Friday, April 25, 2014

Thursday 4/24/14

Odie is still gaining ground in her vision every day. We are almost continually praising and blessing God for it. God is giving us victory in this fight and I can not begin to tell you how grateful we are. Odie wanted me to pass the word to everybody how much she appreciates all of the prayers, calls, texts, emails and comments. May God bless you for your kindness. It has all meant so much to her and to us.

We are still in limbo as to an appointment with the neurologist but we are content with that. We have decided to make plans to leave next week in time to begin tent revival in Oklahoma City May 4th. It feels good to have a plan. If the plan needs to be adjusted we are content to do that as well. We feel like God is in control and that is the safest place we know to be.

Several days ago we were asked to preach the last two nights of revival for Kelly Jo's brother, Danny Morgan. We were not sure we would still be around but once we decided to wait in Ohio another week we were glad to accept the invitation. Last night was our first night of our commitment there and we will finish tonight. I am sure we will have some pictures later.

We had a great response in the altar last night. There were some folks that had never been there before and God really touch them with His Word. I love seeing folks open their hearts to God during the preaching and then respond to Him in the altar service. Some lives are so messed up and mixed up but none are too far for God to reach them. God has grace for the greatest need. We saw that at work last night and that is worth the trip to church!

When I called our Pastor Wednesday evening to bring him up to date on Odie's condition and our schedule change, he invited me to preach Sunday. We will be there Sunday morning and we are looking forward to it. It is always great to be in home church.

I am spending my days working on small bus projects. I always have a list of things that need attention but rarely do I have time, tools and energy to address very many of them. I am trying to cross a few of those things off the list while we are in one place. There are times that is seems overwhelming but then I say to myself, "At least I am not pastoring a church."

Of course if we owned a home it would always be needing something. Plus, I have worked on every truck and fifth wheel we have every owned too. So I suppose it all equals out. Things where out and break and have to be repaired or replaced. It is part of the cycle of life.

Thanks for reading and thanks again for praying for Odie.
