The man in the picture with me above is Bro. Joe. Bro Joe is a police officer who attends church here in Blair, Oklahoma. In fact he is the Chief of Police. Wednesday night after service he saved me from a great fall! Mom had pulled my power chair up behind me. Some how when I backed up to sit down in the chair my judgement was off. Meaning I was headed directly and quickly toward missing the chair and crashing on the carpet covered concrete floor.
Since I have very little balance once I start down there is no reversing the tide. Bro. Joe saw me going down and came to my rescue. He threw down what was in his hands, caught me and guided me in the right direction. Thanks to Bro. Joe I was saved much hurt and embarrassment!!!
When I was settled he told me "I am here protect and serve". I am so thankful for his service and protection!! His services even come in handy at church for the evangelist daughter.
I am gonna have get my rear view mirror working right so I can avoid another incident. LOL
Note: Scroll down to see posts you might have missed. Dad posted twice yesterday...