Friday, November 12, 2010

Granite Rock Pile!

There is a very interesting place along I-10 between Tucson and the New Mexico state line. As you are traveling along the landscape is mostly desert looking with scrub bushes, sand, cactus and small rocks. Suddenly everything changes. The landscape becomes filled with all sizes of boulders stacked up in all kinds of precarious positions. The change is abrupt and complete. It stays that way a few miles and then changes back to the way it was. It's like God dumped a pile of rocks, balanced a few huge ones impossibly on small ones and left it for us to admire and figure out. It is fascinating and beautiful!

There is a rest area in the middle of this stretch called Texas Canyon. That's where most of these pictures were taken. The rest of the pictures were taken out the windshield a little farther east on I-10 as the sun was going down behind us. It was a gorgeous evening.

We drove hard today (Thursday) after a long stop this morning for an oil change. We are parked at a Flying J for some sleep. I'll post this first thing Friday morning.

God bless,