Saturday, December 3, 2022

Burris Family Visit Odie

Hey Friends,

Welcome to another Saturday post with Odie. Thanks for the positive feedback I have received on the blog recently. Thank you to my faithful readers! You all are so kind! I appreciate you sticking with me!

I hope you are having a grand weekend. I am doing well. My weekend is scheduled full of activity. I look forward to sharing it all with you next week.

Last Saturday I  told you about the wedding of my dear friends, Emily and Nathan. Check it out here if you missed that post.

Today we are rewinding a couple weeks. I wanted to tell you about a fun Sunday. I was able to spend time with the Burris Crew. I had a fabulous afternoon with some of my favorite people!

Gunner Burris and I wanted to introduce his Virginia and California family to Alcapulco. We have been trying to figure out a way to accomplish it.

I also wanted to show several of the family my home. Many of them helped us behind the scenes during the building process. They were an incredible support team. I wanted them to see my beach cottage for themselves.

It worked out to where we combined a visit to Alcapulco and the beach cottage on the same day. After Sunday morning service, over 20 of us headed to Alcapulco. 

We were able to get right in and have wonderful fellowship and food. The food was spot on that day. I did not hear any complaints. That is amazing with a group that large. The star of the show was salsa! It was magnificent that day!

Dad even joined us for a few minutes via FaceTime. We had him pray over our food. It was hilarious because Grandma Cindy said, We need Davy here to pray for our food." Then he called right as the food arrived.

It was fantastic to also have Bro. Mike, Sis. Sharon Whitley and Hadley at lunch with us! They are always a bundle of fun!

Then it was time to visit my house. I did not get any of my own pictures. I was busy showing 17 people around. These were taken by Constance, Miriam and Laura. Thanks for letting me use your pictures.

This is Bobby, Odie and Constance.

This is the Rushing family and Odie.

I was happy to show them the highlights of my home. I was pleased that they loved everything! 

This is Odie and Laura Burris.

It was wonderful to visit with my friends for the afternoon! I had not been able to spend time with all these people together for a long time! This time together made my day!

Thanks to the Burris Family for making time for me! I love all of you so much! Thanks for adopting me into your family! I thank God for allowing us to connect!

I will close for now. May God bless you this weekend.