Sunday, November 7, 2010

One Year of Mile Markers - November 7, 2011

I put up the first post on this blog one year ago today in preparation for our second mission trip to Nigeria. That first one was a test post. (Here it is) We were looking for a way to update the folks at home while out of the country and here we are a year later with almost 340 posts under our belt. Of course over 100 of those posts came in the next 6 weeks while preparing for, traveling to and from and giving details of our time in Nigeria. At that time I could only send one picture in each email from my phone so some days I would post several times with one picture in each post.

It worked so good in Nigeria that we decided to make this blog the home to all of our Mile Markers. We had previously posted Mile Markers on our Website but very often we couldn't post for weeks because of lack of internet service. With the blog, as long as we have phone service we can put something up. Since then we have posted an average of 19 times a month keeping you informed of the great events AND minutia of our lives on the road.

Who would ever imagined back then that we would have millions of readers every day?

In fact, who would ever imagine such a preposterous thing now?

So thanks for being one of our many MILLIONS dozens of readers here on We appreciate the fact that you are interested in our lives and ministry. We also appreciate the comments, emails and even letters you have sent in response to something you read here. Many of you have let us know you pray for us on a regular basis and we thank you for that as well.

Thanks for the encouragement and kind words. We plan to keep posting Mile Markers to help you keep track of our progress as we move across the country preaching the gospel. Make sure to leave us a comment .... We love to hear from you!

Davy, Kelly Jo and Odie