If you missed yesterday's post with me surfing near the Gulf of Mexico you can see that HERE.
Sis. Ruthie "Angel" Cauley is one of the best cooks in the nation so it is only fitting that the first picture in this Revival in Pictures post is a picture of her fabulous shrimp gumbo! Wow! It was so good. Sis. Cauley and all of these ladies have fed us so very good all week long. I will have a few extra pounds to sweat off when tent revival cranks up, that is for sure.

Sis. Ruthie "Angel" Cauley is one of the best cooks in the nation so it is only fitting that the first picture in this Revival in Pictures post is a picture of her fabulous shrimp gumbo! Wow! It was so good. Sis. Cauley and all of these ladies have fed us so very good all week long. I will have a few extra pounds to sweat off when tent revival cranks up, that is for sure.
We closed revival tonight at Forts Lake and it could not have been a much better ending. God sent conviction into the service and a man was gloriously saved tonight. It was wonderful to see a wife embracing her brand new husband and daughters hugging a brand new daddy. I tell you that church nearly came apart at that moment. Watching somebody get saved makes every mile driven, every dollar spent, every song and every sermon worth it all! Praise God for His help.
We had some visitors from other churches and we snapped a few pictures of some of them through the week. I sure appreciate them taking time to visit revival. It is always a blessing to have friends that think enough of us to come and see us. God bless you all.
Pastor Tim Cauley and all of his folks treated us like royalty. They really did spoil us and we loved every minute of it. Thank you all for taking us in and making over us like family. Thank you for receiving the preaching and responding in the altar. It was a great week.
It is very late (or maybe early Saturday by now) so I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story. Have a great weekend.