Monday, November 30, 2020

What's Up Weekend? 11/30/2020

Wow! This is the last day of November 2020. For a year that seems to be dragging on forever, it sure seems to be flying by! Only 31 more days until we roll the calendar.

Our weekend started Saturday morning as we finished the trip to Souls Harbor Church in Colorado Springs. It was only 74 miles on a good two lane road so we were only moving for one hour and 40 minutes. We are always very thankful to arrive safe and without trouble.

KJo took this picture of Pike's Peak as we were coming into town.

I did some repair work, putting new ends on some of my 50 amp RV cords.

We took this picture Friday in Limon of another Green Machine. The guy driving it stopped and took a picture of our Green Machine by the bus. So Funny!

Friday night

Once we were parked and settled at Souls Harbor, we unloaded sound equipment and got set up.

They have moved their services to their gym to give people more room to spread out if they wish.

We had a wonderful service Sunday morning followed by a dinner. There were lots of visitors in attendance with many of them working in the trucking industry. They were honoring truckers for keeping America moving. It was very nice.

Sunday night was great too! Praise God for His help!

We plan to be in revival here all week at 7:00 PM each night. Pack up and come see us IF you can. We would love to have you!

Thank you for joining us today.
