Wow! We enjoyed a great first service of tent revival Sunday afternoon. It was hot but not intolerably hot. The Hilldale folks were ready to have church along with a few from other churches. We didn't have any from the community under the tent that I could see but I saw several listening in their yards or as they walked by. We are expecting the Lord to draw them into the altar before the week is out.
I know this is three posts in a row about tent revival but I am just a wee bit excited to be back under the tent. I felt the Lord so near as we sang, worshipped, prayed and preached. The congregation responded so well in the altars as the preachers prayed for each one that came. Please keep praying for us and the meeting. I'll try not to post every day all summer long about tent revival but I am not making any promises.
God bless,
Bro. Larry and Sis. Rosemary Landress came to help us kick off tent revival. If I remember correctly, Bro. Larry helped me put up my first tent in Wichita several years ago.
Bro. Kurt and Sis. Angie McCrorey were here to help as well.
Bro. Jimmy and Sis. Shauna Millikin blessed the service tremendously.
Sis. Conner took the rest of these pictures.