Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Our View Out The Front Window 6/23/19

Prayer Request
Our dear friend Bro. Rickey Searcy is in need of the Lord's touch. Please pray for healing in his body. We know the Lord is able!

Our View
This is our view this morning at a travel plaza on the Kansas Turnpike south of Wichita. The dark clouds to the right are the southern edge of a storm that was headed toward Wichita. We barely made it south of the storm and missed most of the fury.

Here are the links to our posts from this last week.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Tent Revivals In Colorado, Oklahoma and Ohio!

Our tent revival season is fast approaching and we are excited about it. In past years we have had many tent revivals in March, April and May, but we are very glad we have not had the tent up anywhere the last two months. Between rain, hail, and tornadoes, we would be nervous wrecks even if the tent was not a wreck.

Weather is always something we pray much about when the tent is going in the air. I would rather err on the side of caution rather than lose the tent in a storm or watch it wrap around a house or church. With tornadoes striking the US every day for the last 14 days straight, It has been difficult enough keeping the bus from being a target, much less the tent.

Colorado Springs, Pastor Thomas
Our first three tent revivals are just around the corner. Two weeks from tomorrow we will set it up for the first time this year at Souls Harbor Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The first service will be Father's day morning. We are really looking forward to it.

The tent revival in Colorado Springs will run Sunday through Friday. You can see a PDF of that tent revival HERE. If you have never been to Colorado in the summer, you need to see what you have been missing all your life.

Amber, Oklahoma, Pastor Russell Cheek
Hopefully, we will take down the tent in Colorado Springs on Friday night after church. Then we will drive about 700 miles or so Saturday and Sunday to Amber, Oklahoma for our second tent revival of the season. We plan to set the tent up on Monday evening and run tent revival Tuesday through Sunday morning, June 25-30. You can see a PDF of the Amber tent flyer HERE.

We need to take down the tent dry in Amber. Hopefully, that can be done Sunday afternoon and we can hit the road Sunday evening. We are preaching the day services of Elco, Illinois Camp Meeting the next week. The meeting begins on Monday night and our first service is Tuesday morning.

Middletown, Ohio, Pastor Kevin Allen
By the end of the next week, we plan to have the tent in position to set up in Middletown, Ohio. We are doing a City Reach type meeting for Pastor Kevin Allen. He has secured the use of a city park close to his church and in a great neighborhood. We are very excited to set up there.

Pastor Allen does not have many folks in his church plant and we are praying for soul saving revival. We really need help during this revival. We will need help setting up the tent at 8:00 AM Saturday, July 13 and help taking it down Friday night July 19 or Saturday, July 20 depending on the weather.

But even more so, we need help during the revival meeting. We need people under that tent, having church, praising God and allowing God to move. When people do those things, God will inhabit our praise and begin to work in a mighty way in the neighborhood. We need you and we would love for you to come and be a part of tent revival in Middletown, Ohio July 14-19.

HERE is a PDF of the flyer for the tent revival in Middletown. The revival will be at Damon Park, 1500 Pershing Avenue, Middletown, Ohio. I can not tell you how pleased and bless we will be if you will join us.

For those of you that can not join us, will you pray for us? We know God is able to save, bless, heal and deliver. We expect Him to do all of that and so much more.

Thank you for reading today.


Monday, April 1, 2019

Road Life = Prayer Life

Most Monday's I have a post ready to tell about the weekend, however, once in a while I have other things to say and I post the weekend report on Tuesday. Let's talk about buses and road life for a few minutes today.

First, a reminder of why we constantly pray as we travel and why we ask you to pray for us too. This bus below belongs to the Southern Gospel group, The Perry's

A large tire and wheel came off of a Jeep traveling in the opposite direction. 

The tire jumped the concrete divider wall and bounced its way down the interstate until it hit the front of their bus. The hardest hit was just below the windshield. An initial impact a few inches higher and the driver would have probably been instantly killed and the lives of the people on the bus and in the cars surrounding would have been in serious jeopardy.

