Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Pray for Uncle Ed Mays

Hey Friends,

Happy Saturday, this is Odie reporting in from the BoggsMobile. We had a wonderful week in tent revival this week. The Lord showed up and helped us in special way in each service. The weather was an obstacle this week, but praise God we came through safely.

I love every time that we get to visit with our friends in Richton, Mississippi. Pastor Scott Morris and the church family of First Assembly always welcome us with open arms and make us feel right at home. We love you all so much! Thank you for allowing us to be your friends!

We took the chairs down and packed them away last night after church. The tent was too wet from heavy dew. We are not supposed to have more rain until this afternoon and are hoping to get the tent down before then but after the dew dries. 

Today I have a special prayer request. Please pray for our Uncle Ed Mays. Uncle Ed is a very sick man! Thank God there have been some improvements this week! He desperately needs a touch from God. We are praying for a complete recovery!

He is a "one of a kind" Uncle and each family member has a favorite Uncle Ed memory. This post would be long and crazy if I went into “Uncle Ed stories”. The stories that are rolling through my mind bring a smile to my face as I am typing this post. 

I am thrilled that Uncle Ed and Aunt Nettie were able to stop by for a short visit this summer. I was happy to show them my house and share with them my miracle. Uncle Ed was amazed at how it turned out! He kept saying, "I cannot believe how nice this is." That is a great memory that I will store away in my memory archives. 

This is Papaw and Uncle Ed at my house this summer. 

Also please pray for, his wife, Aunt Nettie during this time. This rough patch has been a huge stain on her too. She needs extra strength to make it through! 

This is Mamaw and Aunt Nettie at my house. 

Thank you for visiting here with us today. I hope you have a fantastic weekend. I will close for now. 


Thursday, May 3, 2018

A Prayer Request And A Special Visit Ahead

A Prayer Request
Some of you know Pastor John Eaton from Evansville, Indiana. Bro. John has labored in pastoral ministry faithfully along side Sis Debbie for many years. They are really good people, some of the best. We have known them for a long time and Full Gospel Mission in Evansville is one of our favorite places to go.

Bro. John has also served on the board of Boggs Family Ministries since the first day we incorporated over 10 years ago. He is a good man with a passionate thirst to lead people to Christ and disciple them in Christian living. He has been a huge encouragement to our family.

I am telling you this because Bro. John needs God to touch him. He was in a car accident a few weeks ago and has struggled with recovery in one aspect. He is in the hospital again and receiving special treatment. It seems to we working and we are praying for complete recovery. Would you help us pray?

A Special Visitor
Pastor Shobanke arrived in the USA last week and we are anxious to see him. He started in Iowa and will work his way from place to place until he meets us in Ohio in about four weeks. 

It is going to be great to visit with him in person. When he is in the states we talk on the phone more than usual, but face to face is much better.

The last time we saw Bro. Shobanke was last year during the last few days in May. He was in the states and I flew him to Ohio so he could watch folks frame the house we are building for Odie to live in.

He grinned the whole time he was there. I think it might have been the happiest I have ever seen him. He was as thrilled at least as much as Odie was. You may remember that Bro. Shobanke and his church gave the first $220 toward the house. That is several weeks wages for a working man in Abeokuta.

He has given more over the course of the last year and has prayed diligently that what God has begun, He is able to finish. He is very much looking forward to walking into a nearly completed house. His visit will be exciting.

We are planning to visit him in Nigeria this year as well. We usually go near the end of November or early December and that is the plan this year by God's grace. We are looking forward to it.

They are needing to expand the GoodNews Christian School again and we hope to help with that as much as possible. We will also take a suitcase of school supplies and money for other ministry needs as we are able.

As always, we never ask for help for our expenses to Nigeria, but if any one would like to help with these or other projects in Nigeria you are welcome to do so through Boggs Family Ministries. 100% of what you give will go toward the intended purpose in Nigeria.

Revival here at Grace Tabernacle in Bristol, Virginia continues to go well this week. God blessed us in the service last night and we have two more nights to go. Thank you for praying.

We are always glad when you drop each day.


Saturday, March 24, 2018

My Friend Sis. Naomi Frank

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in from the road. Today we are traveling to Douglas, Georgia. We always have a fabulous time with Pastor Marshall Adock and our friends at First Assembly. We will be there Sunday morning through Wednesday night and we are looking forward to it.

