Tuesday, November 24, 2015

AmazonSmile - Boggs Family Ministries

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday approaching, Odie thought it would be a good time to remind you that you can get the same low Amazon prices and yet help Boggs Family Ministries a little bit with each purchase.

I mentioned back in January you can go to smile.amazon.com and choose Boggs Family Ministries as your designated charity. You will be given an opportunity to search for a charity and you can search Boggs, Boggs Family or Boggs Family Ministries and Boggs Family Ministries Inc, Waynesville, Ohio will come up in the list. Then select it.

Caution: There is also a Bogg Ministries in Miamisburg, Ohio but that is not us.

Once you designate Boggs Family Ministries, 0.5% of your smile.amazon.compurchases will be donated to Boggs Family Ministries. You will be ordering from the same companies, receiving the same prices and the same service but you will be helping support Boggs Family Ministries. 0.5% is not much on a single purchase but if a bunch of people choose Boggs Family Ministries for their designated charity and then do their normal Amazon purchases through smile.amazon.com, 0.5% would certainly add up after a while.

Afterward if you continue to shop through your regular Amazon link then the ministry will not receive the 0.5%. You must change your Amazon link and do your shopping through smile.amazon.com in order for it to work correctly.

Thank you,

Davy, Kelly and Odie
Boggs Family Ministries, Inc. 501c3