Monday, February 2, 2015

Another Sunday at Cedar Creek.

Sunday was another great day at Cedar Creek Holy Church of God. We stayed over for both services and we are very glad that we did. God blessed us Sunday morning and Sunday night and we appreciate His presence and help. We feel blessed to have Pastor Darius and Sis. Kim Templeton in our lives as friends and it has been great to be with them and the Cedar Creek folks.

We plan to move to Red Creek Church of God near Buckatunna, Mississippi today. Pastor Tom Newberry called and offered an open door this week and we are very thankful for that. If all goes as planned we will there through Wednesday night. If you are in the area and would like to join us they are going to start at 7:00.

Here are few pictures from Sunday and a few from the Friday night Youth Rally too. I hope you had a great Sunday.


Friday night Youth Rally