We spent a good bit of time running from storms last year in Douglas. The windowless sanctuary seemed like the safest place to be when tornado sirens went off at 4 AM on Sunday. What do you do in the middle of a tornado warning? We decided to do sound check.

I was also keeping a close eye on the local weather. The storms that night proved deadly for some, thankfully we were safe! It is definitely a memory that we will keep forever, but it is a memory that I do not desire to repeat! Hopefully this visit we will be free of bad storms. 

We received some sad news this week. This is the text that Bro. Richard Frank sent me early Tuesday morning. “Naomi has won her battle with cancer. At 3:10 AM she crossed the river to the other side of Eternity. She loved all her family and friends. Thank you so much for all the prayers. They have been answered with eternal healing.

Sis. Naomi at City Reach Fort Worth May 2016

Sis. Naomi was a true friend to so many people. I am thankful to have been on that list of friends. She carried my needs to God many times in prayer! She was a great encourager.

The Franks have been dear friends to us since our days of living in Wichita, Kansas. God brought us together when both families needed friends. We are very thankful for them. 

Bro. Richard and Sis. Naomi have been so supportive and encouraging while we have worked on the house project. Just last week when I spoke to them on the phone they were asking about the progress. Sis. Naomi had wanted to see the house on their next trip to Ohio. 

I will definitely miss Sis. Naomi Frank! I look forward to seeing her in Heaven. I can not believe my friend is gone. Thank God for the hope of Heaven! 

I do have one story to share. Back in 2005 I had surgery in Pensacola, Florida. I received a card from the Franks. Sis. Naomi had sent me a picture of flowers that she had cut out from a magazine. 

She wrote in the card, “Here are some flowers for you.” I cracked up laughing and have never forgotten that get well card. I love her sense of humor. Last week I text her a picture of some flowers to cheer her up. It was our little joke. 

Please join me in praying for Bro. Richard Frank. My heart breaks for him. He and Sis. Naomi were a team. They worked together in ministry for many years. Bro. Richard Frank needs the prayers of the family of God right now! 

Sis. Naomi and Bro. Richard Frank with Dad in Gainesville, Texas in January 2017. 

Thank you for stopping by for a visit. We are grateful that you spend some of your time with us. I hope you have a fantastic weekend. 


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Bro. Bill Houston Has Gone Home

I had a post ready to go up this morning but I have a much more pressing item to tell you about. We have some dear friends that need prayer desperately now and for the foreseeable future.

We received word late last night that Bro. Bill Houston slipped out of the grasp of his friends and family and went home. 

Bro. Bill suffered so much the last few years but kept preaching and reaching, trying to get home and take as many people with him as he could. He is rejoicing now with joy that we can only imagine, but there are hundreds of people that are left grieving.

I am asking you to join with us in praying for his wife, Sis. Darien, one of the most Godly women I have ever known. Pray for his daughter Stephanie, his son Anthony and their families as well.

There are many more family and friends that will need God's help and grace to cope with Bro. Bill's passing and we ask you to pray for them all. It is almost unbelievable he is gone, even though it has seemed near for a couple of weeks.

Depending on the funeral arrangements I am sure we will try to adjust our schedule to be able to attend the services if it is possible at all. We will keep you posted.

I wrote a complete post in 2012 about Bro. Bill and the influence he has been on our lives. I am re-posting most of that below.

May God bless you. Thank you for your prayers.


Do You Know Bill Houston? That's Bro. Bill on the left in the picture below at Dryden Road Campmeeting in August, 2011

We have been blessed to know Bill Houston for well over twenty five years (Now, well over 30 years). He preached a homecoming service at Harveysburg shortly after we were married and we could not believe such preaching was possible. He preached on "The Bulls of Bashan" and described what our Savior endured to pay the price for our sin. He preached with anointing, power, conviction and compassion. I remember distinctly the effect that sermon had on us. We have literally never been the same since!

It would be a few years before we would visit Dryden Rd. Church and realize that was Bro. and Sis. Houston's home church but the preaching that day at Harveysburg church opened a whole new world to us. We began to seek out preaching like that. We began to hunger for preaching backed with prayer, study and purity.