As it was the driver was able to miraculously control the bus and safely bring it to a stop even with glass raining all around him and complete confusion and chaos crashing in as well.

The crash was unavoidable for the driver of that bus. The tire was probably in his face faster than a human can react. That is why we must have the help of the Lord. This is a horrible mess, inconvenience and expense for the Perry's, but they are thanking God and we are thanking God for them that it was not much worse. It could have easily been a life ending tragedy.

I have also been thanking God for all the people in cars and pickup trucks behind the Perry's bus. Without the bus in front of them to take the hit, some of them would likely have been killed.

One friend text me and said, "I had to stop and thank God audibly for constantly keeping His hand of protection on you all after reading about the Perry's bus accident."

Amen! Amen!

A Little Bus Work

After leaving Easley, South Carolina we had a couple of projects completed on the BoggsMobile in Vonore, Tennessee. It feels like home when we pull into Jeff Rowe's place. They make us feel at home and always take care of us top notch.

We pulled into Tennessee Luxury Coach on Thursday last week and in a few minutes, they had removed the original tail lights from the bus.

I do not have a picture of the originals Thursday, but here they are freshly washed in February.

24 years of use had left them cloudy and downright dingy. I could not get them to clean up properly. That is the main reason for replacement. They were not bright enough at night. When cars and trucks are coming up on me at a high rate of speed, I want them to see me for a while before they get to me.

The incandescent bulbs were constantly going out and I could never seem to keep them all working at the same time. It was time for LED.

I had asked Jeff about them quite a bit ago, but I could never get by his shop at the right time. This time the stars lined up perfectly.

Kelly Jo and I tackled another project while in Vonore. Occasionally, the Jacob Brake (Jake) on the BoggsMobile would stop working. The Jake is an engine exhaust brake that slows the bus considerably and saves the regular brakes a lot of work.  It would work perfectly all day and then suddenly nothing. 

It used to happen very occasionally, like maybe 20 times in 10 years. Since November, it has been much more frequent. It would reset if I turned off the engine and then started the engine again. That told us it was most likely an electrical problem.

The wiring harness that was replaced in Houston also energizes the Jake. We figured the problem was solved when that was completed. Nope.

The ECM, engine computer, sends the signal through the wiring harness to the Jake. We figured the intermittent Jake problem would be repaired once the ECM was replaced in Alabama. Nope.

There was one more thing to check. There is a Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) that is mounted to the back of the "gas" pedal. It sends the position of the throttle to the computer. It determines how much fuel you pour into the engine and makes it go faster. It also affects the cruise control and the Jake. The Jake is activated when you take your foot off the gas pedal.

On our way to North Carolina a couple weeks ago the Jake quit again. We stopped at a rest area, but did not turn off the bus. Instead, we unplugged the TPS and then plugged it back in. The Jake worked perfectly! BINGO!

The TPS is normally easy to replace. Two screws and an electrical plug removes the old one and two screws and an electrical plug installs the new one.

Of course, life can not be that easy all the time. They have changed the plug on the replacement TPS so they also sent me a 3-4' wiring harness with the new TPS. You now have to replace the TPS and the wire that plugs into it. That wire is fastened to the pedal and to the floor then goes through the floor and plugs into another harness.

This picture is taken looking up from laying on my back directly under the front seat and floor area.

Once we had that wire out, we fished the new wire in, plugged it in below, wire tied it very good below and then fastened the new wire to the floor and pedal. It took a little longer to do it than to describe it, but it was not too bad. AND, so far it works!

I am working on another thing or two, but nothing major. Things that need to be completed are just enough to keep us praying. 

Thank you for joining us today.

1995 Prevost XL
1996 Vantare Conversion

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Preparing For My Miracle

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from Tennessee. It is wonderful to be back in this beautiful state. It was here as a girl that I learned to love the beauty of God’s creation and I always look forward to visiting Tennesse. 

