Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2013

We Are Going Back to Nigeria

By God's Grace, We Are Going Back to Nigeria.

We have decided to accept Bro. Shobanke's invitation to preach the Dedication Service of the new branch of Christ Ambassadors Holiness Church on Osara Rd. in Abeokuta. We plan to fly out of Pensacola, Florida on Thursday October 31st and then arrive back in Pensacola Tuesday November 5th.

The Dedication Service will be on Saturday November 2nd and then we will preaching in Bro. Shobanke's main church branch on Sunday. It will be a quick trip but we are excited to be a part of such a great day. We are expecting God to cover His people and their new church that day with an outpouring of the Holy Ghost. It should be one of the high points of our lives!

The new church was finished about three weeks ago. You can read more about its beginning on this recent post.

I made the final decision last Wednesday to try to go in spite of the impossibility of it. The next day we began to see evidence that the Lord was preparing the way for us. I could see nothing but a wall of impossibility before the decision. Once the determination was made in faith the wall began to fall.

It sure seems like that has happened to us pretty often the last few years. The Lord is trying to teach us how to walk by faith and NOT by site. It is a lesson that I believe I have learned very, very well until I need to put it in to practice in yet another difficult situation. 

Then I find myself wringing my hands and staying up at night until I decide that the proper thing to do is walk ahead in spite of the circumstances I can see. Before I know it the Lord has opened up the way and faith becomes reality. Thank God that He is patient with me.

Wednesday night after church and Thursday afternoon I waded through all the Visa stuff with the Nigerian embassy. It seems like it gets more complicated and more expensive every time. I finished all the online stuff and then printed it all out, organized all the other documentation and sent it overnight Thursday evening. 

After filling all the stuff out and sending it in you then have to hand deliver it to the Nigerian embassy in Washington. Since that is impractical for most folks there are companies that do it for you, for a fee of course. The company we use in Washington DC received it Friday morning. They will process it through the Nigerian embassy and we should know if the Visas have been issued early next week.

After we receive word on the Visas we will purchase the tickets. They have been fluctuating between $1000 and $1200 a piece so I wish I could buy when I see them dip down. I need to know the Visa is approved before I buy though so I will wait.

Thank you for praying for us. There are many other things that need to fall into place so please continue to ask God to help us. God bless you all.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Tent Is Down

Tent Revival Pictures

Ben Isaacs - Producer of The Year

Today the tent came down in Neosho. The sun was shining, the temperature was pleasant and we had lots of help. I can not ask for much more than that. Bro. Link pulled the trailer back to the RV Park when we were loaded up and then I finished getting it all ready to go.

We have enjoyed our time in Neosho but it is time to move on down the road. I sure appreciate Pastor James Link and his church for inviting us to come. I am sure we will be back again by God's grace. There are pictures from today down below.

Have you been reading about the flooding in Colorado? Let's pray for the folks affected by that. We spent a few days in that area on our way to Montana in 2010 and were awed by the beauty of the Big Thompson River Canyon. We fell in love with that place. It was one of the prettiest drives we have taken.

It was a little disturbing though. We saw the signs every where instructing us to climb to higher ground in case of flooding and it made us curious and a little cautious. I  googled it and read about the flash flood in 1976 that killed 145 people and it has stayed with me since then. I blogged about that trip HERE

As soon as I heard about the flash flooding in Boulder I began to pray for all the residents and visitors in Big Thomson River Canyon. There is literally no place to go in order to escape but up the walls of the canyon. There are still people stranded and unaccounted for there and in several other places. God help them.

God bless you all. I hope you have a great Sunday.


The BoggsMobile in the city RV Park in Neosho, Missouri.
The tent is about to come down.

Now it is gone.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The New Church In Nigeria Is Complete!

I have posted several times about the crusade in Abeokuta last December and the work that God performed in lives those few days. THIS is a link to a post that summed it all up in April. You can read that post and the posts linked there if you need to be brought up to date.

As of last Friday the church is complete! Bro. Shobanke sent me six pictures by email and I want everybody to see the beautiful church.


Isn't that awesome? Many churches and individuals helped bear the expense of completing this new church. I am so thankful that many of you helped Boggs Family Ministries give a pretty large portion of the cost. Praise God for His help. It is amazing that a church has been raised up at the edge of Abeokuta and that souls are already being saved and discipled on Osara Rd.

Now they have a nice church to worship in! Praise God!

