Saturday, October 28, 2017

Pray for Mamaw, Martha Boggs

Hey Friends,

Happy Saturday! This is Odie checking in from beautiful Castle Rock, Colorado. Colorado is absolutely gorgeous! I remember the beauty from our first time in Colorado, when I was 6 years old. I have come to appreciate the beauty more each time we visit. 

This is our second trip to the church in Castle Rock and it is great to be back. I am excited about what God has done and is going to do for The McCoy Family and Liberty Holiness Church.

Sis. Tara McCoy is actually our cousin. Sis. Tara and Bro. James were both raised in Ohio. In fact, Sis. Tara went to church less than a mile from where my Dad was raised. It is very nice to be with family.

Speaking of family, I have a special prayer request. My Mamaw, Martha Boggs, is scheduled to go in Monday for a heart procedure. We are thankful God has helped her a lot this year. She has been having issues with her heart for awhile. They installed a pacemaker in August and she has recuperated well. 

Now Mamaw will have part two of fixing her heart. I do not understand all the details, but I know it is supposed to help the rhythm of her heart. We are praying and believing that everything will go smoothly and she will be as good as new. 

Please join us in prayer! I appreciate your prayers and I know Mamaw will too. God is so good and I thank Him in advance for His help!

Thank you for stopping by today. We definitely appreciate you taking time to visit us. May God bless you greatly this weekend. 
