Showing posts with label tributes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tributes. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Throwback Thursday 2/27/25

 Hey Friends,

Throwback Thursday is here again. Thanks for joining us today. Did you catch yesterday's moving tribute to my Dad? It was written by his sister, Theresa. Click here to read it if you missed it!

I thought it was fitting to rewind to June 13th 1992. That was the day Theresa Boggs became Mrs. Osborn, when she said "I Do" to Jay. 

The wedding day was beautiful! It was an unforgettable day. Dad married Jay and Theresa. I was a flower girl and Mother was helping with the wedding music.

Here are a few of their wedding pictures that Aunt Theresa recently shared with me. I hope you enjoy a looking back almost 33 years.

Boggs Family in June 1992.  Aunt Karen was expecting Deidre.

The brothers with Theresa.

My cousin Ryan Coffman and me.

The flower girl and the bride.

I love my Uncle Jay and Aunt Theresa. They are still happily married. Dad made certain that not was double and triple knotted. 💕😊

Thanks for reading! See you next time!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

My Brother By Theresa Boggs Osborn

Hey Friends,

Thanks for stopping by to visit. Today, we have a special guest appearance. Aunt Theresa recently shared a tribute to Dad with us. 

We loved it! I was moved to tears by her sweet words! Now I get to share her beautiful tribute to her brother, my Dad, with you! 

Theresa, thank you for granting us permission to post your tribute. We love you! Dad loved his “Seester” too! You were his favorite sister!

That is all for me today. I will let Theresa finish out this post. See you all tomorrow!


"I am NOT a writer, but I wanted to put a few of my thoughts down of Davy. Thinking a lot about him today.

My Brother

I remember thinking during his funeral, that there was so much  that I didn’t know about Davy. I knew he always gave 110% to his ministry and was always thinking what should be his next steps. The stories of others and the wonderful memories they shared and what Davy had done for them personally in their lives was truly touching! 

There is just a small glimpse of time that I can remember when Davy was not serving the Lord. There was 5 years difference between Davy and me. In my early teenage years, I can remember the two of us walking  down the road to Corwin to attend church. I honestly don’t remember why Davy just didn’t drive us there, but I’m sure there was a funny story to tell of why! 

I remember the early days of Davy and Kelly dating  They took me along to visit other churches with them. 

Serving God was his main purpose from early on.  When many were planning what to attend college, he was eager to get his ministry started. I was very proud of him, I wonder if I ever told him that? 

When Jay and I started planning our wedding, there was no doubt who would marry us. We still hear today that “Jay and I are the most married couple they know.” 

You see, Davy didn’t just have us do our vows and say I do. He preached a mini sermon just to us that day. He let us know the importance of marriage, and how truly sacred marriage was.


I often think of one of the quotes that he gave us that day. “The closest thing to Heaven is a God centered home. ”I have found this to be so true!

We got married, the Army took us to Germany.  Then later we moved to Oklahoma. I remember my first thought when Jay told me we were moving to Oklahoma , “what in the world is in Oklahoma!!”

We both found God in Oklahoma!!! Davy found out we were going to Oklahoma, and he started reaching out to all the dear people and the wonderful churches there. He found out that that some folks were getting ready to pioneer a church in Lawton, Oklahoma. 

Just because Davy had reached out to these people and told them we were coming, they instantly treated us just like family.  

Jay and I were saved in Oklahoma! I truly believe that it all started with the ministry of Davy, Kelly an Odie.  Because of the love and dedication they had shown to those churches was the reason they opened their arms to us like they did. I have never forgotten it!! 

We witnessed the true love of God! I hope Davy knew how much that meant to me and how much I appreciated his teaching, and for his encouraging words that he had given Jay and me over the years.  

The one memory that is etched in my mind, is me watching Davy worship the Lord during a song. His eyes are shut and you can see that he is taking in every word of the song and then he would reach out and grasp a hold of it. 

