Showing posts with label Weekend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weekend. Show all posts

Monday, March 24, 2025

Weekend Wrap Up 3/24/25

Hey Friends,

Can you believe the pace at which we are zooming through March? To me, it seems like the month just began yesterday, and now we are in the last week of it.

We had a fabulous weekend full of family, friends, fun and church! I think that’s an excellent recipe for a wonderful weekend! 

Let’s rewind to Thursday. We met our wonderful family/friends, Pastor E.J., Sis. Lacey, Reese, Carter, Hudson and Stella Lamb for lunch. 

Most of you will not be surprised at our lunch of choice. Yes, we went to Acapulco, which was as good as ever! The fellowship was even better! We love this family so dearly. I always leave feeling refreshed when we spend time with them! They have a way of cheering me up!

It was the first day of spring, but the weather did not get the notification. It was quite cold. I even saw a few snowflakes! That did not stop me from enjoying a free ice cream to celebrate the first day of spring at our local Dairy Queen. We enjoyed it from me inside of our heated car with the heated seats on! It sure tasted good

As I mentioned in Yesterday’s Sunday Sanity post, we went to our home church at DRPC. bro. Andrew Blevins preached, and it was great to be in service with our church family!

On Friday, I was not hitting on all eight cylinders; my head was throbbing. I chose to spend the day at home resting. Mom went to visit some of our family that evening, and she did not take any pictures. 

Saturday morning we visited with some more of our family. It was great to see all of them! Thankfully, I felt much better. 

Saturday night found us a little less than an hour away. I found that the Martins were going to be in concert. We have always enjoyed the Martins music for many many years. They were just as good as ever! I will share more about that in a later post. 

Sunday morning we were back at DRPC. Our Pastor taught a wonderful Sunday school lesson. 

I snapped a few photos during service. I could not pass up an opportunity to document my cousin Katie behind the Bible stand. 😂

The kids choir. 

Then we were blessed to hear Bro. J.R. Alexander preach. It was great to have Bro. J.R. And Sis. Teresa home visiting. 

Sunday evening, we were in service at The Anchor of Hope in Lebanon, Ohio.
we love our friends at The Anchor so much! 

A few months ago, Pastor E.J. Lamb asked us to come and sing and Uncle Danny Morgan to preach. The Lord blessed us with a wonderful service! Uncle Danny preached really really good! Mom and I were blessed to be part of the service!

I will wrap up this post with my pictures from Sunday night. See you all tomorrow!


Monday, March 17, 2025

Weekend Wrap Up 3/17/25

 Hey Friend,

I hope you had a fabulous weekend. We were blessed with a great weekend at home. Here is just a sneak peek. 

On Saturday, we stayed close to the house. Mom and Papaw worked on a project. I was not outside to take pictures; I was working inside. 

Then, Mom put together a cube shelf for the living room and another for her room. I tried to help when I could. At least, maybe I was moral support. 

Sunday due to heavy rain  we went next door to Dodds for their morning service. It was great to see family and friends! Then we went to dinner with several family members, including my Uncle Jay's parents. The family time was wonderful!

Sunday night we were back home at Dryden Road. It was wonderful to be with our church family once again! We had a great service. Our pastor preached wonderfully! 

We wrapped up Sunday with food and fellowship after service. The young people were raising money. I did fail to get any pictures. Oops, I was living in the moment and let blog material slip my mind. Please forgive me!

See you tomorrow  

Monday, March 3, 2025

Happy 75th Birthday Bro. Kenny Morris

 Hey Friends,

We had a wonderful weekend on our Mississippi trip. I will post pictures and details later. We had a busy few days, and as I type this post, I am getting ready to fall into bed on Sunday night. 

Today, we attended two fabulous church services! Sunday morning, we attended First Assembly in Richton, Mississippi. It was great to see all of our precious friends there! Pastor Scott Morris preached excellently. The Lord used him to speak to my soul! 

Sunday evening, we visited First Assembly in Ellisville, Mississippi. Pastor Kenny Morris and the congregation welcomed us with open arms and loved on us!  We have visited their church around this time of year for many years. It is great to be back with them!

Bro. Rogers Luke is preaching revival there this week. He preached a wonderful message, and the altar service was excellent! 

Pastor. Kenny Morris celebrated his 75th birthday yesterday! Happy Birthday, Bro. Kenny, aka Granddaddy!

It We have been celebrating his birthdays with him for many years. This year was no exception! I am so glad that we were able to be there to love on him a little bit yesterday. 

Bro. Kenny and his family have been like family to us. We are so grateful to have them in our lives!
their friendship has been blessing to us. We love all of them!

Thanks for reading! See you next time.


Monday, February 24, 2025

Short Update

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for stopping by to visit. I am just taking a moment to post a quick update. 

We had a fantastic weekend in Oklahoma. Yesterday was full of two services. I will post more pics from our trip tomorrow.

Mom and I fly home early this morning. We pray both of our flights go smoothly! 


Monday, February 3, 2025

Sunday Morning Recap West Harrison

 Hey Friends,

This is Odie. I am back from a wonderful vacation. I got home late Saturday night. I will post lots of pictures and details later. I have not had time to edit and sort things yet. 

I had a fabulous cruise and flights! Thank God for allowing me to have a smooth vacation. Thanks also to many of you for your prayers and concern for my well-being!

Sunday Morning Recap

We traveled just a little more than an hour to Indiana yesterday. Pastor Wade Hicks invited Mom and me to service Sunday Morning at West Harrison Pentecostal Tabernacle. 

It was so good to see our dear friends again. They have been dear to our hearts for many years. We are thankful for their friendship now and always!

Pastor Hicks asked us to come sing and testify yesterday morning. Bro Wade preached after we sang. We are grateful for the invitation to minister, in our way, to their congregation. They received us with open arms!

After service, we enjoyed a meal and fellowship with Bro. Wade and Sis Sharon. We are thankful for a great morning, and the Lord helped us!

I will close with the pictures I captured and a few from Sis Chrissy. The pics upload is in a crazy order! Some days, I can not get it right. 

Thanks for reading! See you tomorrow. 