Monday, February 28, 2022

The Weekend Dispatch 2/28/22

Ellisville, Mississippi is obviously west of Citronelle, Alabama, but Thursday morning, we got up, jumped in the Jeep and headed northeast instead. We were scheduled to meet some family in Thomasville, Alabama for catfish and fellowship.

We had a great lunch with my brother, Steve and his daughter Deidre, her husband Ben and their son Charles Ray. As you can see, there were lots of smiles all around.

After lunch, we drove a few miles to Ben and Deidre's house and met Chloe Jean for the first time. This may have been our first time meeting Chloe, but we have been praying for her quite regularly. Odie told you about that Saturday and asked you to pray with us.

After that, we drove back to Cedar Creek Church intending to crank the bus and drive. However, the spirit of slumber overcame me and I asked Pastor Templeton for permission to stay overnight and leave Friday morning.

Tacos must have been involved at some point, because I have a picture.😍

Friday we cranked the bus, unhooked the utilities, hooked up the Jeep, drove 93 miles to Ellisville and reversed all of the above. That short sentence and doing the work of the evangelist, covered my whole day.

Saturday, we carried in our sound equipment and set up. 

We did not film the soundcheck. We were dealing with a buzz in the system and our soundcheck lasted over four hours spread over three sessions including Sunday morning. We finally got it with the help of Pastor Andy Stringfellow.

Saturday afternoon, Pastor Kenny Morris picked us up and we drove an hour to eat at Berry's in Magee. Wow! It was so good!

Sunday was a beautiful day all the way through! It is so good to be back in Ellisville. We have missed these people so much. We have seen many of them in Richton in the fall of 2020 and the fall of 2021, but we are super glad to be here right amongst 'em!

Wow! It was an amazing Sunday! Praise God! We are planning to be here in revival all week long. Thank you for praying for us.

Thank you for reading today.
