Happy New Year! We had a great service in West Harrison Thursday night and arrived home about 1:15 AM. I am finishing putting this post together before I go to bed just in case I sleep in a little.
If you normally check the blog early in the morning then you probably know that yesterday's post did not publish correctly. I did get it published later in the morning so HERE it is in case you missed it.
The close of 2015 marks our 13th consecutive year on the road, 15 1/2 years total years of evangelism and 19 1/2 years of full time ministry. It has been another great year to serve the Lord. What a privilege to be allowed to serve in the kingdom of God! Praise God for His mercy and grace.
It is also appropriate to say thank you to Pastors, churches and all of God's people that allow our family to sing and preach for you. It is an absolute honor to serve the people that God has placed in our lives. May God bless you for your kindness and hospitality to our family in 2015 and the years before.
i was going through pictures from 2015 and was planning to post a few random pictures to represent the year. I quickly realized I was going to have to break it down into a few different posts to prevent posting 250 pictures on one day.
I started with pictures taken since we have been home the last two weeks and then went back in time from there. I think this should take us back through September and I will post some more next week by God's grace.
Thanks for sharing 2015 with us and faithfully reading our blog.

If you normally check the blog early in the morning then you probably know that yesterday's post did not publish correctly. I did get it published later in the morning so HERE it is in case you missed it.
The close of 2015 marks our 13th consecutive year on the road, 15 1/2 years total years of evangelism and 19 1/2 years of full time ministry. It has been another great year to serve the Lord. What a privilege to be allowed to serve in the kingdom of God! Praise God for His mercy and grace.
It is also appropriate to say thank you to Pastors, churches and all of God's people that allow our family to sing and preach for you. It is an absolute honor to serve the people that God has placed in our lives. May God bless you for your kindness and hospitality to our family in 2015 and the years before.
i was going through pictures from 2015 and was planning to post a few random pictures to represent the year. I quickly realized I was going to have to break it down into a few different posts to prevent posting 250 pictures on one day.
I started with pictures taken since we have been home the last two weeks and then went back in time from there. I think this should take us back through September and I will post some more next week by God's grace.
Thanks for sharing 2015 with us and faithfully reading our blog.