Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Church For Sale in Wichita, Kansas

Yep, the church I am preaching at this week, Bethany Revival Center, is up for sale. No, my preaching has not been Sooooo bad that they closed the church! Not yet anyway but I do have two more nights...

No, they are growing and expanding and relocating. Pastor John DiZazzo and his church have a great burden to reach those that are down and out and bring them to Christ.

They regularly minister to those that have drug and alcohol dependencies, those that are incarcerated and many other hurting folks.

A few years ago they began to search for a building where they could expand their "Hope For The Hurting" ministry into a residential program. What God sent their way was even better.

They found a church building about six blocks from their current location. It is big enough for their residential program and their church and some room to spare. It is also right on a major east/west artery in the city.

The new church

It is amazing how God has worked incredible miracles in the acquisition and remolding of that building. God has certainly been faithful and has guided them every step of the way.

They are so very close to moving their church to the new location. They Have some more work to do in other parts of the building but the church is basically ready. It is an exciting time for our friends.

As part of that process they need to sell their current location. It is a beautifully remodeled brick building with a nice concrete parking lot. All they need is one buyer!

Last September I put up a post that included a letter from Pastor DiZazzo and I am reposting some of that below. Since that time God has provided miraculously for this little congregation. They have spent every dime of it on this building. I am talking over $300,000!

They have done all of this on faith and now they have virtually no money but NO debt. Praise God for His blessing.

Please pray for our friends as they reach out to others with the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


(Part of a post from September, 2011)

I asked Pastor John DiZazzo to write the following letter to introduce their ministry to you. If you would read and post this letter I would appreciate it. If you would carefully pray for them I would appreciate that too. It may be that the prayers and support of our friends across the country may be a great blessing to our friends in Wichita, Kansas and to many, many broken lives.
God bless,

From Pastor John DiZazzo:
I would like to share with you the vision that God has placed in our hearts and how He has been miraculously working to bring this vision to fruition. It is my desire that God would use this letter to raise up prayer warriors and intercessors, all across the country, who will join us in prayer for this ministry.
First, I would like to give some background. Growing up as a preacher’s kid in the inner city, my wife, Judy, saw firsthand the effect that poverty, abuse and broken families had on individuals’ lives. Finding no way out, many turned to drugs and alcohol. Crime and prostitution became a way of life as people sought for the means to support their habits. Anger and hatred boiled over into the streets, leaving hurt and broken lives in its aftermath.
As a child, Judy would often accompany members of her father's church into the housing projects and alleyways of inner-city Boston, where they would share the gospel of Jesus Christ. The lives of drug addicts, alcoholics and prostitutes were miraculously transformed by the power of God. When Judy was very young, God placed in her heart a love and compassion for those who hurt and struggle with life-controlling problems.
I was saved at Judy’s parents' church in 1980. In May 1984, my wife and I were married, and in November 1985, God sent us to pioneer a work in Wichita, Kansas. Together Judy and I share a tremendous burden for those who are bruised, broken and hurting. And God has placed a burden and vision deep in our hearts for a Christ-centered, residential discipleship program that would bring hope to hurting people. It will be called “Hope for the Hurting.”
Many of our church members are actively involved in street and jail ministry. We are thankful that God has blessed us with people who share this vision and are committed to praying it through to fruition. We are compelled to action by an overwhelming desire to be God’s hand extended to those in need.
The vision has gradually unfolded over the years as we have earnestly sought God’s direction. The turning point came in June 2010, when Brother Davy Boggs preached a message entitled, “It Is Time to Paint the Nursery.” The message was about God’s promise to give Abraham and Sarah a child. After many years, the time came for Abraham and Sarah to "paint the nursery" (i.e. get prepared, because God was ready to fulfill the promise). Brother Boggs exhorted that there is a time when we need to step out in faith and prepare to receive what God has promised. That message really spoke to our church and into my heart. That night God spoke through prophecy and told us it was time for us to move forward in faith because "it was time to paint the nursery.” And He said He would show us what to do as we sought Him.
At the time I really had no idea what the Lord was referring to, but as we prayed it became clear that God was saying it was time to launch out in faith and begin to prepare for the Hope for the Hurting ministry. We shared in a message at church what God was doing and the vision that was in our hearts. God spoke through prophecy that night and instructed us to pursue the Hope for the Hurting ministry aggressively. Soon $90,000 in combined donations miraculously came into our possession. Shortly thereafter we received another donation from outside our church for $15,000. We have not conducted fund-raisers or asked anyone for financial support. It has been the hand of God that has moved on our behalf.
We then began to look for a building that would suit our purposes. We looked at several but never felt any leading to attempt to purchase any of them. God eventually led us to a 15,000 sq. ft. church building located in the heart of the neighborhood we have been called to and on the main street that passes through this end of town. When my wife and I looked at it, we were amazed at the potential for housing on the second floor of this facility. In addition, the rest of the building could accommodate our church's needs for many years to come.
Some of the building had been water-damaged, so they were asking only $125,000 as is. After much prayer, we saw God move miraculously, enabling us to purchase the building for $120,000, which was all we had.
Now we owned the building but had no money to renovate. We began to pray, and God has provided another $125,000 in anonymous donations, some from our congregation, and some from far and wide. Talk about a miracle! To date we owe nothing; however, the work is not completed.

