Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Macedonian Call - "Come to Montana and Help us!"

These are some of Bro. Metzger's young people during youth revival last October.

I was reading this week in the book of Acts of Apostle Paul's vision. You will find it in Acts 16...
9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.
 10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them.
My prayer was immediately that God would give somebody that same vision concerning Montana. Bro. Metzger has invited us to bring the tent to Florence, Montana and preach a tent revival. After much prayer we have felt like we should endeavor to do it. We want people to join in with the Sun Valley church to worship, pray, witness and enjoy the presence of the Lord.

As it stands now we will have tent revival in Montana July 15-20 or 22. We are believing that God will reward the effort and give Sun Valley church a great revival. This is a great church with a determination to really be a witness, light and testimony to their community. They have a lively youth group and they are actively seeking revival. God has blessed them tremendously and I believe this tent revival will be a continuation of that blessing.

I have had people ask me, "You are going to take everything to Montana for one tent revival?" Yes, I know, it doesn't make much sense. It is going to be challenging physically, logistically and financially. But when has effective ministry ever been easy? When does God's work ever make sense to the human mind? I believe God is going to bless these human efforts in a mighty divine way. 

I am asking God to add whole families to the kingdom of God and the Sun Valley church in this tent revival. I am asking God for dozens of people to experience God for the first time and for backsliders to be brought home. I am asking that people would be healed, saved and delivered from all manner of oppression, sin and bondage. I believe that God is going to do it!

We desire God's people to come and help us! I would love to saturate their area with prayer and put invitations and flyers in as many hands as possible. Bro. Metzger's church will be busy working to prepare for the revival but that week I would love to flood them with reinforcements. There are many souls in their area that need to hear the Gospel message and I believe that God's people can be an instrument to reach many of those souls.

This would be a great opportunity for a home missions trip with the young people of your church. It would also be a great way for a family to combine some hands on ministry with your vacation. Every where we go people are always talking about going to Montana. Now is the time to do it! 

There are motels nearby in Lolo and Missoula and the Missoula airport is about 30 minutes away. A wide variety of rental cars are available at the airport. The church is between Lolo and Florence and the tent will be set up either at the church or in Florence.

It is absolutely beautiful country (After all this is Montana we are talking about!) Glacier National Park is about 170 miles, Yellowstone is about 300 miles and many beautiful places are right in the neighborhood. You will fall in love with the Metzger family and the people of the Sun Valley church. I guarantee it. They are beautiful as well!

I am excited about each revival scheduled this year. Whether in a church or under the tent I am expecting God to do great things in each revival. But I admit, I am especially excited about tent revival in Montana! Would you consider going to Montana to help the Sun Valley Church and Pastor Metzger in tent revival?

Would you pray about it? Is it possible that God will allow you to catch the vision?  Come over into Macedonia (Montana) and help us.

Feel free to call or email me if you are interested in helping with this particular tent revival...

God Bless,


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pastor Anthony Munoz Update and Cartoons

Here are a few more cartoons drawn by Pastor Anthony Munoz. Bro. Anthony is in the hospital battling cancer. You can read more HERE.

Please hold up Bro. Anthony, his wife Sis. Rose, his children and his church before the Lord. They are under incredible pressure right now and they need God's help every moment. They also have a terrible amount of extra expense at this time so if you would like to help with that contact us and we will put you in direct contact with them or supply an address for you. I know that God will bless you if you could do anything for the Munoz family.

Thursday night we go to Souls Harbor Holiness church in Fresno where Bro. Anthony is the Pastor. They graciously changed their service to Thursday this week so that we would be able to be with them. Bro. Anthony and Sis. Rose won't be there of course but we are looking forward to being with their people. We are asking God to help us minister to their tremendous needs at this time. Please pray with us about that as well.
God bless you,


This one is not original but is based on the Far Side. It is Bro. Anthony's drawing though.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

More Amazing Grace Tabernacle Pictures

Here are a few more pictures from revival at Amazing Grace Tabernacle in Atwater, California. We have had a wonderful time this week. We love Bro. Jared Burris and his great church.

Please pray for Bro. Jared and his folks. They worship in a rented building and have some opportunities on the horizon to buy a place to worship. They desire the leading of the Lord so add them to your prayer list if you will. There is one place that would be awesome if it would come through. It is a great location and great facility. God knows the future and what they need so may His will be done.


These last two pictures were taken with different cameras. One was taken with my iPhone 4 and the other with Odie's iPhone 4S. Can you tell which is which?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pastor Anthony Munoz - Stanford Medical Center

On Tuesday Pastor Burris and I drove over to Stanford, California to see Pastor Anthony Munoz and his wife, Sis. Rose. Bro. Anthony is battling cancer for the second time and is in a very critical phase of his treatment at Stanford Medical Center. 

I cannot begin to comprehend all the process but this is how I understand it. They have given Bro. Anthony a lethal dose of Chemo to burn all the bone marrow out of his body. Today they will transplant the stem cells that were taken from him previously. If all goes well this will rid his body of all the cancer. 

Please pray that Bro. Anthony's body will respond properly and that he will have no side effects. Pray for the whole family that God will strengthen them physically, emotionally and spiritually. I know God is able to help them through this. 

These are pictures that Bro. Anthony has drawn on the whiteboard in his room the last few days. Praise God for a sense of humor on dark days. 


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Motorcycle Accident

We spent most of the afternoon and evening in Western Baptist Hospital yesterday in Paducah. Pastor Noah Martinez was on his way home from work when a truck turned left across his lane. Bro. Noah hit the truck broadside with his motorcycle and then slammed into the truck with his body. He hit so hard that the shield on his helmet was busted. 

After several hours at the hospital the Doctor said they could see no broken bones and released him to go home. He is scraped up, beat up and banged up but we are thankful it was not worse. The result could have been so different for Sis. Carla, his family, his church and friends. We are praising God for His protection. 

Please pray for Pastor Noah Martinez over the next few days. 


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Monday and Tuesday in Pictures

The Tent Revival in Elkton has been wonderful so far. We have had great crowds and great response in the altar services. Below are a few pictures of Monday and Tuesday nights.

Thanks for your prayers. I have been gimping around on a sore foot for over a week and it was pretty bad the last few days but God is helping and I am noticing some improvement. I am very thankful for that. 

Please keep praying for little Kari Noe and her family. They are in desperate need of a miracle and we know our God is able. You can keep up with Kari and the rest of the Noe family Here. God bless,


Monday Night

Tuesday Night

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Prayer Request & Elco Campmeeting 2011 in Pictures

First, an urgent prayer request:

This is beautiful little Kari Noe. She is the daughter of Matthew and Ashlee Noe from Danville, Kentucky. She is the granddaughter of Pastor David and Sis. Karen Noe and the great-niece of Pastor John and Sis. Ann Gabbard. In the last couple of days their world has been turned upside down. Little Kari has been diagnosed with Leukemia. Please pray for our little friend and this family. They are precious people and dear friends. Sis. Ashlee is providing updates HERE. It wouldn't hurt to leave a word of encouragement there as well.

Elco Campmeeting was great. Below you will find a bunch of iPhone pictures from the meeting.
God bless,