Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Praying for Miracles

A note from Odie:

Hello!! I hope you all are having a wonderful week so far. Tent revival is going good. Monday night was great. The weather was perfect for service under the tent. I hope we have a lot more nights just like that one over the next several months

We had several friends visiting revival Monday. It was so nice to see everyone. It is always a joy when our friends come to see us. Dad especially appreciates the preachers that come and help him preach!

I have a few prayer requests for you today. It seems everywhere you look sickness abounds. We have many friends and family members needing God to move in the lives. We know He is able to do it and we believe He hears and answers prayer.

I know we ask our readers to pray for a lot of people you have never met. Thank you for your prayers. I know for a fact that it works! Here are a few needs that are special to me right now.

My Papaw Eugene Boggs still has cancer. They have finally scheduled his surgery for April 30.  Please pray for both my Mamaw and Papaw as they go through this tough time! Pray that the surgery goes as planned and that my Papaw recovers amazingly quick and well.

Annette Cook is my Dad 1st cousin and she is is in desperate need of a miracle. She has had a long battle with cancer. I know God is able to heal her completely!!! Annette and Dad are just 2 months apart in age. They went to school together all the way through. We love Annette and Heath Cook. We have not been with them much in recent years but they are precious people.

Lisa Isaacs is another one of Dads many 1st cousins on the Isaacs side of the family. Regular readers know Lisa is a special lady. She went with me on the Gospel singing cruise last year. Not long after our trip, Lisa started battling sickness. Doctors have treated many things. Yet she still suffers terribly with pain. Nothing seems to cure all of he symptoms. Please join us in praying for Lisa's healing!!

I think Dad mentioned the other day that Bro. Kenny Morris' Dad is in the hospital and is very, very low. It does not look like he is going to pull through so Bro. Kenny, Bro. Scott, Bro. Jason and Bro. Timmy and all of their family needs God to help them. Bro. Sime Morris has been a man of God all of his life. He and is dear wife have been faithful to God and to the ministry. Please help us pray for them.

Update: Bro. Sime Morris slipped into Heaven about a little after 9:00 this evening. The place he has preached about and lived for all of his life is now his home. Thank you for praying. Please continue to pray for his precious wife and family.

Thank you again for your prayers and concern for loved ones that are dear to me. I appreciate all of you!


Annette Cook

Lisa Isaacs

Bro. and Sis. Morris

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Is There Anything That Is Not Better Fried?

I told you that the hamburger steak that I ate at Lambert's on Monday would probably not be the last one. Here is the proof!

Late Thursday evening we took Odie to Big Daddy's Grill for appetizers. We wanted her to experience it first hand and it was good. They have live music on some weekends so it is probably not a place we would feel comfortable going on those evenings but at 5:00 on Thursday it was great and family friendly.

We has more of those super fried pickles, fried green beans and fried cheese sticks. Wow! Fried Green Beans! Now that is the best way to eat green beans. Is there anything that is not better when it is fried?

Kelly Jo and I drive around and looked at a bunch of pretty places today. The weather was warm, the sun was hot and the lady sitting next to me in the Green Machine was as purty as ever. It sure is nice being married to my best friend. It was a great final day of rest for us.

We will probably never settle down in one place and if we do it probably will not be on the Gulf or the ocean or the river bank, but it does not hurt any thing to look. The houses and the docks and the boats are beautiful. I would not want to ride out a hurricane right on the coast but the folks I talk to down here just shrug it off for the most part. Although they all have some stories to tell about hurricanes in the past!

Tomorrow we plan to drive about 115 miles to Richton, Mississippi. The tent trailer is parked near Richton at Bro. Scott Morris' church. I will check the tires and make sure everything is secure to ride and then we will pull over to Citronelle. I will try to get the trailer in place and then park the BoggsMobile in the campground about 100 yards from the tent site. All of that should make for an interesting day. Please pray that all goes well as we crank up the tent revival season.

Speaking of Bro. Scott Morris, his grandfather and Bro. Kenny Morris' dad is in the hospital in Hattiesburg tonight. He is a very weak and very sick man. He has preached the Gospel and lived for God all of his long life and he is ready to go to Heaven but nobody is ready to turn loose of him yet. Please pray that God will strengthen him and pray the God will help Bro. Kenny and Bro. Scott and all of their families as well.

