There will be no phone service for us the rest of the week, but I have scheduled a post to go up Tuesday and Wednesday. After that, we will see how it shakes out.
Wow! This weekend post sure seems like a long one even though the weekend was normal sized. It has lots of pictures, enjoy!
Wow! This weekend post sure seems like a long one even though the weekend was normal sized. It has lots of pictures, enjoy!
The weekend started early Friday morning with an hour or so in the trailer, preparing for inserting the tent and generally straightening things up. There was much more work that had to wait until Sunday morning, but every little bit helps. It was nice and cool in there early.
Later in the day, I brought two of our Meyer UPJ speakers inside the bus to do a little diagnosing. One of them stopped producing sound the other night. Ben Isaacs wanted me to swap the heat sink from the good one over to the bad one to see if that particular part was the problem.
Once we had the heat sink switch over, we took the UPJ back to the trailer, hooked it to the sound system and it made beautiful music like it was designed to do it. Yay! Meyer is shipping a new heat sink to us and it is covered under warranty. It should be waiting for us in Illinois when we get there. A special thanks to Ben for always being so gracious to help me!
Friday was another hot day, but it was not too bad in the evening under the tent unless you were jumping up and down singing and preaching.😀 Then it was kind of hot. There was a great crowd Friday night and the Lord touched us again. Odie captured a few pictures from the evening.
Saturday was laundry day for the girls. They were up and gone early and I spent the morning trying to be ready to preach Saturday night under the tent.
While they were in town, Kelly Jo stopped by Jake's Ribs and purchased a few pounds of meat for our lunch. We had a very nice anniversary dinner in the bus while looking out the window at the Blue and White Gospel Tent. Yeah, I know, we are helpless romantics.😉
Wow! That was good! KJ bought enough that we had plenty of leftovers for Sunday! What a gal!
Saturday was pretty warm, but not overwhelmingly so.
Both Saturday night and Sunday morning were excellent services and we left Amber praising God for His help all week long. It was great to have more friends to join us.
Sunday morning started early for me. Since we were having service at 10:00 and taking the tent down afterward, all the normal tent service stuff had to be done, like carrying out the sound system and getting it ready to go. Plus, the tent trailer had to be prepared to receive the tent and several tools, tubs, tarps, bags and the ladder has to be removed. All of that was finished by 6:45.
Then I took the lights and banners down in the tent and I filled the water tank on the bus and unhooked and rolled up the hoses. Kelly Jo came out to do some work with the sound system cords and at 8:00 we cranked the bus, unhooked the electric, rolled up the cords and turned the bus around to make it easier to pull out in the afternoon.
Soon it was time for the final service.
Partly because of all our preparation and partly because the Amber folks worked really hard, the tent was down and everything was packed away, the tent trailer was loaded, the car was in the trailer, the bus was loaded, the bus was moved, the tent trailer was moved, the bus and trailer were hooked up and we were ready to roll about 90 minutes after church was finished.

There will be more pictures of the takedown at a later date.
We visited a bit and said our goodbyes and we were still on the road early. It was incredible how good the church folks worked. That was a good thing because we had some stops to make along the way and it was great to get an early start.
We visited a bit and said our goodbyes and we were still on the road early. It was incredible how good the church folks worked. That was a good thing because we had some stops to make along the way and it was great to get an early start.
The first stop was in Sapulpa about 2.5 hours away. I purchased a used lawn mower from Pastor Jimmy Millikin when we were in Claremore in May and today was the day to pick it up. He was going to be gone, so he took it to Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe and he met us a mile or so from his place.

It was super great to see Bro. Jimmie, but we needed to get back on the road. We stopped at Flying J on the northeast side of Tulsa to do the work for the evangelist and then we were back at it.
We stopped for the final time of the day at the welcome center in Missouri near Joplin. It was 7:00 when we landed there and we had driven 250 miles. It was time to stop after a long day.
We have about 355 miles to drive to today and most of those miles are hilly and curvy on non-interstate road. It will be slow going dragging the trailer behind, but at least most of the road is four lane.
We better get to it. Thank you for reading today.