As we spent time with Bro. Bill and Sis. Darien we completely fell in love with them. We discovered they were the real deal. They took us in and loved us unconditionally and quickly became an extra set of grandparents to Odie. They helped us draw closer to God every time we were around them. 

Bro. Bill's preaching has been a great help to us all these years. His preaching continually confronted and inspired us. He has challenged us to dedicate every part of our lives to the Lord. He has encouraged us when we were low and caused us to seek deeper experiences in God. 

However, Bro. Bill's preaching has only been part of his influence on us. It is undeniably a large part but he has influenced us so much more than that. His personal consecration to God, his pursuit of holiness and his unquenching love for souls and dedication to evangelism has produced life changing results in our lives. 

Bro. Bill was the first evangelist that we spent very much time around at all. He became the ultimate personification of an evangelist to us. His passion and devotion energized and motivated us to be the best evangelists we could be. It might horrify him to hear me say this but much of what I do as an evangelist and much of how I operate came as a result of his effect on our lives. 

Thank you, Bro. Bill and Sis. Darien for your Godly example, Christian character and loyal friendship through the years. You have touched many lives across America and are continuing to do so even now. God bless you for your faithfulness. 


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Pray For Bro. Bill Houston

Please, please, please pray for Bro. Bill Houston. Bro. Houston is an evangelist from our home church and a long time personal friend of our family. He desperately needs a touch from the Lord.

Bro. Houston had a very bad episode with his heart nearly four years ago. Although he has continued traveling and preaching as much as possible, he has never fully recovered. Last week, he suffered another incident with his heart and he is bad shape now.

I received a forward text from Sis. Darien Houston a few minutes ago. She said his vitals are decent today but he can not sleep because of smothering. He has difficulty getting up and down without help and he is very weak.

Many of you may not know Bro. and Sis. Houston but those that do, know how faithful they have been to the work of God. They have labored as evangelists since the mid-1980's. They have preached in hundreds of churches and touched many thousands of lives.

Would you please pray for Bro. Bill Houston and his precious wife, Sis. Darien?

Thank you.


Friday, December 27, 2013

Bro. Marty Millikin


Bro. Marty Millikin slipped into Heaven Thursday evening. His battle is won and his victory is certainly complete but he left behind a very sad and grieving family. Please pray for his parents Jim and Wilma Millikin and his brother and family Jimmy, Shauna, Carli and Landon Millikin. There are no words to describe their hurt at letting Marty go.

We pulled everything together today and we will be leaving Saturday morning by God's grace to make our way to Oklahoma for the funeral. My brother Steve and my Dad jumped in and helped me complete all the things that needed to be done to leave. Thank you all so much. The funeral will be at Westside Holiness Church in Claremore, Oklahoma on Tuesday.

We were scheduled to start revival in Central City, Kentucky for Pastor Alan Harris Sunday night but we have decided it is best to cancel it because of the funeral. Bro. Harris was so gracious to us and we appreciate his kindness so very much.

We know that God is able to help the Millikin family, their church and their friends. Thank you for holding them up before God in prayer.

God bless you all.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Rewind and Start Over

Today has been another whirlwind day and we have one more whirlwind day to go. Hopefully after that it slows down for four days while in Mexico and we get to enjoy revival and time with our friends the Landress family. It should be warmer next few days too. Hallelujah! Have I mentioned that it is very cold here in Ohio?

Kelly Jo started the day by finishing packing and then she worked hard to clean the bus so it's not a wreck when we get back home. I started with a bunch of paperwork, sermon preparation and bus work.

As I have mentioned a couple of times the forecast for tomorrow morning is very, very cold. It was actually colder than they thought it would be this morning, but we made it without anything in the BoggsMobile freezing.

I have been looking for an inside storage place so I can move the bus inside while we're gone in this frigid weather. I finally found a facility in northern Cincinnati and went down and looked at it yesterday. It is a very nice facility. It is heated, has electronic security and surveillance and strictly controlled access. They have several classic cars and nice big boats stored in one giant room.

I made plans have the BoggsMobile there about 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon. That put us to rushing Tuesday evening and all day today trying to get everything in place. I also made a park sleep and fly reservation near the date airport for us Thursday night since we would not have the bus.

