Hey Friends, it is Odie. PFYC 2017 was awesome! It just wrapped up Friday night. I can not explain how wonderful the services were this weekend. I received help from the Lord in every service.
I am so glad I was able to attend this PFYC. I appreciate Pastor Lester Carpenter giving me permission to come even though revival was extended and I also appreciate my parents for covering for me.
Thanks as well to my cousins Jacqueline Coffman and Katie Smith for allowing me to tag along to PFYC. I hitched a ride as they were coming through London with them and it was super nice of them to accommodate me. We had a blast spending time together.
It was wonderful seeing so many friends! The services and preaching at PFYC are always very good but the fellowship is also a great part of the meeting. It is awesome to have so many conservative Pentecostal people in one place at one time.
Mark your calendars now for PFYC 2018, April 5th and 6th. Find more PFYC information here.
Below is a quick run down of the services and the pictures I snapped this year. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
Thanks for reading!!
Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference 2017
Thursday March 30th
Sold Out To Your Home Church
Bro. David and Sis. Ruth Brimm
Psalms 12:1
Vanishing Of The Faithful
-The DNA Of The Faithful
-The Disappearing Of The Faithful
-The Discovery Of The Faithful
Sold Out To Your Youth Group
Bro. Jeremy Spurlock
Daniel 1:6-8
7 Ways To Sell Out To Your Youth Group
-Find Your Purpose
-Be Pure
-Be Punctual
-Be A Participator
-Promote Unity
-Be A Prayer Warrior
Sold Out To Ministry
Bro. Ryan Ralston
Genesis 24
Sold Out To Ministry
-Raise up Godly Generation
-Have a Godly Character
- Being a Giving, Serving Generation
Thursday 7:00 PM
Bro. Trey Holden
Judges 13:1-5, 24-25
Satisfied With Second Hand
Evening Service
Bro. Phillip Webb
Genesis 25:26-34
Not For Sale
Rocky Top Sports Center Fellowship
Friday March 31st
Sold Out To Giving
Bro. Israel Sanders
Luke 6:38
Luke 7:37
You Can Be Sold Out To Giving
-By Giving With Humility
-By Giving When It Hurts
-By Giving Of Yourself
Holy Ghost took over from there while the choir from Vanceburg, Kentucky sang. Bro. Andrew Aster was was supposed to preach on Sold Out To God's Will For My Future. Also Bro. Shad McDonald was scheduled to Preach Sold Out And Sanctified.
Friday 7:00 PM
Bro Enoch Snow
Luke 4:1-2, 13-14
Do You Still Got It
Evening service was a powerful Move of God.