Saturday, June 29, 2024

Jeff and Sheri Easter June 2024

Hey Friends

This is Odie checking from the beach cottage. Thanks for stopping by to visit with me. 

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad

First things first, today is my parent's anniversary! I want to wish Mom and Dad a Happy Anniversary!

Congrats on making it to number 39! I love you both so much! I pray this is your best year yet!

Jeff and Sheri Easter June 2024

Today, I am here to tell you about some fun from the first Friday of June. Jeff and Sheri Easter were scheduled to be in Hillsboro, Ohio.

I heard about this concert in March and quickly told my friends, the Stansells. They are big fans of Jeff and Sheri Easter’s music, too, and they immediately planned to attend the concert. 

The Stansells invited me to tag along with them if my schedule allowed. I was able to work my trip to visit my family in Hillsboro into that week. I met up with my dear friends for dinner and the concert and then rode back to Waynesville with them. It worked out great for me! 

Dinner consisted of another trip to Ponderosa! Yes, the Hillsboro Ponderosa is good enough to have twice in one week. Yet, I failed again to snap any food pictures!

After dinner, we headed to the Hillsboro Church of the Nazarene. We wanted to get there early enough to get a good seat. This was the second concert that the Stansells and I had attended at this church.

The doors opened at 5 p.m. We paid the admission fee and made our way into the sanctuary. We found great seats and settled in to wait for the 6 p.m. start time.

Here is a picture of me, Jeff Easter, Stephanie and Timmy Stansell.

This is Timmy and me, ready for the concert to start.

The setup. Before the concert, a Gaither Jeff and Sheri Easter video was playing. It was neat to look back on some of their older material that I had not heard in a long time!

Me, Stephanie, Timmy and Rick. These are my awesome cousin friends, and it is always fun spending time with them!

Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing Jeff and Sheri Easter.

The amazingly talented Sheri Easter.

Jack Carter now plays drums and sings background vocals. Fun fact: Jack's parents met when they worked for Jeff and Sheri years ago.

I enjoy Jeff's singing. He is one of the most underrated singers in southern gospel.

Sheri was singing from the heart that night. It was special!

The whole gang.


Sheri read us an excerpt from one of her devotionals.

This year, Tanner Duckworth is a new addition to the Jeff and Sheri Easter full time lineup.

Here is another fun tidbit of info for you. Jeff and Sheri celebrated 39 years of marriage this month. They were married several days before my Mom and Dad in June 1985.

Tanner is a guitar-picking machine. You can look him up on YouTube to hear some of his incredible picking.

Timmy, Me and Stephanie were able to grab a quick picture with both Jeff and Sheri Easter.

Soon, it was time for the night to end. I was so glad to be in attendance at this wonderful concert. It was a fantastic night of music, singing and fellowship with friends.

Thanks to the Nazarene Church for hosting the evening! Thank you to Jeff and Sheri Easter, Tanner Duckworth and Jack Carter for the awesome music and singing! We thoroughly enjoyed being in service with you! 

I want to thank the Stansells for allowing me to tag along with them! It was fun making more memories with my dear cousin friends! I love you all so much! 

That wraps up this concert recap. See you next time.