Our family is broken and we miss him so very much! I am so thankful he is not in pain and his body his whole. Davy will be one of the very first people  I look for in Heaven! I can just see him now….❤️"



Saturday, January 11, 2025

Tribute To Davy By The Walker Family

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for visiting with us today. It is always good to chat with my friends!

Two full months have passed since Dad reached his Heavenly home. We are still trying to wrap our feeble minds around this reality. 

What is normal life? Dad was our life. Each day is a process. Digging out of what someone called an “earthquake” that rocked our world last year.

Last night, I spent a moment reading some of the tributes that have been sent my way. They warm my heart! 

Dad was well loved and touched countless lives! He impacted the world for good the best he could. Dad was always searching for one more lost soul or hurting person. He loved to bring a smile to somebody else's face. Mom and I had the privilege of having a front seat to witness it firsthand.

Today, I have chosen to share a tribute posted by the Tony and Annie Walker Family of Moultrie, Georgia. They initially posted this online in November.

We cherish our fun times with their family! Bro. Tony and Sis. Annie are special friends to the Boggs Family. We do not talk all the time, but our connection is real. We love them!

The Walkers' sons, Dallon and Landon, always held a special place in Dad’s heart! Dad was thrilled to hear from either of them and know they were working for God with their families! He would often show me pictures of their children!

Pictured Below is Davy with Bro. Tony Walker. This picture was taken at First Assembly in Douglas, Georgia.

The Walker Family can finish this post out with their tribute. See you right back here tomorrow. 


“ To know Bro. Davy Boggs was to love him. You couldn't help it. He had a way of drawing you in and making you feel like part of his family. He, Sis. Kelly Jo and Odie have blessed our family and church so many times. I would always get so excited when I knew they were coming for revival because they lifted the load from our shoulders and encouraged us in so many ways.

And we had FUN!! From building towers at every restaurant, listening to their many fun adventures, and Sis. Kelli Jo's Chinese imitations, they were just a joy to be around. Bro. Davy always made my boys feel special. He would sit and take up time with them and talk with them. Those times meant so much to Tony and I because PK's need to feel seen too, and Bro. Davy did just that.

A BIG hole has been left in the Walker family's hearts. This world will never be the same without Bro. Davy. I know He has finally reached that land of which he sung and preached about, but he will be missed.

Please lift Sis. Kelly Jo and Odie up to the Lord, and pray for all of Bro. Davy's friends that will miss him so” 💔

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Throwback Thursday 12/19/24

Hey Friends,

Thanks for taking a moment out of your day to visit with me. Today, I have another installment of a throwback photo. Most of our talks about memories and days gone by are the precious days we spent with Dad! 

He provided Mom and me with many great memories! We traveled, saw beautiful places and had so many remarkable experiences! Thank you, Daddy, for a great life! We could share a new memory daily and probably never get through them all!

My mom and I are not the only ones going through memories. Many of our family and friends are also reliving their own” Davy” memories! It makes our day to hear them from you all!

My Mamaw Martha shared this photo with me a few days ago. This picture of Mamaw and baby Davy!  He was such a cute baby!  My grandparents definitely will always miss their boy!

Actually, this picture reminds me of one of his great nephew, Arlo. It makes me smile! Uncle Davy loved being “Uncle Davy The Great”

Thank you to many of you thay have asked how my Dad’s parents and family are doing? All of us are trying to adjust to the new normal. All of your prayers and thoughtfulness are very much appreciated by everyone!

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Davy’s Memory Lives On In Nigeria

Hey Friends,

Boggs Family Ministries with the help of God’s people was able to provide some much needed funds to complete a church in Nigeria this year. Dad was excited about this project after he saw the need for help last year during their visit there. 

He was thrilled that God helped us, and despite his health battles we were able to help our friends complete their new church building. This is one of the branch churches of Bro Shobanke’s Christ Ambassadors Holiness Church in Abeokuta, Nigeria.

The dedication date was set for December 2024 of the building. Dad wanted nothing more than to be in Nigeria for the dedication. His head knew that his body was not up to the trip. His heart still wanted to be with our dear Nigerian friends, “across the ocean”!

