Showing posts with label throwback. Show all posts
Showing posts with label throwback. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Throwback Thursday 2/27/25

 Hey Friends,

Throwback Thursday is here again. Thanks for joining us today. Did you catch yesterday's moving tribute to my Dad? It was written by his sister, Theresa. Click here to read it if you missed it!

I thought it was fitting to rewind to June 13th 1992. That was the day Theresa Boggs became Mrs. Osborn, when she said "I Do" to Jay. 

The wedding day was beautiful! It was an unforgettable day. Dad married Jay and Theresa. I was a flower girl and Mother was helping with the wedding music.

Here are a few of their wedding pictures that Aunt Theresa recently shared with me. I hope you enjoy a looking back almost 33 years.

Boggs Family in June 1992.  Aunt Karen was expecting Deidre.

The brothers with Theresa.

My cousin Ryan Coffman and me.

The flower girl and the bride.

I love my Uncle Jay and Aunt Theresa. They are still happily married. Dad made certain that not was double and triple knotted. 💕😊

Thanks for reading! See you next time!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Throwback Thursday 2/20/25

 Hey Friends,

Welcome to Throwback Thursday. Today, we are going back to January 29th 2021. The last week of January we had a schedule change due to sickness. Honestly, that became our norm, and we learned to roll with the punches. We were still hours away, so we changed our route and plans. 

The new plan was to do ministry bookwork by day for my parents and revival on YouTube at night. A truckstop parking lot was home for a few days. We had cell signal and food and the comforts of the BoggsMobile. We were set. 

By Thursday we completed our travel to our next stop, Bernice, Louisiana. The last night of revival was a soundcheck singalong. It was a great service! We did not realize how special that moment would be for our family. 

Sunday morning Dad and I both woke up sick. By 9AM we confirmed it was our first known round of Covid. We had not spent time around people in a week. 

Well we rolled with the punches. That afternoon we began the journey home. It took us 2 and half days to complete the trip. Dad’s health battles were just beginning. We would be home for 7 months. He never fully recovered.

This became our last video before life changed! Wow, I am glad we captured this moment forever!  The video has been showing up in my suggested videos for a while. We have been receiving a few new comments on it. I decided to share it today.

Thanks for reading. See you tomorrow!


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Throwback Thursday 2/13/25

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for joining me for Throwback Thursday! For today's installment, I have one of my favorite memories! This one actually comes with a video clip. 

I hope you enjoy watching the video. Then, I will tell you the rest of the story.

Several years ago, we were in Alabama. We had spent the day around Mobile spending time with friends.

Dad and Bro. Scott Morris were in rare form that day. I literally thought they were gonna get us kicked out of Dirt Cheap store with their crazy antics! It was hilarious!

I had just been given my first wheelchair scooter. I was learning how to use it. Dad decided to take the seat off and have a little fun. This is where wheelchair surfing was born!

We all laughed until we hurt and cried! It was hilarious! A police officer was circling the parking lot, keeping a close eye on us. I am not sure what he thought was going on!

I know this video quality is not the best. But we were all laughing too hard to worry about video quality in the moment.

Oh, I am so glad that we captured this moment! Dad, thank you for the great memory! You were always the life of the party! I love your sense of humor. Thank you for teaching me to laugh and love life!

Bro. Scott pulled this out of the archives in November and we have all laughed over this several times!

Thank you for reading. I hope this throwback moment brought a smile to your face! 


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Throwback Thursday 2/6/25

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for dropping in today. It is once again Throwback Thursday. We appreciate your visit!

Today, we have a picture from Sis. Ann Gabbard. She found this photo recently and sent it to me. I thought it was a good one for this segment of the blog. 

I believe this was taken October 2004 or 2005. I know it  was taken during the Bond Campmeeting. 

Thanks, Sis. Ann, for this memory! We love you all!

See you next time.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Throwback Thursday 1/30/25

Hey Friends,

Thank you for stopping by for a quick Throwback Thursday post. The other day, I found this great shot of Dad. Mom or I caught him in action! Bro. Salmon Adelani was the interpreter for this meeting.

The picture was taken on our second trip to Nigeria during a minister's conference in November 2009 in Ibadan. If my memory is correct, the theme of the meeting was the Holy Ghost.

See you tomorrow.


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Throwback Thursday 1/23/25

 Hey Friends,

Thanks for stopping by to say hello. It is wonderful to have you visit us.

Today is Throwback Thursday. I have some pictures for you from when I was a wee little girl. They are not the best quality. Of course, we were using a 35mm camera back then. These prints are many years old now!

These were taken in the 1990s when we first visited the Blue Ridge Parkway. Our family visited this beautiful part of the country many times after this trip. 

Through the years, we have gained so many wonderful memories in this area. Not only did we collect memories, but we also made a lot of friends. Those friends are still near and dear to our hearts today.

I hope you enjoy a glimpse into the past when we were all a lot younger. See you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Throwback Thursday, 1/9/2025

 Hey Friends,

It is time for another photo from the archives. Mom sent this picture to me last week. I do not know the time and place it was snapped.

I love it because it is a picture of Dad and two of our wonderful friends, Bro. Mike Crafton and Bro. Kurt McCrorey. Both men have been part of our lives for a long time and hold a special place in our hearts!

Bro. Mike Crafton and his family have been our friends since I was a small girl. We reconnected with them while we were living in Kansas. They lived in Joplin, Missouri. Our families would visit the same concerts and revivals without planning it. 

Soon the three Crafton sisters and myself were super close. They became like my sisters We fellowshipped every chance we could find or create!😀

Bro.  Mike and Sis. Denise, Mom and Dad Crafton, just claimed me as their older daughter! I still love my Crafton family! Their crew now includes two son-in-laws and 7 amazing grandchildren!

Bro. Kurt and Sis Angie McCrorey became dear friends of ours in the early 2000’s. Our pastor told Dad we needed to get to know them, and he was right!

From the beginning of our first evening spending time with them we bonded. The friendship was more like family. They were with us during lots of good times and rough patches. 

It is hard to remember life without the McCrorey family! We watched their children grow up. Now they are married and have their own families. Where has time gone?!

I know they helped us move three different times. Bro. Kurt has been part of our ministry since BFM was incorporated. We are so thankful for his friendship and assistance!

We have so many great memories with the Crafton and McCrorey families! We love and appreciate all of them! Both families traveled many miles and hours to be in services with us!

I am so thankful for the excellent friends God placed in our path! We value these wonderful people! I will never forget their friendship and dedication to our family!

Thank you for joining us! See you tomorrow!