As I mentioned yesterday, we are having a wonderful time of revival with our friends at Cedar Creek this week. Pastor Templeton and all of his folks have been so good to us and we are loving our time with them during revival. Plus we have had other friends visiting every night during the week. That has been great too.
Revival closed last night and there will be no revival Friday. By God's grace, we will leave this morning and drive the BoggsMobile to Ellisville, Mississippi.
Edit: No Ellisville, Mississippi yet today. Whatever has been the intermittent problem with the BoggsMobile, is no longer intermittent. The bus did not, would not and still has not started this morning as of 10:30 AM. We tried to crank about 7:00 and have been working on it since then. It turns over fine, but no joy.
It is a good thing our JOY is not based on engines that run. Some of the best minds I know are working on it and Bro. Nicholson from Richton is going to try to come see about it later today. For now, we wait and pray.
We are thankful for several specific things concerning this today.
-We are in a safe place and not on the side of the road or blocking a lane on a country road between here and Ellisville.
-We have knowledgeable and skillful friends that are willing to guide us and help us all they can.
-We have a home full of love and grace and we are not falling apart, throwing accusations or devouring one another. It is downright peaceful in here.
-The more I list the things we have to be thankful for, the more thankful I become. Praise God for Jesus
Edit: No Ellisville, Mississippi yet today. Whatever has been the intermittent problem with the BoggsMobile, is no longer intermittent. The bus did not, would not and still has not started this morning as of 10:30 AM. We tried to crank about 7:00 and have been working on it since then. It turns over fine, but no joy.
It is a good thing our JOY is not based on engines that run. Some of the best minds I know are working on it and Bro. Nicholson from Richton is going to try to come see about it later today. For now, we wait and pray.
We are thankful for several specific things concerning this today.
-We are in a safe place and not on the side of the road or blocking a lane on a country road between here and Ellisville.
-We have knowledgeable and skillful friends that are willing to guide us and help us all they can.
-We have a home full of love and grace and we are not falling apart, throwing accusations or devouring one another. It is downright peaceful in here.
-The more I list the things we have to be thankful for, the more thankful I become. Praise God for Jesus
Odie has captured several pictures of the Cedar Creek folks and pictures of the visitors too. Since this is a Revival In Pictures post, let us get to the pictures.
Thank you for dropping in today.