Thursday, August 6, 2020

Great Week So Far!

I hope you are having a great week. Wow! The days are flying by. It is Thursday already! Tomorrow I will try to post Revival In Pictures from the whole week.

I took this picture Tuesday night a couple of hours after church. I never get tired of seeing pictures of our tent at night, even this small then. I think the white shows up great with the lights inside.

Wednesday was another great night of revival under the tent and in the church parking lot! Praise God for His help each and every service. I had no idea how a Tent/Cruise-In Revival would be accepted and attended, but it is going very well.

We only have two more nights of scheduled revival and we are looking forward to seeing what God is going to do. Last night was tremendous toward the end and He was helping us all. Thank God that He will strengthen us when we are weak!

Here are the videos the last two nights.

It has been wonderful having a great band to support our music this week. Bro. Michael Alexander has been playing bass and Bro. Carmin Dottry has been playing drums. They have both made it every night so far. They are incredible musicians and we love having them along.

They have also been carrying the lion's share of the work after church. They have jumped in with others and took care of almost everything that needs to be done. Thank God for them. Thank you, brothers. I also appreciate Bro. Bennie for allowing me to have them all week.

Thank you for stopping by today. See you later tonight at revival!