...We are working almost weekly with potential Hope for the Hurting candidates, and it breaks our hearts that we are not ready to offer them the program. However, we are confident that the God who has provided to this point is the same God who will move once again.
We are presently putting together our staff (all volunteers from our congregation), and we are putting the final touches on the program and volunteer manuals. My wife will direct the program and we will soon begin training staff and other volunteers from our congregation who want to work for God.
Once construction is completed, we will be able to house up to 16 residents and four staff members. However, we intend to start off small (with about four residents) and gradually grow to full capacity. The program will be a minimum of one year and is designed for individuals who show a true desire for Christ and for permanent life change. The program will be strict and well-structured with a full schedule of Bible and life skill classes, counseling and activities. We will instruct residents in all aspects of Christian living and assist them in all phases of integration into independent living. They will not graduate from the program until they have obtained employment and an independent residence. Then we will continue to work with them to assure that they become stable Christians and productive members of society.
We are asking for individuals and churches to join us in prayer as we embark on this faith journey. We know that when God’s people unite in prayer, great things happen. This is God’s work and He will respond to our prayer of faith.
If you would like to know more about this ministry or would like to receive our monthly Hope for the Hurting news-letter, please let us know. We would be glad to keep you updated on our progress now and once the program begins.

Please contact:
Pastor John DiZazzo
(Cell) 316-409-2712

Judy DiZazzo (Program Director)
(Cell) 316-680-8577

In His Service,

Pastor John DiZazzo

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The New Tent Goes Up For The First Time

The new tent went up for the first time Saturday in Citronelle, Alabama. Pastor Gaylon Conningham, Pastor Darius Templeton and their folks worked hard to raise the tent. Aside from a few badly timed, strong wind gusts everything went smooth. For the first time putting this tent up, I believe it went up extremely well.

We plan to begin at 6:00 tonight. Please pray for God's anointing, conviction for the sinners, encouragement for the saints and good weather all week including next Saturday. I know God hears and answers prayers!

These pictures are not in order because some are from Odie's phone and some are from mine. I am sure I will be posting more about the tent revival. This morning I am supposed to preach at Cedar Creek for Bro. Templeton. God bless you all.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tent Revival Prep

We have had four services so far at Midway and it is building each and every service. Last night was powerful and I am sure it will be even better the rest of the week. We are having a great time with Bro. and Sis. Chapman and their church and family. I am sure we will have some more pictures to post before the week is over.

While in revival here at Midway we are continuing to prepare for our first tent revival of the season next week in Citronelle, Alabama. Bro. Templeton and Bro. Cunningham and their churches near Citronelle are looking forward to Tent Revival and we are all praying that God will give us a great move of His Spirit.

It is a little difficult to deal with some last minute details since we do not have a vehicle right now but we are doing the best we can. We are gathering the things we need and I am studying the directions for putting up the new tent. I am sure that by the end of September I will be very comfortable putting it up and taking it down but this first time is sure to be an adventure.

Miami Missionary Tent Company provides great instructions and a DVD but there is nothing like hands on experience. Each tent has it's own distinct features and personality, if you will. I am looking forward to pulling this tent out of the bags and getting to know it better. I hope to have everything measured and laid out, ready to go when the men arrive at 1:00 on Saturday. Once the stakes are in the ground we will pull the tent pieces out and try to put that thing in the air.

