but not his! A blog post is just about all I could get by doing for him.

He does not get a choice this year! We are spending today honoring the great man I got to call Daddy!

Mom and I sat down and reflected on Dad’s last days on earth. He taught us to love God and His greatness always! Dad’s love for his Great God was evident until the end. 

Also, we included Dad singing If You Could See Me Now. This video was recorded as part of a church service at my house in April of 2020. We also played it at Dad’s celebration of life. Some people have requested to hear the song again. I figured his birthday was a great day to share it again.

I will close with a note for my Daddy. See you tomorrow. 

Happy birthday, Daddy! I love you, “More than a hog loves slop”! You will forever be my superhero! 

This is the first time in my lifetime that I could not celebrate your birthday with you in person. Over the years we have celebrated your birthday in a myriad of states and ways! You may not physically be here, but we are still marking this extra special date on the calendar. 

In a while we will enjoy a delicious dinner with several family members in your honor! I know there will be tears, laughter and lots of memories! I so wish you could be here with us! You are always dearly missed!

 Love Your Baby Girl, Odie!

Monday, January 13, 2025

Gran’s 2025 Birthday Dinner

 Hey Friends,

I hope you had a great weekend! Mom and I had a good one. On Saturday, we spent the day with our cousin Lisa. 

Sunday was spent at church with our incredible church family. We are extra blessed to be part of the DRPC family, and we have had some excellent services lately!

Between services, we had time to celebrate a special lady's birthday, which was yesterday! 

That special lady is Mom’s Mother and my Gran, Betty Jo Morgan! Happy Birthday, Gran! We love you so much! 

It was wonderful to spend a couple hours with her on her birthday. I can not tell you the last time that happened. Possibly 20 plus years!

This year it actually worked that most of the Morgan crew was there for Gran’s birthday dinner. I think the total was 20! We had a great time with family!

I cherish these moments, always have, but they are even more special now. Life is fragile. The loved ones surrounding us are valuable treasures!

I hope you enjoy a small glimpse into our celebration of the World’s Best Gran! Thank you to Joey Danies for allowing me to use a few of your pics!

See you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Davy’s Memory Lives On In Nigeria

Hey Friends,

Boggs Family Ministries with the help of God’s people was able to provide some much needed funds to complete a church in Nigeria this year. Dad was excited about this project after he saw the need for help last year during their visit there. 

He was thrilled that God helped us, and despite his health battles we were able to help our friends complete their new church building. This is one of the branch churches of Bro Shobanke’s Christ Ambassadors Holiness Church in Abeokuta, Nigeria.

The dedication date was set for December 2024 of the building. Dad wanted nothing more than to be in Nigeria for the dedication. His head knew that his body was not up to the trip. His heart still wanted to be with our dear Nigerian friends, “across the ocean”!

After Dad’s passing our friends decided to to do a joint dedication and memorial to honor Dad. Our family was so honored by the thoughtfulness of our precious friends. We love all of them dearly! 

Saturday was the special day. We could not be there but our hearts are greatly touched. We will have more pictures and details of the service later. We were sent a picture of the beautiful plaque at the church's entrance.

Thank you for reading. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

God Still Has It All In Control

Hey Friends,

It is Wednesday, I don't have A Word for Wednesday for you. I I do think it would be fitting to post a video featuring Dad. 

This was originally posted to our blog and YouTube in February 2021. This is a song from a service in Livingston, Texas. This was recorded at the Beech Creek Assembly with Pastor Don Goodwin.

On this particular Sunday, we were not scheduled to be in Texas. I believe God ordained for us to be in the service. This is just one of the ways that God showed us He was indeed in control!

One week later Covid forever changed our lives. Dad and I were diagnosed with Covid for the first time the following Sunday, January 31, 2021. Dad never fully recovered from Covid and the many health problems that followed after that. One thing we never forget and never will: God is in control!

This powerful service has never strayed far from my memory since it happened. I am so grateful that it was caught on camera and recorded. We forever have the memories with us! I went back last night and rewatched this video. I wanted to hear, in particular, the message that came from God during this song!  It gave me great solace, even now. 

Wow, there was no way we could know what the future held for our family. But God was speaking to us even then! Today, I hold onto his promises. I trust that He still has it all in control!

Please take time to watch this video. Also, I will post the link to the post Dad wrote about this day on the blog himself. It is worth rereading!

Click here to see Dad's February 5th 2021 blog post. 

Thanks for visiting with me! See you tomorrow. To quote Dad, "Ciao for now."


Friday, November 22, 2024

A Wonderful Celebration

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for stopping by today. This is Odie writing. I am here to tell you we had a wonderful celebration of the best man I have known yesterday. 

The life my Dad lived well was well honored! Mom and I could not be any happier with the service. Each speaker and singer did a phenomenal job. Most of all the Lord graced us with His presence during the entire service! It is a day and experience that I will never forget. 

Thank you to everyone for your love, friendship and continued prayers!

Monday, November 11, 2024

Davy Finished The Race 1/16/67-11/10/24

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ 
 “7. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 
8. henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”
Hey Friends,
My Daddy fought a good fight and finished his race yesterday afternoon! He is shouting on the streets of gold, worshipping Jesus! He is reunited with our precious Ali and many other loved one. 

We rejoice because Dad is happy and whole! The day he lived for has finally arrived! Our hearts hurt to say goodbye to the best husband, father, son, brother and friend, anyone could ask for. We are thankful for the blessed hope of seeing him again!

Please keep our family in your prayers! thank you for your love, friendship and so much more. So many of you have already helped us navigate this difficult time in our lives! The outpouring of love and support from our friends has been mind blowing!

The funeral arrangements are pending. All the services will be held in Ohio. The details will be posted here when they are available. It could take a few days to finalize everything.

Thank you for checking in with us! Please share this post with others. We may take a break from our regular blog, content, or maybe not.


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Jonas And Kylee Boggs

Hey Friends,

This is Odie coming to you from Mississippi. I am happy to be able to spend some time this week and tomorrow with some of my favorite road family.

My time at home last week was for the wedding of my cousin Jonas. When Jonas and Kylee got engaged earlier this year, I decided to be home for their big day.

Their wedding date was September 21st, 2024. The festivities took place at our church, Dryden Road Pentecostal Church. I was thrilled to be there as Jonas and Kylee started their new life together.

It was a beautiful wedding celebration for the happy couple, and it was great to see lots of family and friends! Below are my pictures from the wedding day. My photos are from before the wedding and during the reception. For the ceremony, they requested that no pictures be taken except by the photographer. 

I hope you enjoy seeing the day through my camera lenses. Thank you for joining me for part of your day! I will see you next time!