Tuesday, August 10, 2021

186 Days

A couple of weeks ago Odie climbed on the bus along with my parents and we took a day trip to Plain City, Ohio to eat at Der Dutchman. We were only gone five hours and Odie was safely tucked into her Beach Cottage long before bedtime. You can read about that trip HERE.

Odie sat on the couch with Mamaw during that trip.

Odie's normal riding position is in her bunk, not the couch. But when she is not on the bus, we use the bunk for storage. Her lovely Mother cleaned the storage area on Saturday so that Odie could sleep in her bunk Saturday night at Highway of Holiness in Hamilton.

Here is Odie in her natural habitat!

We have been driving the bus every little chance we get so that we can be as sure as possible that it is in good running order. Even though Highway Church is less than 50 miles round trip, they have an easy place to park. We decided to exercise the bus Saturday evening and save us a little driving Sunday.

If Odie was going to be with us Sunday, she had to go on the bus with us Saturday and sleep overnight in her bunk. It had been 186 nights since she slept in her bunk. 186 nights! Wow!

It is great to have you back on board, Odie, even if it was for one night.

Thank you for dropping in today.