Tomorrow revival will begin at Beechfork Holiness Church. We will be here thru Wednesday night with our Tennessee family Pastor Herman and Sis. Margaret Woods. We love being with them and their sweet congregation! I look forward to a wonderful revival by faith. 

This Thursday and Friday, April 4th and 5th it is time for the Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference. You still have a few days to make your plans to be in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee for this year’s PFYC. We hope to see you there this week at the LeConte Center. Click Here to learn more about PFYC 2019.

Preparing For My Miracle 

Most of you know that I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy (CP) when I was about 2 1/2 years old. The damage probably happened while I was being born. They say brain does not send the correct signals to my leg muscles to allow me to walk properly. I have relied on the aid of people and things for my mobility all of my life. I have never been able to walk on my own. I do believe that I am going to walk on my own and I have always dreamed of that day. 

My parents taught me of God’s healing power and from a young age. I have trusted and believed that God would heal me, but honestly, I never dreamed that I would wait over 30 years for my miracle to be completed. God has always been faithful to me! I cannot complain, because the Lord has been so good to me. I have had times of discouragement, but I have always found my refreshing in the Holy Spirit. 

I am a planner I like to know the schedule and have a general idea of how things are “supposed” to go. I would love to know the exact time of my healing, but God does not work by our time schedules. Therefore it is impossible to plan a date and a time for my healing. Whenever God has my miracle planned, then I am ready!

My imagination does get carried away at times wondering where, when and how my miracle will take place. I have imagined many different scenarios over the years of how it might happen. I have considered how can we share the news here on the blog. I do not have the answers to my many questions. Today I just wanted to alert you, please do not be shocked when you see the news of my healing. I believe in my heart that it is coming soon!

You may be wondering how I can declare that my healing is coming soon? I have had two special experiences during church services recently that I thought my healing was happening that very instant. It is impossible to know why that was not the appointed time for my full miracle, but I absolutely refuse to be discouraged. Instead, my faith is encouraged and strengthened. I believe my healing is right around the corner! I am excited about the future and what is to come!

New Years Eve 2010 my Dad preached on faith and that night I shouted the new year in believing that my healing was happening soon. January 1, 2011, I started a list on my phone of people that I had to let know when my miracle happens. I have carried that list with me for eight years. Occasionally I go over the list adding more names. I pulled my list out recently in anticipation that I will be needing it soon. 

Now I also began a mental list of places that I would like to go or things that I would like to do after I am healed. My life has been absolutely incredible! I have met so many people and I want to go see them all again, walk into the church and let them witness the miracle of God's healing power with their own eyes! That is going to be awesome.

I have been so blessed to have a ton of amazing experiences in life. I think it would be great to go back to revisit some places with the ability to walk. I have a few things that I would like to do that are practically impossible in my current physical condition. Today I am dreaming big and I am preparing for my miracle. 

This is just a little glimpse into my thinking lately. I appreciate you stopping by to visit with me today. Are you looking forward to what God has in store for you? Please allow me to encourage you to believe, plan and dream! I hope that our prayers are answered this very weekend. 


Friday, November 16, 2018

And Broke His Crown

Davy fell down and broke his crown. 

Well, that is not exactly true. I never really fell down. I did not actually break my crown either. I guess none of that statement is true.

What in the world?

I was chewing some scrumptious food last week in Locust Grove, Oklahoma and the crown on my one remaining molar fell off. Thankfully it did not break.

As a side note, I did fall down a few nights before the crown fell off while we were in revival in Broken Arrow. I tripped somehow and before I knew what happened, I was laying in the mulch at a restaurant that Friday night after church. The dozen church folks inside did not see me fall, but they did see me laying on my face between the shrubs. 😳😂

The most painful thing about the fall was when about five men came running outside to help me. Some of them RAN to help me and I appreciate that a bunch, but I was pretty embarrassed.