After Dad’s passing our friends decided to to do a joint dedication and memorial to honor Dad. Our family was so honored by the thoughtfulness of our precious friends. We love all of them dearly! 

Saturday was the special day. We could not be there but our hearts are greatly touched. We will have more pictures and details of the service later. We were sent a picture of the beautiful plaque at the church's entrance.

Thank you for reading. See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

One Month

Hey Friends,

Thanks for joining me for another installment of the blog. I have a few different blog posts swirling in my brain. I can not make my thoughts cohesive and flow out my fingertips. Hopefully, I can get them out soon. 

Our longtime readers know dates and commemorating life’s moments mean a lot to us. Dad liked to look back and remember the milestones. 

Today, is a date I wish I did not have to talk about, but Dad would if he was here.  One month ago Daddy was set free from this life.

I know he is still enjoying his life. He is no longer suffering, bound by time and physical limitations. None of us can even image the life Dad has now in Heaven. That realization gives me hope and comfort. 

Down here each day that passes I miss him more and more. Everyday we are trying to figure out life. Real life hurts! Dad often quoted Garfield, “Life Stinks”! I say a hearty double amen!

One thing I know God is good! He has been there every moment in our grief and uncertainty. We are truly blessed!

Thank you for the prayers, friendship, encouragement, help and love. Our family and friends are absolutely amazing. We love you all! Thank you just feels so hollow, but it is meant from the bottom of my heart. 

See you tomorrow. 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Sunday Sanity 12/8

Hey Friends,

Four weeks ago today, my Dad finished his earthly fight. He was a faithful soldier in God’s army. Daddy was committed to his God, family, calling and friends until the end.

Today’s Sanity comes from Jeff Rowe. This is a snippet of a text he sent me four weeks ago. It spoke directly to my heart when it was freshly shattered!

God has brought many special people into our lives over the years. Now, we can not imagine life without them. One such person is Jeff Rowe, owner of East Tennessee Luxury Coach in Vonore, Tennessee. 

Jeff became the official BoggsMobile mechanic. He kept us rolling and took Dad’s calls whenever we needed help on the road. He also helped tremendously with his bus-induced psychosis!

He is not just our go to bus guy, but he became a friend to our family! Often, he took up for me with Dad! This was the last picture Dad took of me and Jeff on July 22nd. 

I have found Jeff is eloquent with his words. I always feel honored when he takes a moment out his busy schedule to send me a text. Often it was exactly what I need in that moment.

Jeff has served our country! Once a Marine, always a Marine. We thank you for your service!

 “Today is the Marine Corps birthday.   Although your Dad was not in the military he was a outstanding soldier in the most important army.  The army of God.”
Jeff  Rowe 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Tribute to Davy By Larry Smith

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in for another Tuesday. Thank you for dropping by to visit with me. I appreciate all of you who have let me know that you are still enjoying the blog. I am doing my best to keep it going.

Today, I have another tribute for you that was sent to me about my Dad. Our dear friend wrote this tribute that we affectionally call “Uncle Larry”. Uncle Larry lives in Ellisville, Mississippi, where he attends First Assembly. He is an exceptional friend to our family. Dad often referred to Uncle Larry as his hero! 

The special day Uncle Larry talks about in his tribute below will always be a highlight in our lives! It was special for us to spend time with him and his Vietnam brothers! We were honored to be there to support our friend!

Our Bro Davy Boggs has gone to be with the Lord he has preached about for all these years and here is something to show how special him and his family are.

They were starting a meeting in the Dallas area at the same time we were holding our Vietnam reunion. On Friday afternoon they took time out of their busy schedule to spend time with me and my Vietnam brother's. That's what makes the Boggs family so very special to me and especially to our church. I hope they know how much we love them.”

Uncle Larry, thank you for your service to our country! Thank you for being our friend You will forever be our hero. Thanks for the invitation to join you for such a special event! 

In answer to your question, we know that you love us and your church loves us! You all have proven it time and time again! Thank you for your prayers and standing by us!