Bro. Shobanke has asked me to dedicate this new church and I would absolutely love to do it. I am honored that he would even ask. At first glance it looked impossible to fit even a quick trip to Nigeria into our schedule. After a little pondering and a little changing we now have the time for Kelly Jo and I to go over for a few days but the finances are still a huge obstacle.

We already have mission trip planned to preach tent revival for Bro. Larry Landress/Holiness In Mexico in state of Chiapas, Mexico in December. That trip is set in stone and we are committed to that. We are looking forward to being with Bro. and Sis. Landress and preaching under the tent in Mexico.

When I told Kelly Jo about Bro. Shobanke's invitation she said we probably needed to go there too and if so then God would provide the money. What a woman! It is a tremendous blessing to have a wife willing to stand with me in faith. Praise God for that too.

The final decision needs to be made this week because the visa application/purchase process is long and complicated for Nigeria and must be completed before the airline tickets are reserved. Honestly it is impossible but we are used to God pointing us in impossible directions and then making the way after we have committed to the task.

That may be what God is doing this time. Will you help us pray about it? 

God bless you all.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Vandalism and Revival

We have been very blessed through the years with very few problems concerning vandalism in tent revivals. While we were pastoring in Wichita we would even leave the PA system set up at night. We never had one problem.

Now we generally take down the PA system every night but we usually leave everything else as it is. Most people are very respectful of the tent and our equipment. 

We did have some minor vandalism recently during a tent revival. I did not leave the lights on under the tent but I looked out the window several times during the night. As I started outside about daylight I was surprised to see everything in disarray.     

The tent was not damaged but somebody had spent some time throwing chairs and making a mess. Thank God it was not all that bad.

It was a little disappointing but we had no other incidents the rest of the week. I did leave the lights on the rest of the week though.

I mention it today in the blog because I recieved word today that a church where are scheduled to hold tent revival later this year has had some really serious incidents of vandalism in the last 3-4 weeks. The pastor is very concerned about the safety of our tent  and other equipment. 

I really appreciate the Pastor's concerned for us and our belongings. That is kind and thoughtful. The vandalism has been so prevalent and extensive that the Pastor is thinking we might should move the revival inside the church. I am perfectly willing to do whatever the leadership thinks needs to be done. The Pastor certainly knows his community and the reactions of his congregation better than I do.

The final decision has not been made as of yet. Whatever we do, I know that the Lord will raise up a standard against the spiritual opposition. Would you join us in praying that God will visit that community with a divine revival? They need a sovereign move of God.

We know that the enemy can not prevent God from saving souls in that town. I am believing that God will intervene whether we have tent revival or church revival. He can send conviction and even save the people responsible for the recent damage. Yes, God is able to do that!

Pray saints pray! God can send a miracle to that community.

Thank you,


Monday, May 20, 2013

Moore, Oklahoma Tornado

Pray for the people in Oklahoma. There are many pictures in the news but these two show the scope without being too graphic. They certainly need God to help them. All of our friends we have heard from out there are OK but there are so many hurting families out there right now.

Pray, pray, pray!


A monstrous tornado roared through the Oklahoma City suburbs, flattening entire neighborhoods with winds up to 200 mph, setting buildings on fire and landing a direct blow on an elementary school

Wiped out: This photo provided by KFOR-TV shows homes flattened outside Moore, Oklahoma on Monday after a monstrous tornado rattled through

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Reminder to Pray for Bro. Marty Millikin and Family

Bro. Marty Millikin is in Oklahoma City this week for his second round of high powered treatment to combat the cancer in his body. While there he has treatments every day for five consecutive days. The first round was very, very rough on him and this round has started out rough as well.

Please pray for Bro. Marty. We know that God is able to help Marty and we are asking Him to do it. I know that there are literally hundreds of people praying for Marty. As this long process goes along let's not  be weary in well doing. Bro. Marty, Bro. Jimmy and his family and their parents depend on the people of God to hold them up in prayer.

Every day as I walk under the tent and pray I am reminded all over again to pray for this precious family. The whole Millikin family loves tent revival ministry and they have been very instrumental in our tent revivals. When God begin to deal with me in 2009 about devoting a whole summer to tent revivals, Bro. Jimmy was one of the first people I talked to about it. I felt like his family should be involved when they could. He has been there every step of the way blessing us in so many ways.

They have been a great help and encouragement in these meetings and in our lives. I would love to be a help and encouragement to them in their time of need. Please pray for them. Please hold them up before God. They have done the same for many of us and I know they will do it again.

God bless you all.