Maybe that fall was the fall that started in all. I may have bitten down real hard as I went down and started the whole crown escapade. I will probably never know. The one thing I do know is that Jill did not come tumbling after. I was the only one to fall.

I went to the dentist Thursday morning and they confirmed that the crown looked intact and reusable. They poked around on the tooth a moment and then glued the crown back on. It is in my best interest to keep it there.

The rest of the day was spent in more preparations to depart for Nigeria. My Dad met me at Odie's house and we finished hooking up and leveling her washer and dryer. I had ran the washer through a rinse and spin cycle Wednesday night, but Dad and I were not able to check everything out once the installation was complete Thursday.

We had no electric. We had freezing rain overnight and into Wednesday morning and it caused limbs to break and electric lines to be broken all over the area. Power went out at Odie's house and at the barn between 4 and 5 AM. As I am writing some of this very late Thursday night, the power is still off.

We finally pulled the BoggsMobile out of the barn about 7:00 PM so that we could run the generator. Steve and Karen helped us do that. They also brought us Acapulco for supper and helped us in preparation for leaving as well.

I snapped a few pictures of some of the ice and snow. Some of our readers in the south love this stuff and can not get enough of it. You can have it all, I say.😀

Please pray for my Mother, Martha Boggs. She is having a health scare that could be serious. Thank you much.


Monday, October 22, 2018

Weekend Woundup and Weview 10/22/2018

Prayer Request

Please pray for my brother Steve and his wife Karen. Karen's dear Mother passed away and her funeral is today. I have known Karen's family all of my life and my heart is broken for Karen, her Daddy and the rest of the family. Pray that God visits them in a special way.

Our Weekend

Our exciting weekend began Friday night with Youth Rally at Landmark Holiness Church in Lawton. There were several churches represented in the service and it was super great to see them all. The singing was tremendous and we enjoyed the presence of the Lord throughout the whole night. Odie took some great pictures.

Saturday began cool, but the weather guessers held great hope that it would be sunny and warm later in the day. They were right! Yay! It was so nice to have some warmth for a couple more days.

The ground was soft when we pulled in last Monday and we made ruts getting the BoggsMobile parked. It rained a few days while we were there and Thursday night and Friday the ruts had water standing in them. I was more than a little worried about getting stuck on the way out. 

I spread layer of gravel in the ruts about an inch or two thick. I gave Kelly Jo instructions and guided her out. She pulled onto the gravel surface with no problem. I breathed a big sigh of relief. I do hate leaving the ruts. So sorry, Pastor!

Here we are ready to go.

We pulled into Roadrunner RV Park in Oklahoma City a little after noon on Saturday. They put us in the same site we pulled out of last Monday morning. Kelly Jo and Odie hit the stores in the area trying to purchase the school supplies we plan to take to Nigeria. We will be in Oklahoma City all week and Tulsa area next week so they should be able to find everything they need.

Saturday evening, Bro. and Sis. Birdsong called and invited us to meet them for dinner. We had a tremendous meal and fellowship with our friends.

Thank you for thinking of us, friends. It was great to spend some time with you.

Sunday morning we were scheduled to preach for Bro. Birdsong at Crosslight Chappel in Moore, Oklahoma. We were there in June and we have been looking forward to going back since the day we left. We absolutely love preaching in the outreach service on Sunday morning.

Hi, this is Odie checking in. Below is a picture of the Mooter family. I realized while going through pictures that I chopped Eli's face out. 🙄This is was a great picture of this wonderful family, but I was a horrible photographer. 

Wow! What a thrill to sing and preach to all the folks, Sunday morning.

Sunday evening we took our sound equipment to Calvary Holiness Church in Midwest City. After a good sound check the church folks started coming in and revival began. It sure was good to see everyone and it was even better for the Lord to speak to us the first night as He did! I am looking forward to more great, great, great things.

We are looking forward to five more great nights of revival with Pastor Kenny Searcy and his folks. Please pray for us.

Thank you for tuning in. Come back any time.
