Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Follow Up On Mission Food

We had a wonderful service in revival last night. Hallelujah! We purposely turned off the picture during the altar service so that people would have privacy to respond in the altar. We left the audio rolling.

A Follow Up On Mission Food
Two weeks ago today was our 50th night of online revival. For the previous few weeks, people participating in revival by watching or listening had been asking how they could help us financially while we were restricted from our normal work of preaching revivals in churches. Several individuals and churches have helped us and we certainly appreciate it. But I thought it would be a neat thing to direct help to some needs we knew about on foreign mission fields or to inspire people to look around and find others in need of help.

This is the way I described the effort that week on Mile Markers.

Since it was our 50th night, we decided to try something special. We decided to try and help some people that are physically hungry in four different parts of the world.

I sure this same story could be told from all over the world, but there have been four specific areas that have been on my heart, where the coronavirus lockdown is causing people to struggle to have enough to eat. The common economic model in the world is people living from day to day. They work, earn a little money and purchase food for their families. That is impossible to do if you have to stay home. They do not have a week's worth of food stockpiled and it is impossible for them to do that.

Bro. Larry Landress has been sending money regularly to his people in southern Mexico that need food desperately. Most of the churches are in mountainous areas and they have to travel to buy food staples. They are forbidden to travel, but one of Bro. Larry's men has been purchasing the food and distributing it the best he can. There is a great need there. They do not have a Wal-mart or Kroger's down the road.

My dear friend, Bro. Shobanke in Nigeria has been locked down for nearly five weeks. He has received some help and he has shared it with his pastors and his church people. There are many of them going hungry and there is a great need there as well. My heart breaks for my people in Nigeria.

Bro. and Sis. Petit are in the Philippines and have been locked down for nearly two months. Their Pastors and the congregations are struggling to eat as well. The Petit's are trying to help as much as they can, but more money would be a great help.

Bro. Alan Sumner is in Honduras trying to keep the family ministry there afloat during Martial Law. He is feeding the church folks and planning to feed at least 300 more families too. He has a great work to do and he is doing his best to do it.

I ask the viewers and listeners last night to help these mission efforts OR find someone nearby that needs help and help them. There may be someone right on your street that needs food or diapers for their baby. You may not have abundance, but if we wait for abundance to give, we may be waiting a long time.

You can read the whole post and have access to the direct contact information for the missionaries on that first post.

We have no way of knowing how much was sent directly to the mission efforts. I hope it was a bunch. We do know the amount sent to us coupled with our offering was $2160. This was divided to each of the mission efforts in the specific amounts that were given through Boggs Family Ministries, but each one received at least $400.

We distributed those funds that very week to the three missionaries with addresses in the USA. Getting the money to Nigeria was a little more tricky. Mailing money and wiring money there through conventional means has never been reliable due to fraud and negligence. Bro. Shobanke had told me of a way to wire it directly to a special account at his bank. I was very hesitant to try it, but it worked.

We paid the transfer fees out of our own funds and they received the money safe and sound. We sent the money for food and money we had set aside for the school and it all arrived! Hallelujah!

Bro. Shobanke sent people that were allowed to leave their homes to different parts of the city to purchase beans, rice, onions and other food. The prices have skyrocketed and the food is very expensive. Others from the USA had sent money and they purchased $1500 worth of food.

They packaged all of the food in the main church in Abeokuta and on a certain day last week they distributed food to 300 people within their churches. When Bro. Shobanke called me that day with the news, he was so happy. That put a big smile on my face and a big praise on my lips!

He had someone send me a few pictures and they make me smile with tears running down my face! He has more pictures and videos that he will try to have sent to me later.

Thank you for joining us for a few minutes today. May God bless you all.
