Thursday, October 22, 2020

God Has Been Faithful!

Well, we are making progress it seems. Sunday we completed our fifth scheduled revival meeting in a row and by God's grace we will soon begin our sixth in a row. In normal times, that would not be strange at all. Normal times? What is that?😁

Although we occasionally have a cancelation because of a death in a church or a mechanical breakdown or some other reason, we have preached many years without any cancelations at all. Some years we have left home in January and everything went as smooth as butter all year long.

The butter this year was a bit rancid. We left about the first of January, 2020 and it has been quite a ride since day one. Wow! What a year!

I developed a fever while preaching on December 31 and I was sick all of January and several days into February. I suppose it was too early for COVID to be in the USA at that time, but we were all very sick.

Of course, in our pandemic enlightened time, we would now hibernate a few weeks rather than preach every night, but we did not know any better then. As far as we know, we did not leave any sick folks in our wake, so it probably was not anything from China.

KJo and I had two weeks of vacation planned beginning in March and then three weeks of mission preaching. Before the vacation was over, the world was turned upside down and we were blessed to be able to get a flight back to the states and get home to Odie.

Two days after we arrived back at the Lazy OD Ranch, we began online revival. All of the spring and most of the summer, we alternated between online revival and in person revivals. Mixed in with revivals were COVID outbreaks, COVID exposures, bad weather and bus troubles. It was pretty fun!

The first time we had two weeks of in person revivals in a row, was the last two weeks of September. Between March 1st and mid September were many strange weeks. You experienced the strange times too. However, God was faithful each and every step of the way.

It is absolutely amazing how God kept us encouraged, guided our steps, held our hands, soothed our hearts, consoled our minds, hushed our fears and settled the uneasiness in our lives. God has been faithful!

You have probably been confronted with situations you have never faced before over the last 8 months. Look closely at each week and each month this year. God has been faithful to you and your family too.

That is how we made it. That is how you made it. 

That is how we are going to survive the hard times that are yet to come. Trust me, we are going to have a few more bumps in the road. Trust God, He will be with us through every high spot and every low spot.

Thank you very much for stopping in to visit Mile Markers today. If you need some rest, take a few moments to listen to KJo play "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen."