God bless you all.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Marty Millikin Surgery Prayer Request

I posted earlier today and that post is HERE

Tomorrow morning (Monday, February 25, 2013) is the big day for Bro. Marty Millikin. The doctor plans to go in and "kill" the tumor and the kidney about 7:00 AM and then the surgery to remove it should begin around noon. The surgery is very dangerous since the tumor is surrounding some major blood vessels but it is  a necessary step.

According to the doctors, Bro. Marty can not live without surgery. After the surgery then they will design a plan to deal with the cancer. We are praying for and believing God for a miracle. It would be amazing if that tumor is not as extensive as it appears in the tests or if it turned out not to be cancerous at all. I can imagine God doing either or both of those things or even something we have not thought of. It is all in God's hands.

If you would pray for the whole Millikin family, I know they would appreciate it.


Friday, February 22, 2013

Update on Bro. Marty Millikin

I know that many of you are praying diligently for Bro. Marty Millikin and we are so thankful for it. Some of you do not know the Millikins but you have taken Bro. Marty and the precious Millikin family on your hearts and added them to your prayer list. May God bless you for that.

Bro. Marty certainly needs a miracle at this time and we know that God is able to move for him. The surgery to remove his kidney and the tumor is scheduled for Monday February 25. His pre-op EKG was a little worrisome so they have him scheduled for a stress test today, Friday February 22. Let's continue to pray for Bro. Marty.

UPDATE: The doctor elected to give Bro. Marty another EKG rather than a stress test and the heart doctor has cleared him for surgery on Monday. Praise God!

Here are a few pictures of Marty. Two were taken in January in Tulsa and the rest are from when we met the Millikins in Branson in June.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Bit of Good News - Bro. Marty Millikin

Tuesday afternoon Bro. Marty Millikin received his first bit of good news in this whole cancer ordeal. The MRI on Friday and the Cat Scan and Bone Scan on Monday revealed no spreading of the cancer. No cancer in the bones, no cancer in the brain and no cancer in the upper abdomen. Hallelujah! We are praising God for this good news and rejoicing with Bro. Marty. God knows the Millikin family needed this glimpse of hope since everything to this point has seemed so dark. Praise the Lord!

God has used this family so mightily to bless so many folks across this country. Thank God for the Millikin family. Please keep praying for Bro. Marty! We are believing God for a complete miracle.

We are enjoying revival at Corwin this week. Tuesday night was an awesome service. God blessed and helped in a tremendous way. There were several visitors from area churches and it was great to have them.

Today we will be pulling everything together in order to leave early Thursday morning. We hope to have most everything completed before going to the last night of revival tonight. It seems like such a big deal when it is so cold outside but I am sure we will get through it.

God bless you all.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Doing "Stuff" at Home

Thursday night we went to our home church at Dryden Rd. We enjoyed the service very much. Bro. Darrell Meadow was in town taking care of some business and he preached that night. He preached very good. After church we took Bro. Meadow to Cassano's and it was fantastic! Bro. Meadow was raised in Dayton and I think he loves Cassano's as good as we do.

Friday afternoon I went to the doctor with Dad and Mom. Dad's hemoglobin count is better and the doctor was pleased. He said if Dad keeps improving at the same rate then they will reschedule the surgery. That is good news. Thursday the surgeon checked the blood levels that indicate cancer and we are waiting on those results. Wouldn't it be awesome if those levels were normal now? With God all things are possible!

Please keep praying for Dad, Bro. Marty Millikin and add Sis. Mary Ann Lindsey to the list. Sis. Lindsey is a precious lady from our church and she has been a very sick woman for over four months. She received a terribly disappointing diagnosis from the doctor on Thursday and she really needs a miracle to live. Sis. Lindsey and her whole family are really special to us and we are believing God to help them. 

Pray for Odie too. She is under the weather and is stuck in the bus. She sure would love to spend some time with family the next few days.