Please pray that all goes well. Pray for good weather Saturday and throughout the next week. We were under a tent 42 nights last year and only had a little rain in ONE service. We had rain and storms during the day and night but very little wind and rain during church. Whatever God does, we plan to give Him glory but we are asking for no rain and no high winds. Will you join us in prayer? Pray as well for the services.

Those services are what all of the hard work, blood sweat, tears and money spent are about. I am very excited about the opportunity to put the tent up and preach the gospel in several states again this year. My vision for these meetings is for the lost to be converted, the sick to be healed and the saints to be encouraged as they are saturated with a fresh outpouring of the Holy Ghost. We must have God move in those services!

When I conduct tent revivals I place heavy emphasis on the power of the Word and the moving of God’s Spirit. It has been my experience that in today’s world we often do not have 2-3 hours to reach people that come into our meetings.  The attention span of many in the world is very short and often they drift away while we go through the motions of having church.  I make an effort to give them the Word of God as early in the service as we can and allow the Holy Ghost to work in their hearts.

I believe that God will accomplish great things!  I am expecting our Awesome God to do Awesome things before our eyes! We intend to Pray like the success of the tent revival depends on God and to work like it depends on you. God bless you for joining us in prayer....


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Important Update on the Montana Tent Revival

On January 25, 2012 I put up THIS POST about the upcoming tent revival in Montana for Pastor Metzger and the Sun Valley Church. Today I have a word from Pastor Mike Metzger concerning that revival that I would like everyone to read. Many of your have expressed a desire to meet us in Montana for this revival and many more have assured me that you will be praying for that particular tent revival. I appreciate that very much.

I encourage you to read Pastor Meztger's letter, visit and bookmark their website and fervently pray for a sovereign move of God among these great saints of God. God bless you!


Dear Bro. Davy and family,
I was very excited to read about the blog you posted concerning the “Macedonian Call” (Montana). In January, we had our first in-house revival held by our youth pastor, Nathan Jeffreys and myself. The Lord spoke to us concerning several things, which our church must do this year. The biggest event is the up-coming tent revival on July 15-22. Our church is anticipating a great move of God. As of February 1st, we have already started organizing for this event. In your blog, you invited churches, youth groups, families, etc. to come and participate. Our entire church echoes your invitation! I realize that our strained economy may be a hindrance to one’s financial status, but we will do our best to accommodate as many as possible. We are in our 17th year here in Montana, and we believe that this is the year for God to bless our church’s efforts. Our tentative schedule is as follows: 
1. We would like to have the tents raised on Friday, July 13 
2. This would be followed by a service on Saturday, July 14 to commit this endeavor to the Lord 
3. Monday through Friday there will be a morning youth service from 10 a.m. to 12 noon where visiting ministers will be speaking. Children’s VBS will be in the afternoon.  All visiting youth are invited to participate. Evening revival services with the Boggs Family will be Sunday through Sunday at 7 p.m. 
4. Lunch will be served at noon each day at the tent/church location.
Those who would like to join us should contact us no later than June 15. Our phone number is (406)273-0331; or contact us through our church website at  For those who cannot attend, we sincerely covet your prayers up to and during this time. Thank you and God bless.

Pastor Mike Metzger                                                                                                                                 Sun Valley Church
Church Website            
Florence, Montana

Friday, January 27, 2012

Keep Praying for Beautiful Kari Noe

I have been texting with my little friend, Kari Noe this morning and I thought it would be a good time to remind every one to hold her up in prayer. She is battling Leukemia and needs God's touch every day. You can find pretty regular updates on Kari HERE. Please pray for Kari, her little brother Malachi, their mother Ashlee, and father Matthew and grandparents. They are under a tremendous load and they are depending on God every day.

Kari is so precious! She constantly entertains her family, the nurses and doctors and anybody else she comes in contact. I know that God is giving her strength each day.

Mosey over to her mother's BLOG and leave Kari a comment. Would you please? I am sure it would do her and her family a world of good to know that bunches of people over here are thinking of them and praying for them...

God bless,


Kari says, "Hi!"

I was teasing her about "Who is driving that bed?" and here is the response!