Thanks for reading! See you next time!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Tribute to Davy Boggs By Sis. Andrea Hammond

Hey Friends,

Several people have shared great tributes to my Dad that have been posted online. Mom and I love seeing the impact Dad left on so many lives. He had no idea how many people he truly touched.

I plan to periodically share some of the tributes here, too. Today, I am sharing a post by Sis. Andrea Hammond from November 10th 2024

Mom and I were moved to tears when we read this story. God is amazing, and Dad loved to be a vessel God could use. He was a cheerful giver!

Andrea, thank you for remembering this moment. Thanks for your friendship and prayers!


“ Bro Davy Boggs' obedience to God built my faith in a monumental way!!

It was the summer of 2009, I was working trying to save money to get back to Bible School, and the Boggs came to preach a revival at the church I was interning at that summer, I felt impressed to give $100 in the offering, at the time it seemed like quite a sacrifice.

Two years later I was discouraged heading into a service at Bible Holiness, because I was supposed to go on choir tour that weekend and I literally had not a penny to my name. The Boggs unexpectedly showed up that night and Bro Taylor had him preach, they sang "Faith gives me Hope" After church that night he walked up to me, shook my hand and left the exact amount of money in it that I'd given in that revival!

I knew God was teaching me something about Faith and I've never forgotten it!

Praying tonight for his sweet family!!!”

Andrea Hammond

Monday, November 18, 2024

Tribute to Davy from David Riddell

Hey Friends,

Odie here reporting again from Kettering Hospital. Thank you for your continued prayers! 

Sunday morning I had a rough spell. I opted to stay in the hospital one more night. Now the plan is to go home on Monday. Thankfully I have not had anymore spells. The staff here has taken great care of me. 

Today I have something special to share with you. One of our dearest friends David Riddell shared this heartfelt tribute to my Dad online. It so moved mom and I, and we are sharing it here with David’s permission.

Please read the great words listed below. 

Tribute to Davy from David Riddell 

He was my longest best friend. We were 17/16 years old when we met, and we became immediate best friends. Cousins that somehow had not met until then, but it was a God thing. We held our first revival together at the Stubbs Mill church; he preached one night and I the next. Even though we were young and competitive by nature, ministry was never competitive between us. We were teammates. We studied together, prayed together, and in those days, you rarely saw one without the other. We just had that brotherly connection, where we even thought alike. I'll never forget when I found the most awesome-looking green pants at Kaufman's in Lebanon, and I walked into church that night thinking that I was looking good only to find him wearing the same pants. Someone asked us that night if those pants came with a dimmer switch.

When he was blessed to find Kelly, I became the most loved third wheel in all of history. She was never my best friend's wife; she just became my best friend too. And when Odie came along, she just became my little sister, since they both were helping raise me.

He had a faith that I always admired, probably because I didn't personally have it. I fell away from God in my early 20's, and it was in his study, where I was spewing my newfound religion of secular humanism and psychological babble, where he simply said, David, God is married to the backslider.

 Those simple words from my dear friend, anointed by the Holy Ghost, broke me completely. Before I even knew what I was doing, I had fallen on my knees and was sobbing, begging for God to forgive me, and He did. There's only one other human who knew how truly frail and weak I am because he became my most trusted confessor. He never cut me any slack; that's why I went to him, but he always spoke to me with love. I will miss that. The last time I was with him, he said, "Man David, you don't need anyone to beat you; you have that covered yourself."

I hate how the cruelty of life separated us after our youth, but I always knew that you were there, but this cruel death is almost unbearable. I never expected him to outrun me to the gates of Heaven, never expected that he would see my daddy again before me, never expected to have to live in a world without you in it, but here we are, me still down here, you over there, my heart broken, yours full of joy, my eyes unable to stop weeping, yours never to shed another tear. I never expected, but l probably should have; you were always the better man. You deserved a better friend in me, and I never had a better friend in you.

Goodbye my dear friend, what time I have left, you will never be forgotten, never be unloved, and your impact on my life never unfelt.
 David Riddell