I spent the early morning Friday getting new tires for the Green Machine. I mentioned that in yesterday's post and I promised to let you know how that turned out. We actually replaced the tires and the wheels. When we bought the Green Machine back in May we knew the tires were not long for this world. They were not in terrible shape but the tires almost caused me to pass on the Scion altogether.

The 2006 Scion xB originally came with 15" tires and somebody had "updraded" the one we bought to 17" wheels and tires. Although we really liked the color and design of the wheels I have never liked low profile tires. I do not love the look of them most of the time and I definitely do not like the ride. Plus they are much more expensive than a normal 15" tire and that is a big consideration since we tow our car behind the bus and wear tires faster than normal. When I could not drive any where in the snow the day after Christmas I knew it was time to do something.

We normally replace the tires on our car about every 18 months because of miles and extra wear and tear they endure behind the bus. I could not justify spending $200 plus per tire for the low profiles that I do not like anyway. That would mean an absolute minimum of $800 every 18 months for car tires. Not going to happen if I could help it.

I knew I could buy nice 15" wheels and tires for about the same amount and then replace the tires every 18 months for less that $300. In addition to that, the 17" wheels that were on there sell for about $200 each new. I should be able to sell the set of four with tires for a few hundred and cover quite a bit of my cost. These wheels fit dozens of types of cars so if anybody wants to pay top dollar for a used set of rims, let me know. I am joking about the top dollar part but they are for sale.

Kelly Jo really liked the old 17" wheels so I wanted her to pick out the new wheels. I found her several to choose from and these gold wheels are the ones she liked. I think she did a very good job. I like them too. The little Green Machine rides and drives super great and seems awful happy to have new shoes. It was nice to drive in snow today and actually be able to move.

Here are a few pictures. We had the Green Machine cleaned up on Tuesday but we are dealing with snow and ice and super cold temperatures so please excuse the dirty car.

Afterward I went by Dad and Mom's to spend some time with them and visit some. When it was time for lunch I invited them to Acapulco and Dad took me up on it.

My food

Kelly Jo's food

And Dad's food was a little late in coming.

Once it all arrived it was bad good! I may have to visit that place again before we leave Ohio.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday at Home and Marty Millikin

Kelly Jo and I met David Riddell at Acapulco for an early lunch. I had the California Burrito and it was very, very good, of course.

We had a great visit with David. We have been friends with David since we were all teenagers and we both love him like a brother. It is always great to connect with him and he and I both have a soft spot for Acapulco's so it is only natural that we meet there for lunch. He is on a weight loss and exercising kick and he looks awful skinny and unhealthy. Maybe we can fatten him up while we are home.

We went to Dad and Mom's Wednesday evening for supper. They fixed a great meal and we enjoyed eating and visiting with them. It is nice to spend a little bit of leisure time with them.

My Dad with his favorite grandchild. Odie says that since she is the oldest, he has been loving her much longer than he has loved any of the other grandchildren.

We went to church with them tonight at Dodds. We are parked in the Dodds parking lot so we walked all the way to church in the rain up hill both ways. We had a good service. Pastor Rex Lloyd had been singing when we called me up to preach so I exhorted on faith while he sang. We had a great prayer line and God touched several. It was great to hear Bro. Rex sing and to enjoy the blessings of the Lord.

We posted a prayer request for Bro. Marty Millikin the other day. Today he had an appointment with a cancer doctor and did not receive a good report. They are going to schedule surgery as soon as possible. Please pray for Bro. Marty. He needs a miracle and we are believing God to give him one. Pray for his parents and for his brother Jimmy and his family as well.

The Millikins have been a blessing to churches all over our nation and Bro. Marty has been a big part of that. He is super talented and has used every ounce of that for the glory of God. Please ask God to give him a miracle. I know that he will tell it far and near and give God all of the glory for it. Our hearts hurt for our dear friends and we are asking God to help.

God bless you all,


Friday, January 25, 2013

Pray For Tracy Stuffle & Family

Please continue to pray for Bro. Marty Millikin. We are believing God to do a miracle for him.

Odie had this post ready to go live yesterday when we received the call about Bro. Marty. It is another prayer request. I will let her tell you about it.


