Saturday, September 30, 2017

Praising God For The Pain

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in today on this final day of September. It has been a great week in Wilmer, Alabama. We love being with Pastor Donnie Williamson and our friends at Tanner Williams Holiness Church. We are looking forward to a great Homecoming service and fabulous meal tomorrow. You are invited to join us, the service begins at 10:30 in the morning. 

I have enjoyed getting to spend time this week with Mom during the day. We always have a fun time when shopping and having Chick-fil-A is involved is a bonus. The Mobile, Alabama area is one of our favorite areas for retail therapy. I am happy to say I got a start on my Christmas shopping this week. 

Most of you know I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy (CP) about 30 years ago. My brain does not function properly. My muscles in my legs get the wrong message. The muscles are constantly tight. A normal brain is supposed to tell muscles to loosen and tighten so they can function properly .

My brain causes my legs to not work correctly. The tightness of my muscles caused both of my legs to work as a unit. For years I had to work hard to get my shoes on and I lived in nearly constant pain. 

On November 2, 2006, after an amazing prayer meeting my life drastically changed for the better. God miraculously touched me. From that night until now I can think about it and relax my leg muscles. My pain level dropped 80-90% because my muscles can be relaxed. I did not receive my full healing, but what I received is still a miracle!

Last week I had a very unusual bad day of excruciating pain. Every single movement was hard work and painful. It was a reminder of how my "normal" used to be. I went to bed that night asking God for relief.  

I was also thanking God for all my good days. Honestly it had been months since I had such a bad day!  During the night I realized my pain was gone. My prayer for relief was answered. God is so good!!

I wanted to cry because of the pain. Now I cry because the pain reminded me to be thankful! Yes, thankful that I have not lived in constant pain since November 2, 2006!  

Even though I am still waiting for my complete healing, I am praising God for every single pain free moment I have. 

My entire life is a gift from God. CP is something that God gives me grace to overcome every day. I have been blessed with a fabulous life and parents that encourage me to not focus on my obstacles but to live life to the fullest.  

Things could be a lot different for me. Today I wanted to testify of God’s goodness. I praise the Lord for blessings in the good days and not so good days. 

Thanks for visiting with us here. It is a privilege to have you in our corner of this world. Have a good weekend.
