Sunday, April 3, 2011

Preparation For Tent Revival

Saturday was a busy day. We spent most of the day loading the trailer with the tent, chairs, platform and strapping it all in and getting everything ready to ride. Bro. Donald Griffith brought all the stuff from Haines City, Florida and was a great help getting it all loaded and secured.

Although our first Tent Revival isn't until June, we will be on a westward trajectory until then so the tent and trailer goes with us the rest of the spring. We are so excited about Tent Revivals. We have seven scheduled this summer and one more in the fall. It is exciting to think about the possibilities of all the things God will accomplish! Please continue to pray about these meetings.

We are starting revival for Bro. Parr in Ozark, Alabama and it's time for us to roll. God bless.