I turned the diesel heat on about noon and warmed up the engine coolant. I also turned the generator on so my batteries would stay completely charged on the drive down to Cincinnati. I would only have access to 20 amps in the storage facility so I needed my batteries already fully charged. Since the facility is heated to 55° I would not have to run any heat so there would be no demand for much electricity at all. I could relax while in Mexico know the BoggsMobile was cozy warm and safe. Everything seemed perfect.

You know there is another shoe about to drop don't you? Well, here it is.

We pulled into the storage facility a little after 3:00 PM. My brother Steve was guiding me as I backed in. I noticed in my backup camera and mirrors that it the 14' tall 12' wide door looked mighty low. In fact it looked so low that I thought to myself, "That door looks only 12 feet tall." The owner assured me yesterday and again today that the doors were 14 feet tall. I did not even look closely until I was backing up.

I got out of the bus and stood in the building and had Kelly back to the entrance. Yep, sure enough, it was only 12 feet tall.

The owner of the facility was standing right there to direct me where to park. You should have seen the look on his face when he realized his 14' tall door was only 12' tall. It looked like he was going to have a cow. He felt like a lowdown, good for nothing hound. One more animal and it would've been a three dog night.

He felt so bad that I had driven all the way there, that he reached in his wallet and offered me $100 for my trouble. Of course by the time you figure the diesel I burned and the cost of the motel I bought for Thursday night, that mistake cost me quite a bit more than $100. However I hated to take his money. It was an absolutely honest mistake on his part. When I refused the money what he told me was very refreshing.

He said something like this, sir I'm a businessman and as a businessman I just totally disappointed and let down my customer. I cannot stay in business by treating customers that way. This $100 is the very least I can do besides I would like to help the work you do anyway.

We discussed it some more but he was adamant. I was very disappointed not to get to park the bus inside and hated that we had went all the effort, but I really felt bad for him. He advertised what he thought was true and made and honest mistake yet he was willing to take the blame and make it right as far as possible.If I can use any of his business services in the future you can guarantee I will. He really went the extra mile for the customer. God bless him.

So we drove back to Dodds, parked the bus and hooked up to electricity. The BoggsMobile will have to endure the cold like it was created to do. Please ask God to help our bus not to freeze in any form or fashion and ask him to calm my nerves. I am a wimp.

I have mentioned before we have been looking for some kind of property here in Ohio with the purpose of building a bus barn eventually. This winter really pushes us in that direction. I am very tempted to cancel every meeting I have in the north in the wintertime and head south. Pray that God will give us wisdom and guidance.

Tomorrow starts for us in a few hours so I am off to bed. Thanks for reading.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Little Housekeeping, A Praise Report and A Prayer Request

We have internet where we are staying this week so I have been doing a little housekeeping on the blog the last night or two. It needs a total redesign but that will take more time than I have available right now. So for a slight change here or there will have to do.

I have updated the Mission-Nigeria page. It is one of the tabs at the top of the blog. I have added some information from our two trips over the last year and fixed some dead links and removed others. There is a lot of information on that page and we get a lot of visits just to that page. It was time to bring it up to date. You can also got to Labels on the side bar and choose Nigeria. That should bring up every post that I have ever written concerning Nigeria.

I also updated our Music page as well. It is also one of the tabs at the top of the page. I added our He Came - The Gospel of Christmas CD and made sure the links were working there too. Those links will take you to our Product page on the website where you can here sample tracks and purchase the CDs.

I have also made a few behind the scene changes that you will not see but seem to make things run more smoothly or at least make me feel better about it. Like I said it needs more work and I will do that as soon as possible.

Now for the praise report. Sis. Millikin came through surgery very, very well today. The surgeon thinks he was able to remove all of the cancer. He also said the limp nodes he removed looked non cancerous but of course that will need to be confirmed in the lab. She was doing well after surgery and the family is rejoicing in the good report. Thank you for praying and praise God for his help.

Bro. Marty had a decent night and pretty good day although he is very weak and is eating very, very little. He must have a miracle in order to live. Bro. Marty is in the hand of God and we trust Him to do what is best but we desire a miracle. Thank you for helping us pray.

