Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another Miracle Baby!

The first part of March I posted about the miracle baby in Richton, Mississippi. We are still praising God for giving Bro. and Sis. Brewer the miracle of little Logan. You can read about it and see pictures HERE

We heard then that God had also given Bro. Paul and Sis. Tracy Sheffield a miracle baby in Ellisville, Mississippi. Now I have seen him with my eyes and held the miracle in my hands. He is a beautiful baby. You can see Caleb for yourself along with his mom and dad. 

(More pictures below)

I remember clearly the night last year that Bro. Paul grabbed hold of faith for a child and would not let go. It was March 26, 2010 on the last night of revival in Ellisville, Mississippi. 

God had challenged his heart to demonstrate his faith in God. Bro. Paul was the first one in the altar that night and one of the last ones to leave. Bro. Paul and Sis. Tracy wanted a baby so bad but every avenue was a dead end. 

Bro. Paul demonstrated his faith in God by going home and preparing a nursery for their baby. They finally decided to paint their nursery blue. With the nursery painted they settled in to wait on God. 

In September they received a call from another county about a newborn in need of a home. Two days later they brought Caleb home from the hospital and placed him in the nursery they had painted by faith. Caleb was seven days old and they have had him ever since. 

Isn't that awesome? They had faith in God for a miracle. They demonstrated their faith by preparing a nursery for their baby and God honored their faith with a miracle.

Here's an interesting side note. I don't know if you can tell from the pictures but little Caleb is a spitting image of Bro. Paul. Isn't that cool?

Bro. Paul and Sis. Tracy are only a step or two from having permanent custody of little Caleb. We are praying and believing that the rest of the process will be smooth and timely. 

Praise God for working miracles in the lives of those that trust him. If you have a great need in your life today dare to believe God for a miracle! Our God is able to do it if you put your trust in Him. Trust God to do what is best in your life. You may not understand Him or comprehend what He is doing but Trust Him!