Friday, May 10, 2013

A Prayer Request

Some friends of ours are experiencing a terrible tragedy. Bro. Tim Fouts and his wife lost their son in a drowning accident yesterday. Nathan was on a short term mission trip to Nicaragua and was believed to be pulled out from shore and under by a riptide. They were able  to bring him back to shore but it was too late.

Nathan was in his early 20's and his parents, friends and church are obviously devastated. Would you please pray for Bro. and Sis. Fouts, their family and the church they pastor near Salem, Kentucky. They need God to help them in a miraculous way.

There is no way to offer the right words or sentiment. I can not explain why the world is filled with hurt, pain, confusion and death. I know that it is all tied back to sin and Adam's choice of sin in the garden. Sin and the effects of sin have had 6000 years to destroy the paradise the God created for man to live in.

I understand all of that in an abstract sense, but when tragedy strikes close to home none of that brings comfort at all. It will take the Lord to comfort this family. Please pray that He will surround them with the peace they need.


We pulled into Grace Pentecostal Holiness Church in Bristol, Virginia today. It was very difficult to get into the neighborhood and even more difficult to get the BoggsMobile and the trailer into the church but we made it. We prayed and asked God for guidance and help and I believe He gave it. I will probably have to have some one pull the trailer out when we leave but we will cross that bridge next week.

I am planning to put the tent up in the gravel area in the foreground of this picture. The trailer will be swung around and parked next to the church behind the BoggsMobile.

We are working on preparations today and all the help should be here at 8:00 tomorrow morning to set up the tent. The weather guesser is calling for rain tomorrow and cool temperatures until Tuesday. Let's hope and pray that he is wrong again. It is beautiful and warm today.

My Dad continues to improve. He had his follow up appointment with the surgeon yesterday and all reports were good. I am so glad he is recovering well to this point. Thank you so much for praying for him and my Mother.

God bless,


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Prayer for Annette Cook

My cousin, Annette Cook, needs a miracle. Annette has been fighting cancer for a long time and the latest reports from her doctors are not encouraging at all. Please take some time to lift up Annette, her husband Heath and all of her family before God. We know that God is able to rid her body of every cancer cell.

Annette insisted on coming to the hospital the day that my Dad had surgery last week. (The picture above was taken that day.) She made Dad a cake and she and her husband brought it to him. She is constantly concerned about the welfare and comfort of others. But Annette is in desperate need of a miracle herself.

Would you pray for Annette this week? God bless you for it.


Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday Night Note From Odie

Note From Odie:

Mom and I spent some time with family in Hillsboro Friday evening. It was wonderful to see all of them for a few hours. I always have so much fun. If you wonder where my mother gets all her craziness from, wonder no more. She definitely gets it from the Morgans. It is one non-stop laugh with with all of them.

I always cherish spending time with my family. I hope to spend some more time with Mom's side of the family before we leave Ohio again. Dad is supposed to preach in Hillsboro Sunday morning and they should all be there.

I took a few pictures while there and I am posting them below.

My Papaw Eugene Boggs is finally having surgery tomorrow (Tuesday) morning about 7:30. Please pray that all goes well and that he recovers quickly.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Tent Revival in Dunseith, North Dakota - Turtle Mountain Chippewa

I posted pictures from the revival at Refuge Holiness Tabernacle last night.

We are excited to announce that the dates have been set and plans are being finalized for us to work together with the James Martin Family in North Dakota for a week in July. By God's grace, we will be having tent revival under the Blue and White Gospel tent in Dunseith, North Dakota July 28-31.

Dunseith is in the extreme northern part of North Dakota just a few miles from the Canadian border.

View Larger Map

We will be working with a local church that Bro. Martin has partnered with to reach out to the people of Dunseith and Turtle Mountain Chippewa tribe. I am very thankful they have agreed to allow our family to come along side them to minister in their community. It is a great honor and privilege for us.

Bro. James Martin and his family have worked among Native American peoples all over the USA and in Canada. God has given them favor with many people, in many places and He has used them to spread the Gospel in each place. They have a sincere burden to extend the love of God to folks that are hurting. The heart of the Martin family is ministry.

It is a tremendous blessing for us to work with such Godly people. Please visit their website to find out more about their family and ministry. The Martin family and Hope for the Home Ministries are very worthy of your support.

This revival will be a complete mission effort. We will be traveling about 1000 miles to get to Dunseith and then another 1000 miles to our next revival. The expenses will be high and we expect nothing at all from the people that we will be ministering too. We are going there to bless them with the good news. The load would be overwhelming for our family if I were not certain that God is in control.