May God bless you all with a great Thanksgiving day. Have a great meal. Have great fellowship. And take time to thank God for He is worthy.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Monday November 25, 2013

We had a good day in Oklahoma today. We spent some time with the Millikins this afternoon and evening and enjoyed the fellowship very much. They celebrated Sis. Millikin's birthday which is later this week and had a good time of singing, worship and prayer with Bro. Marty and several folks that had gathered in. It was wonderful to feel the Lord so close. Please continue to hold up Bro. Marty and the whole family before God.

I made a small change to the blog tonight. The spammers have really stepped up their comments on our blog the last few months. We have always received some spam comments but it has really increased lately. Some days I receive 50 or more crazy comments. I was getting spam comments on last night's post within 30 minutes. It is slightly aggravating. Blogger catches that they are spam but they are still sent to my email and every time I look at the mail on my phone I have 6-10 comments to delete.

The only thing that can be done short of disabling comments is to require word verification. I am afraid it will discourage people from commenting but I have decided to enable the extra step for a while. Maybe the spam bots will "learn" to leave us alone and then I can remove the word verification. We will see.

We love to read your comments so try not to let the word verification slow you down. 

Thank you so much for reading. I know that many of you are faithful to read every day and many more check in a few times a week and we appreciate it very much. We have folks tell us every week that they read the blog and pray for us and that is a great blessing to us. May God bless you for it.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Travel Day

The last service at Trinity Holiness Fellowship meeting was Saturday morning. By the time church was over and we had eaten and said our goodbyes it was nearly 3:00 PM. We were supposed to preach for Bro. Roger Boyd nearby on Sunday but we had been considering a change of plans all week. We wanted to go to Oklahoma to spend some time with the Millikins and we finally decided how to do it just before church Saturday morning.

Our next revival is in Hazard, Kentucky next Sunday and we had five rest days scheduled for this week. We thought about taking the bus and tent trailer to Kentucky and then driving the Green Machine to Oklahoma. The weather was going to be extremely cold this week in Kentucky and I hated to leave the bus with it that cold. We did not know what to do.

Then a brother suggested leaving the bus at Trinity in Hokes Bluff. It was forecast to be cold there too but not below 20. I mentioned it to Kelly Jo about 10:00 AM, cleared it with Pastor Shaneyfelt right before church and the plan came together. Pastor Boyd was gracious to let us out of our scheduled service Sunday. We were packed and ready to go before 5:00 PM and we hit the road.

We had planned to drive until about midnight, get a room and the finish Sunday morning. But the traffic was light and we were making good time and feeling good so we pressed on through. We arrived 725 miles later in Claremore, Oklahoma at 4:00 AM. 

We spent some time with the Millikins Sunday afternoon and went to Claremore to church Sunday night. We had a great service and it was wonderful to see all of our friends. Bro. Marty Millikin is very weak and in need of a miracle. Bro. Jimmy, Sis. Shauna and elder Bro. and Sis. Millikin need God's help too. In fact, Sis. Millikin is having cancer surgery Wednesday. 

We plan to spend a few days here trying to encourage and assist our friends any way we can. Please pray for the Millikin family. It is never too late for God to do a miracle. We will keep you posted.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Travel Day, Church and Storms

We left the Walmart Sunday morning and headed north toward Hokes Bluff, Alabama.

We arrived at Trinity Holiness Church near Hokes Bluff about 1:30 and by 2:30 we were parked and setting up. We will be doing the special singing for their meeting here starting Wednesday but we are preaching about 25 minutes away until then.

By the time we were set up it was time to get ready for church. Church started Sunday night at 5:30. We made it in plenty of time and had a great service with our friends. Although we have known most of the people at Liberty Holiness Church in Glencoe, Alabama for several years this is our first visit with them. 

We have known Pastor David Noe and his wife Sis. Karen since we first got acquainted with the Bond, Kentucky church over 25 years ago. They pastored in Danville, Kentucky for several years and have been here for nearly two years I believe. It is great to be with them for a few nights.

We will be at Liberty Monday and Tuesday and then we will get to see most of these folks at Trinity's meeting later in the week as well. It should be a great week.

Some of our friends were directly affected by the storms that blew through the mid-west Sunday afternoon. You may remember that we set up the tent for revival the week of July 4th in Washington, Illinois. Pastor Nathaniel Green invited us to Washington and it was a blessing to be with them in tent revival.