A Note From Odie

Most of our friends know that I love gospel music. I love radio, CDs, iPods, concerts and all the rest. I love the music and I try to keep up with a the groups.

One of the most popular family groups the last several years has been the Perry's. Tracy Stuffle of the Perry's really needs prayer right now.

Tracy is the husband of Libbi Perry Stuffle. He is the bass singer and M.C. for the Perrys.

Earlier in the week Tracy suffered a massive stoke and now is in need of a lot of prayer. I know Libbi, her son and all The Perrys would appreciate your prayers.

Libbi has been updating everyone here
For more on The Perry's visit

Thanks to Google for the images.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Urgent Prayer Request for Marty Millikin

I just received a phone call from Bro. Jimmy Millikin. It looks as though from tests ran today that Bro. Marty Millikin has kidney cancer. They want as many people told as possible so that folks can begin to pray.

I am sure there are more tests to be run and many major decisions to be made. Please, please, please pray for Bro. Marty, elder Bro. and Sis. Millikin, Bro. Jimmy and his family too.

We know God is able to intervene on Bro. Marty's behalf. We know that God hears and answers prayer. Let us bind together and pray until God moves.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Prayer Request for my Dad - Eugene Boggs

I have a prayer request concerning my Dad, Eugene Boggs. Many of our friends have already been told and are praying. But I asked Dad today if I could post this on the blog so more people could pray.

Dad has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and is scheduled for surgery on January 29th. As many of you know there are a variety of treatments for this type of cancer but Dad feels most comfortable with a particular type of surgery so that is what he has opted to do. We support him 100%.

Dad was diagnosed many years ago with an enlarged heart and has had a pacemaker/defibrillator for over five years. It was very doubtful that the heart doctors would approve him for surgery but they have given him the green light. We are asking God to guide the whole process and to give my Dad a complete and quick recovery.

Would you please join us in praying for him? I know that God hears and answers the prayers of His people and that the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Praise God for that! I know God knows and He cares and He is well able to do what we need him to do.

We are adjusting our schedule to be closer to home during the surgery and the days immediately following. By the providence of God we had already cleared the week of the surgery so we could attend Wednesday night of the Minister's Conference in Pigeon Forge and support our Pastor preaching that night. We may not make it to the conference now but thankfully we were already planning to be on the correct side of the country that week.

We were planning to be back in Oklahoma and Kansas the next two + weeks preaching revivals in three churches. All three of them have been gracious to allow us to cancel so that we could stay near home after Dad's surgery. I hate to miss these revivals but I know in my heart that it is the right thing to do and I am comfortable with the decision.

It looks as though we will be preaching some while in Ohio. I am thankful that there are churches in our home area that love for us to come. That is a tremendous blessing from The Lord. I will post more about those dates when the plans are more clear. I will also update the schedule on the website then too.

Thank you so much for praying. God bless you all.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Very Special Visitors

We had some very special visitors Tuesday night in revival here in Neosho. We had folks all the way from Sullivan, Missouri. That is probably about a four hour drive. We preached several times for Bro. Graham at Sullivan and we love and appreciate the church and family so very much.

Bro. Graham passed away suddenly in late 2010 and now his son in law, Bro. Ryan Martin is the pastor. Bro. Ryan, his wife, their four children, Sis. Graham and Steven Graham came down to be in revival service with us. I was totally surprised and pleased that they came.

God has certainly blessed us with friends and these folks from Sullivan have offered up proof once again that He has. I would not drive four hours to hear me preached. Lol. They stayed around afterward and visited and it was wonderful to spend some time with old friends.

Tuesday night was a really good service. The Lord ministered to several folks and built our faith. I believe we will hear some testimonies of God working in special needs and situations in that service. Praise God.

Tuesday we also made our first visit of the year to El Charro. Bro. and Sis. Zerbel treated us all to lunch and we appreciate it very much.

The food was very good and the fellowship was even better. El Charro has changed their salsa and it is a change for the better. Wow it was good. I think we will be back there again this week.

On a very serious note, we often ask you to pray for us out here on the road. Things can go so wrong so quick and an accident can become a tragedy in a moments time. We were reminded of that again the last two days.

