Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday 3/24/13 In Mobile, Alabama

We had a great first visit to Gospel Lighthouse in Mobile, Alabama. God blessed in both services and we are thankful for the lives that were touched. Bro. Groves has only been pastoring a few months but they seem to be doing great. They had 31 kids in children's church this morning. That is awesome.

We appreciate Bro. Mike and Sis. Rhonda and their folks for being so kind to us this weekend. It was so nice to be with them. May God bless them for their hospitality to our family.

Tomorrow we plan to park in a campground some where around Fairhope or Foley, Alabama. We have not made reservations so we sure hope something is available. The weather is turning much cooler the next several days but thankfully there is no snow in the forecast like there is at home. The weather is supposed to warm up in time for tent revival. Please pray with us that the weather is good.

I hope you all had a great Sunday. Enjoy the pictures from the Gospel Lighthouse.