This morning while they were in church a tornado struck Washington and actually hit their church. Thankfully nobody was severely hurt inside the church although their church building does have heavy damage. There were reports of casualties elsewhere in Washington.

These pictures were sent to us from Bro. Green and others at the church. You can see the roof is gone off the back of the church where the evangelist quarters was.

This is an aerial photo of Washington from the internet.

View image on Twitter

And here are a few pictures with the church in the background during tent revival in July.

Please pray for all those affected by the storms. God bless you all.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Prayer Request - Marty Millikin

We are having a good time at Lighthouse of Holiness in Haines City, Florida. Wednesday night's service was very good. Pastor Dewayne Watson and his family are here and Bro. Watson preached a youth service at 6:00. Pastor Jon Isaacs and his family are here too and Bro. Isaacs will be preaching youth service tonight. It is so great to have them all join us in revival.

We are taking pictures each night and I will post them in the next day or two. Although it was cooler and very windy Wednesday it is beautiful today. Much, much, much better temperatures than it is north of here. Makes me dread heading north this Saturday.

My main reason for writing today is to ask you all to pray for the Millikin family in Oklahoma. It is so heart wrenching to watch our friends go through pain and suffering. As you know Bro. Marty and his mother have been battling cancer this year. Bro. Marty is not doing well at all. The doctors have done all they know to do and are giving him very little hope of survival. Bro. Marty needs a miracle to live.

We understand that life is only temporary. We are all making our way toward our last appointments of death and judgement. We will every one walk that path. Life is really so small and unimportant in the grand scheme of things. God's plan for us in eternity is infinitely more beautiful than the life we have here in our frail human bodies. Yet life here is all we are familiar with. It is all we know.

So we cling to life and we cling to those we love. It is only natural. Bro. Marty is clinging to life. His precious family, the Claremore church and all of his friends are clinging to him. They and we are doing absolutely everything to keep Marty here. But we know that life and death is ultimately in the hands of God. God is in full control of this and every situation.

Therefore we are asking God for a miracle. We want Bro. Marty to live strong and healthy. We want him to raise up and live for God and bless God's people for many, many years. That is what we are asking God for. We desire to have Bro. Marty healed here as a testimony to God. Ultimately we are asking for God's perfect will.

Will you join us in prayer. Pray for Bro. Marty Millikin, his parents Bro. and Sis. Millikin and his brother Bro. Jimmy and Sis. Shauna Millikin. Thank you for your faithfulness to pray.


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Time to Go to Nigeria!

This is departure day! In less than 24 hours Kelly Jo and I should be in Nigeria with Bro. Shobanke and his precious people. We never look forward to the long flight but we are anxious to see every one again. Bro. Shobanke called this morning to hear my voice and I told him that soon I would see him face to face.

We "should" be on the ground in Lagos by Friday at 8:30 AM central time. I put that in parentheses because our flight was delayed in Atlanta over 4 hours last time and then we waited over 2 hours for our luggage in what felt like a sauna once we arrived in Lagos. That made for a very, very long day and night and day and into night again. Although we did get a good free meal in Atlanta and two small travel vouchers from Delta out of the deal. lol

As I have said before this is supposed to be a quick trip for us. Normally we are preaching Gospel crusades and a minister's conference while we are there and we usually stay several days. This trip we are dedicating the new branch church at Osara Rd, then preaching Sunday at Bro. Shobanke's main church, visiting the school on Monday and then heading home. I am sure it will feel like a whirlwind trip because of the short duration but we will be much less busy than normal.

Please pray for us while we are gone to Nigeria. Pray that we will be effective in the Ministry that God has called us to do. Pray that souls will be won to God and that saints will be encouraged. Pray that God will overshadow us all as we dedicate the new church. Pray for our safety and our health as well. Pray for Odie in Mississippi and pray that all goes as planned on our bus here in Florida. Thank you so much for holding us up in prayer.

If I have WiFi in Abeokuta and IF Google will allow me to access my email while I am there, I will update the blog with pictures and information as it happens. If not then Odie will be blogging in our absence and I will bring you up to date next week. Rest assured we will be taking lots of pictures.

I am sure I will be posting a few pictures before we leave Atlanta tonight.