Churches and individuals have been excited with us as I have told of this opportunity to minister to the Turtle Mountain Chippewa. If you would like to help in any way, please let me know. If you send an offering, make sure you mark it for the "ND Tent Revival" and every penny of it will go for that purpose. I believe that together we can make a difference in lives in Dunseith, North Dakota.

Join us in prayer for this tent revival with The James Martin Family in Dunseith. Ask God to prepare hearts to receive Christ even now. I have watched God work years ahead to prepare somebody to receive the Gospel at the right time. I know He is working in lives in North Dakota as I type this. I believe He will have them ready to hear from heaven when we arrive. That is amazing.

We are praying about preaching another tent revival in North Dakota in July but all of the pieces are not in place as of yet. We will need to make a decision on that in the next week. Help us pray about that as well. If it is God's will to do it, we would be thrilled.

Thanks for praying.


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Prayer Request for Bro. Marty Millikin

Bro. Marty Millikin did not receive the a good report from the doctor concerning the cancer he is battling. He was told yesterday that he still has cancer in his body and that he will need treatment to fight it. Bro. Marty is not feeling well today at all and he has found  some lumps that were not there previously.

Would you please pray now for Bro. Marty Millikin, his parents and for Bro. Jimmy and his family. They urgently need a touch from the Lord. Ask God to heal Bro. Marty's body and to give them peace of mind. We need God to give them a space of victory and to back off the enemy. They are overwhelmed with the fight right now.

Thank you for praying and for asking others to pray. We know that God hears and answers prayer.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Oops! Schedule Change!

We have had a couple of changes in our schedule this week. My Dad received word yesterday that surgery has been scheduled for April 30th. He was hoping to have this way behind him by now but he is glad to have a date marked on the calendar. 

We will now be going home to Ohio that week rather than Tennessee and Virginia. We will play it by ear once the surgery is completed and then leave home accordingly. Thank you all so much for praying for my Dad. I receive texts and emails almost daily letting me know you are holding him up in prayer. God bless you for that. Please keep it up.

The second schedule change is concerning Tent Revival in Montana.

One of the highlights of our year in 2012 was the Tent Revival with the Sun Valley Church near Florence, Montana. It was a super pleasure and honor to work with Bro. Metzger, his family and church and the visitors that came from out of state. God certainly blessed in the services and honored the church for their hard work and sacrifice. As I said, it was a highlight of the year for our family.

You can tell by the smile on Kelly Jo's face that she loves Montana!

You can see all kinds of pictures from the Montana Tent Revival in the Blog Archive at the right under July 2012. HERE are just a few of them.

Pastor Mike Metzger and the Sun Valley Church asked us last year to save a spot in July of 2013 for another tent revival. We were thrilled to do so. However as I mentioned in a post about tent revivals back in March, "Of course all of this is subject to change. I have learned that you can not chisel tent revival dates in stone. There are just too many variables."

How true that statement is. Sadly for all of us, Bro. Metzger and the Sun Valley Church are not going to be able to host Tent Revival in 2013. Bro. Metzger called me just last week to talk it over and I wanted to let you all know about the change in plans just in case you were planning to join us in Montana in July.

Those of you that are long time readers already know how much we love the Metzgers and the Sun Valley Church. They have become much more than friends to the Boggs family. They have adopted us into their own families and into their church. We love and appreciate them so much and we look forward to the next time we are blessed to see them.

We still have tentative plans to be in North Dakota some time in July but those dates and places are still not confirmed. You can always check our schedule HERE for the latest updates.

Third change?  Mexico!

We are also in the process of planning a Tent Revival in Mexico at the invitation of our good friend, Bro. Larry Landress. He wants us to come to Chiapas in December and we sure would like to do it. Chiapas is a southern state of Mexico on the Pacific side. Help us pray about this opportunity to preach under a tent in Mexico for Bro. Landress.

We had another good service last night under the tent in Citronelle. The weather has been so good the last two days but rain has set in today. It is cool this morning and it is suppose to rain all of today and tomorrow but then clear up the rest of the week. I will probably have all of the side walls up tonight for service. I hate to close the tent in but it is the only way to make it comfortable in this kind of weather. God certainly knows what is best.

Update: Bro. Cunningham and Bro. Templeton have decided to cancel service under the tent tonight because of the cold, rain and wind. Wind is supposed to be gusting 35 to 45 MPH this afternoon.

Thank you for praying for us.
