Hey Friends,
This is Odie writing to you from the interstate. The BoggsMobile is headed toward Virginia. We have reached another weekend. I hope you had a smooth week. We greatly enjoyed our week at Trinity Pentecostal Church in Central City, Kentucky. We always have a blast with Bro. Alan and Sis. Tammy Harris. They are superb friends!
I want to thank you for your positive feedback from last Saturday's post. Your comments and texts are so appreciated. It is nice to know you are reading.
If you are in the Elkton, Virginia vicinity come see us this week at Bible Holiness Church. Homecoming is scheduled for 2:00 PM tomorrow afternoon. Then revival will follow Monday - Friday. We are anticipating a great week with Pastor Brent Gabbard and family.
Dad already mentioned we had a surprise visit this week from the Martin Family. They are always a huge blessing, and this week was no exception. It was so good to see them and to have them in service with us. They were a great blessing in the service and to us personally.
Monday night while getting ready for church I told Mom, "It would be awesome if the Martins would surprise us". I knew they were not super far away, in an evangelist's thinking. I also know that time off is a precious thing so I did not even suggest to them that they should stop by our revival. Well, while I was rolling into church Monday night the Martin Family pulled into the parking lot. I was shocked and excited to be with my friends.
These are friends to cherish forever. I remember admiring their family from a distance for several years. I am so very thankful the Lord brought us together as closer friends. God places people in our path for a reason. I am grateful He put us in contact with this amazing family. They are a godly example I can look up to.
They have suffered a hard blow in the last several months by losing Sis. Martin but God is helping them. They are a great example to me and many others in all of this.
Do we understand everything? NO WAY! Do we have to give up when we hit what feels like a brick wall? NO, we keep following God. His ways are higher than our ways. Are some days harder to face than others? The answer will always be, YES! Do we have to hide our troubles from others? NOT CONSTANTLY, God gives us friends to encourage us along the journey. There is life beyond the hard times!
Have a wonderful weekend. I pray the Lord blesses and strengthens everyone.
Below I am re-posting some pics of our fun times with the Martin Family this week. Check out all of our Central City, Kentucky pictures in Thursday's post.
Odie, Julie, Joy, and Jalisa
Odie and Jalisa
Julie, Odie, and Bro. James Martin
Odie and Julie

Odie, Kelly, Davy, Bro. James and Jordan

Odie and Joy

Jalisa and Odie