God bless you all.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Update on the Millikin Family - Urgent Prayer Needed

I know that many of you have been praying for Bro. Marty Millikin. Thank you very much for doing so. The Millikin family needs you to keep praying and asking God to help them in their terrible trial. We know that God is able to heal cancer and all of its effects.

Bro. Marty was diagnosed with kidney cancer early this year. The huge tumor and kidney were removed and he has been in exhausting treatments most of the year. For quite a while he has had pain in his stomach and had some tests a few days ago to determine what was causing the pain.

Yesterday they received news that the spot in Bro. Marty's stomach is the kidney cancer returning. The outlook from here is not good according to the doctors but we are believing that God is going to give him a miracle. Would you please pray for Bro. Marty and the whole Millikin family.

They feel completely overwhelmed right now. Bro. Marty's mother is in serious need of prayer as well in her cancer situation. It seems they are getting hit from every side. We know God is able to move in all of it. 

Please, please, please pray.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Travel Days

Monday and Tuesday were travel and work days. Hey, it can not be vacation all the time, right?

We rolled out of bed at 5:30 on Monday morning and the Green Machine was hooked up and we were pulling out of Tanner Williams Holiness Church by 6:45 or so. We cut through the woods to I-10 and stopped at the first rest area to empty our holding tanks so we did not cover very many miles our first hour.

But we made up for it over the next several hours. Without the trailer behind the BoggsMobile I can bump the speed up closer to the speed limit and cover some ground. We stopped for fuel in Louisiana and a time or two for a quick bathroom break and walk around the bus and that was it. 440 miles just faded away and we were pulling into Baytown, Texas area by around 2:30.

I had contacted an authorized Aqua-Hot mobile repair man, Rudy, in the Houston area and made an appointment to have the engine coolant leak repaired. I told HERE about the coolant leak and I needed to get it fixed as soon as possible. I was also way past due on regular service for the Aqua-Hot and needed some help on other issues.

It turns out our system is burning really clean so it did not need to be serviced even though it was plenty past due according to the calender. That saved me a pretty good hunk of change. Rudy also gave me some very good information/diagnosis about a long standing problem I have been having with the unit as well. I should be able to take care of that once I have the time.

As far as the leak is concerned he was afraid it was a bigger job than we had daylight to finish and messier than the location allowed too. But he left me some parts to fix it and I paid him for his time and knowledge and we parted happier to have met.

Rudy had made arrangements for us to park on the property of one of his friends in order to do the work and then stay there overnight Monday. The friend's place is beautiful with a nice big concrete slab, 50 amp hook ups, water and sewer. I could get comfortable there for a week or two! Oh, did I mention it is right on a lake? Yep, we are parked just a few feet from the lake. The sunset was gorgeous. I even sneaked/snuck a few peaks at it while I was working.

Here is a picture of our new friend, Ralph and a couple of his dogs. He has some real cool dogs, some birds and even a Mountain Lion. I neglected to get a picture of his lovely wife, JoAnn. We sure appreciate all of their kindness and hospitality. We had a super visit.

We left our lakeside parking place a little after 8:00 Tuesday morning and gingerly made our way across Houston to the new Prevost facility on the northwest side. I have had an intermitant air leak near the drive axle for about 1 1/2 years. I could not get it to duplicate when I have had the bus in for other repairs in all of that time. However, I could hear the leak more often recently so I was hoping it would present its ugly head Tuesday morning and it did.

They were able to trace the leak to a leveling valve on the driver's side immediately in front of the drive axle tire.

They finished up the repair just before closing and we loaded up and headed out. In just a few miles I noticed my air pressure was not holding properly. It usually holds between 120-130 lbs on each gauge but as you can see in the picture below it was down to 110 and 100 lbs. The lower gauge even dipped down to 95. The system was holding perfect pressure even with the previous leak so this is new.

That is not good. When the air pressure drops suddenly it is time to get off the road now! If it drops too far the brakes will lock up and that would not be pretty especially in Houston rush hour traffic. Ouch!

I called Prevost but it was already past closing time so we headed for an RV Park that we had scoped out and parked for the night. I sent the service manager an email and he is expecting us at 7:00 AM Wednesday morning. I sure hope this pressure is dropping for an obvious reason and it is an easy fix. Will you pray that God will guide us?

We did go eat Tuesday night at a special place for Odie's upcoming birthday. I hope to tell you all about that later in the week.
