Monday, May 16, 2011

A Miracle At Hale Mountain

We had a great week at Hale Mountain near Morrow, Arkansas. Pastor Ronnie Cooper and his church are very gracious people. We has a good time singing and preaching all week long. 

Monday night we had a good prayer line during the altar service and later we found out God had visited that night in a very special way. Bro. Cooper broke his back very severely when he was 21 years old. If I understand correctly, they fused three of his vertebra together in order to repair the break. 

Pastor Ronnie Cooper and Caleb

Bro. Cooper has had trouble with his back off and on ever since. The last three years He has suffered terribly. The doctors have prescribed more and more pain medicine and it has given him very little relief. He was taking 14 pills each day for pain as of Monday. 

The Hale Mountain congregation gathered around their pastor Monday night and prayed for him. The Lord touched Bro. Cooper and as of yesterday he had not needed one pain pill. From 14 pills each day to NO pain pills for six days! Praise God!

I do not know if Bro. Cooper is completely healed or not but we have been praising God for the relief he has felt. Folks, our God is still able to heal and help today! He is alive and able to hear and answer our petitions. 

I share these things from time to time to build your faith. If God works for others He will work for you! Have faith, friends, that God is mindful of you.

We moved today to Iron Post Holiness Church near Locust Grove and we are starting revival tonight. We are expecting great things from God!

God Bless,

Caleb and Sis. Cooper