Friday, December 30, 2022

Revival In Pictures - Dayton, Ohio

This week brought us back into the swing of things, so today is Revival In Pictures, as it should be. We have had a wonderful time of revival a Dryden Rd and we are thankful for it. It is an amazing privilege and a heavy responsibility to preach in our home church. We take it very seriously. 

These folks have loved us through thick and thin and back to thick again. We love our Pastor and church family. If any church deserves our best, this church does. We have tried to give that and pray that God gives the increase!

We will be here through Saturday night, New Years Eve, so we have two more nights to go. Thank you for praying for us.

 Now, here is Revival In Pictures! I hope you enjoy.


Oops! I forgot to add my Acapulco pictures until mid morning Friday.