A tour bus from Canada hit black ice on I-84 in Oregon and crashed through the guardrail and went at least 200 feet down an embankment. 9 people were killed and nearly 40 were injured.

That is why we plead with you to pray for us every time we travel. An accident like that could happen so easily. Thank God for His help. Join us in praying for the families of the victims and for the survivors.

God bless you.


Friday, November 2, 2012

A Prayer For the Northeast

These pictures give us a small measurement of just how serious the monster storm in the Northeast was and is.

Hundreds of thousands are still without power and the electric company said yesterday that the majority of them may not receive power until November 11.

Much of the public transportation is closed and lines for gasoline are a mile long in some places. Most stations either have no electricity or have no gasoline at all.

Traffic is bumper to bumper in all the major cities and tempers are flaring every where.

Some cities are still flooded and tens of thousands of homes and businesses have suffered water damage.

The clean up will take months and the reconstruction might take years.

One neighborhood lost 110 homes to fire after the storm because the firetrucks could not get there.

One 88 year old resident described it all in two words, "Jesus, horrible."

One story said yesterday that at least 88 died in the US and many are still missing. Among the missing are two boys age 2 and 4 that were swept away from their mother.

The damage goes on and on. The heartbreaking stories are endless. People are going to be hurting for a long, long time.

It is sunny and beautiful where I am today in Lawton, Oklahoma.

My bills are paid and my home is still sitting upright on all eight wheels.

I have electricity for heat at night and air conditioning during the day.

I have access to clean water. I have enough and to spare.

Gasoline is down near $3 a gallon and I can purchase all I need. Diesel is still expensive but there is plenty available.

I have more than enough to eat and still more available at restaurants and stores close by.

My family is healthy and we are able to go to revival every night. I can hug my girls each night and know exactly where they are.

I should be so thankful! I should praise God for his help and protection.

The fact that all seems well in my life should drive me to my knees to pray for those whose lives have been turned upside down.

I should be moved to compassion for families that will not see "normal" for months or years if ever.

I should be moved to pray like never before. In fact I really am moved to pray. I hope we all are praying.

Father, thank you first of all that you hear me when I pray.
Thank you for the sunshine in my life.
Thank you for my family and all we have been given.
Thank you for salvation and the joy and contentment that goes with it.
Thank you that you have spared me so that I might pray for others.
God, help the people in the Northeast of our nation.
I have read of destruction and disaster in New Jersey, New York and beyond.
Help O God!
Comfort, heal, encourage, provide, protect, save and deliver.
In the midst of the heartache, make your presence known to millions of people.
In the hardest trial that many of them will ever face, reveal your grace to them.
Hear them when they call out to you.
Help them when they pray.
And for those that do not know how to pray or do not believe enough to pray, I pray for them.
I cry out for mercy.
I cry out for grace.
I believe that you will help the helpless.
I believe that you will give hope to the hopeless.
I believe that you will guide their steps.
I believe you will provide for their needs.
I believe that you will bring peace to their minds.
I believe that you will bind up the broken hearted.
I believe that you will set at liberty them that are bruised.
I believe it all and ask it all in Jesus name, Amen

Davy Boggs

Friday, October 12, 2012

Another Rough Week for Kari Noe

Kari Noe is in the hospital again struggling with fever. Sis. Ashlee took her in about 3:00 AM Tuesday morning and her fever has pretty much be raging since then. This is the latest text from Sis. Ashlee this morning. (Friday)
There's not really been any change since yesterday. She's still running fevers around the clock and we are seeing that the Tylenol isn't helping at times. We had to use ice packs around 1:00 am to bring it down since it had only been 2 hours since her last dose of Tylenol. They stopped the flu meds because all the tests so far are negative. They are saying it's a bad virus?! Her counts are staying good although platelets have dropped quite a bit, which is to be expected. As long as her counts are good, nobody is too concerned about the virus. It should run its course eventually. Please pray for fevers to go away!
Would you please pray for little Kari, her mother and her brother and the whole family? They need the strength of God right now and we know that God is able to help them. Let's band together, folks and believe God for a miracle!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Pray For Kari Noe

Kari Noe needs God to move for her. Please go HERE for the latest details. Please pass the word far and near.
