Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A Short Mission Report

A Short Mission Report
On the 50th night of our online revival, I suggested we do something together to commemorate 50 nights of revival.

I suggested we try to help four ministries that were struggling to feed their church members and others during the pandemic shutdown. I named three missionaries that had been actively watching or listening to the revival and that I knew could use some assistance, plus Bro. Shobanke and his people in Nigeria.

I also wrote about it on here and listed their contact information. I will post that information at the bottom of this post. 

I have no idea how much finance was sent directly to the missionaries, but we had some money sent to us that we forwarded along with our own offerings for them. We sent $2160 in total the next week, divided and distributed exactly as we were asked to do. I posted a follow up here.

Since then we have had more finance come into our hands for each of these missionaries to help to feed people. We sent every penny of it to each of the missionaries as designated. Three of them received $550 each and we were able to send $1000 for food to Bro. Shobanke and the saints in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.

That is $4810 we were able to forward to mission efforts to feed people in foreign nations. I only mentioned it that one time during our 50th online revival service and posted about it here. $4810! Hallelujah!

Thank you for helping us feed people that were hungry because their economies were shut down and they were not able to work. It is still bad in some countries and I am not sure we have seen the end of the economic effects here, but we are praising God for His provision.

May God bless you for blessing others. I suspect that some gave in spite of their own lack in some areas and I know that God is witness to it. While many of us were out of work in our conventional work, we were able to join together to help others with nearly $5000 for food. Praise God!

Bro. Shobanke had someone send pictures to me of the food distribution last week from the $1000 we were able to send recently. I love these pictures and I praise God for every dollar you helped us to send.

I have a feeling that some of you will like these pictures as much as I do.

They purchased staples including rice, beans, flour and more in large sacks to be as prudent as possible in spending the money. However, some of these large sacks have doubled in price since the pandemic began.

We are praising God for His help and we are thankful to you for your help. 

Thank you for joining us today.


This is the information I posted several weeks ago.

-Help Bro. Larry Landress feed saints in Mexico

Make check payable to Holiness In Mexico, Food in the memo
Send to: Holiness In Mexico P.O. 717
Pauls Valley, OK 73075

-Help Bro. Shobanke feed saints in Nigeria, West Africa

Make checks payable to Boggs Family Ministries, Africa in the memo
Send to: Boggs Family Ministries P.O. Box 28 Waynesville, OH 45068
Make checks payable to Rev. Michael Petit, Philippine Food in the memo
-Help Bro. and Sis. Petit feed saints in The Philippines Send to: Michael Petit C/O Monica Manning 117 Wallace Dr.
Monroeville, PA 15146
-Help Bro. Alan Sumner and the Sumner family feed the saints and others in Honduras
Make checks payable to Christ Cares World Ministries Food in the memo
Send to:
Christ Cares World Ministries P.O. Box 307 Dewey, OK 74029